
Archive for May, 2008

Gotta hurry

My brother feels like cleaning, and who am I to stop him? lol. The only problem is, he wants to clean up my computer area. That includes my computer. He is so afraid of me when it comes to my computer. Ain’t I trained him proper? 😉

If you could, please find something to read on the post I did yesterday. Gee, wouldn’t ya know it? The computer is offline! Argghhh! We can fix it. It’s just one more pain. lol. Goodness, it took longer to fix the problem than it did to write this. Hmm. Have a great weekend.

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Michael Yon’s book, Moment of Truth in Iraq, has provided the first chapter as a download. (This prior link is for Amazon.com.) Here is the link (.pdf) for the first chapter: Be Not Afraid. This is an excellent book that will give you a true grasp of what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan and how we got there. Awesome.
Please check out this article over at Michelle Malkin’s: Mark your calendars: June 26 From the Front Lines web-a-thon.
Kenneth Timmerman:

Iranian Activist Faces Imminent Execution.
May 30, 2008

Dr. Forood Fouladvand, a self-styled monarchist who disappeared along with two associates on the Turkish border with Iran on Jan. 17, 2007, faces imminent execution by the Iranian authorities, Iranian exiles in London and former colleagues tell Newsmax. Click here for the full story.

Iranians Would Welcome Airstrikes, Sources Say.
May 20, 2008

As Barack Obama and John McCain thrash it out over how they would deal with Iran, voices from inside Iran are weighing in with an unusual message: If the United States strikes hard and fast, we will support you. Click here for the full story.

Iran Behind Beirut Takeover, Eyes Israel.
May 14, 2008

Senior Iranian officials were directly involved in planning and carrying out Hezbollah’s successful takeover of Beirut last week, and believe that their victory is the first step in a new war on Israel. Click here for the full story.

Kurdistan Minister – Rich Star, or Pawn?.
May 01, 2008

Like the larger-than-life hero of the classic F. Scott Fitzgerald novel of the roaring 20s, Iraqi Kurdistan’s mysterious Minister of Finance, Sarkis Aghajan, has star power.

He is reputed to be one of the richest men in Iraq. And yet, like the fictional Jay Gatsby, no one knows anything about the sources of his wealth, his early career, or his family origin. Click here for the full story.

Christians Want Police Protection in Iraq.
Apr 28, 2008

For Christians living in the ancient sprawling town of Tel Kaif, just 10 minutes north of Mosul, geography is a curse. “We are sandwiched between the Arabs in Mosul, and the Kurds in Erbil,” says William Warda, 47, who grew up in this city in the 1960s and ’70s. Click here for the full story.
Jerusalem Day June 2, 2008 – One Nation’s Capital throughout History.

One Nation’s Capital throughout History

Jerusalem and the Jewish people are so intertwined that telling the history of one is telling the history of the other. For more than 3,000 years, Jerusalem has played a central role in the history of the Jews, culturally, politically, and spiritually, a role first documented in the Scriptures. All through the 2,000 years of the diaspora, Jews have called Jerusalem their ancestral home. This sharply contrasts the relationship between Jerusalem and the new Islamists who artificially inflate Islam’s links to Jerusalem.

The Arab rulers who controlled Jerusalem through the 1950s and 1960s demonstrated no religious tolerance in a city that gave birth to two major Western religions. That changed after the Six-Day War in 1967, when Israel regained control of the whole city. Symbolically, one of Israel’s first steps was to officially recognize and respect all religious interests in Jerusalem. But the war for control of Jerusalem and its religious sites is not over.

Palestinian terrorism has targeted Jerusalem particularly in an attempt to regain control of the city from Israel. The result is that they have turned Jerusalem , literally the City of Peace , into a bloody battleground and have thus forfeited their claim to share in the city’s destiny.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”
Psalm 122:6

You may reproduce this article with attribution to “Myths and Facts.
Blogs4Borders Video Blogburst 05.26.08. The Future of Illegal Immigration News.
Freedom Folks. Fighting Illegal Immigration One Post at a Time.
Jobs Americans Won’t Do. 100% Preventable.

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ACT! for America.

Funding terrorism: Hezbollah uses its US websites to collect donations-shut them down! A MUST READ.
JammieWearingFool has blessed us with this most interesting post: Czech president: Environmentalism is the new communism.

Environmentalism, says Czech President Vaclav Klaus, is the new communism, a system of elite command-and-control that kills prosperity and should similarly be condemned to the ash heap of history.

I agree with him!
The Gathering of Eagles held an “Operation Recruiter Appreciation 2008”, and here is the after action report: ORA 2008 Reports Are Up!
I’m afraid Flight 93 blogburst got caught in the bulk section, and I want to give the news to you now. I won’t be able to give the whole blogburst (because this is long enough already!), so please go visit Plan your trip to the Flight 93 crash site for the weekend of August 2nd! to read this week’s article by Alec.
Next I have an article from John over at the Stop the ACLU. This is a great article, and you should really go over and voice your opinion. Boy Scouts Sue Philly to Stay in HQ.
John has just sent me another post, this one has to do with drilling for oil NOW. Sign Newt’s Petition to DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW!
Here’s one that I know most of you will agree with, and it will make your blood boil! Poll Shows Little Public Enthusiasm For Lieberman-Warner bill by Amy Ridenour at the National Center for Public Policy Research.
Do you want your mind blown? New Questions About Cost of Immigration, Legal and Illegal. Another article from Stephen is Statewide Judicial Recommendations From CRLA. This is for ALL Californians and if you have any relatives in California, PLEASE send them this link!
A very nice friend of mine was able to meet one of our favorite writers, Mark Steyn. He has some pictures and a very good post about Mark Steyn in Toronto.
Last but not least, I would like to add my last post. It is a collection of posts I was saving to work on like the others you see above. lol
Okay, that is quite enough! I am trying to clean out my inbox so I can have some room to think for myself, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You guys keep emailing your links and posts! (Don’t stop!) I just can’t win. lol.

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Posts I’ve trackbacked to at ‘The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns‘ OTA:

Su. The Amboy Times: Superior Carbon Neutral Humans Discovered.
W. Right Truth: You have one day to live … what do you do?

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Sunday Su. walls of the city: ... Su. Grandinite: ... Su. OneManBandwidth: ... Su. Stageleft: ... Su. InMuscatine: ... Monday M. Perri Nelson (M, W, F): ... Tuesday T. Planck’s Constant: ... Wednesday W. Stop the ACLU: ... W. third world county (W, F): ... Thursday Th. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: ... Friday F. Stix Blog: ... F. Pirate’s Cove (M, F): ... F. The World According To Carl: ... F. Woman Honor Thyself: ... S. Church and State: ... S. LyfLines: ... Daily D. The Yankee Sailor (M, F): ... D. The Dumb Ox Daily News: ... D. Conservative Cat: ... Weekend Wknd Oblogatory Anecdotes: ... Wknd Stuck on Stupid: ... Wknd. Blue Star Chronicles: ... Wknd. The Uncooperative Blogger: ...

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1. F. 123beta (F, Wknd): Video: Marcus Luttrell At the NRA Convention.
Marcus Luttrell, the former Navy SEAL and author of the best-selling book, “Lone Survivor” was in Louisville a few days ago to speak at the NRA convention. Here’s the video:Trackposted to Outside the…
2. Wolf Pangloss: Clay Aiken and Turkey Baster are gonna be a Dad Open Trackbacks.
Open Trackbacks! Suspicions confounded! The news about Clay Aiken impregnating the 50-year-old sister of music producer David Foster (with the sexually ambiguous name of Jaymes) is intriguing…
3. D. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: 2008 Atlantic Hurricane Season expected to be busy.
Once again, a stronger than normal tropical storm season is predicted for 2008. It would be very easy to dismiss these predictions due to the mild seasons we’ve seen in the past two years. This would be a very foolish thing to do…
4. Wolf Pangloss: Harvey Korman, R.I.P.
Godspeed to a very funny man, here in an old fashioned but still funny musical comedy sketch with Tim Conway from the Carol Burnett Show…
5. M. Faultline USA: Why Obama Can Never Leave His Church.
The question has been raised as to why TUCC invited Pfleger to incite more racism, which could only be an unwelcome development for Obama. Didn’t Obama’s “wonderful new” pastor have a clue as to what Pfleger might say? Of course he did! The answer to…
6. Wolf Pangloss: The Grasping Tentacles of Obama’s Church.
Faultline USA has an important article updating the story of what’s going on at Obama’s church, the Black Liberation Theology espousing Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. He found a video of a sermon that Otis P. Moss III, the new …
7. W. third world county (W, F): Skeptical Thought for the Weekend.
Who’d-a thunk it? Steeler Wheel as prophets of doom? …
8. D. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Alma gives birth to Arthur.
Tropical storm Alma crossed over Central America into the warm waters of the Caribbean and strengthened into tropical storm Arthur, the first named storm of the Atlantic season. As the graphic clearly shows, there is no threat to the US gulf coast…
9. W. Right Truth: Three wives, 19 children, tortured by Muslim man.
The 22 family members of Mansa Musa Muhummed, age 55 and whose given name is Richard Boddie, described being beaten; strung up by their feet in a dark basement room; and forced to eat vomit and feces. Welfare workers supposedly…
10. W. Maggie’s Notebook (W, Wknd): What Does Obama Think Christian Churches Do?
I’m just a bit jazzed by his many references to the “good works” of Trinity United Christian Church. So there are 8,000 members? Surely, they do “good works” in their local area. What are their outreaches? Palestine, maybe? I don’t know, but I th…
11. Adam’s Blog: Obama’s Political Choices.
Podcast Show Notes. Why Obama’s decision to leave his church smacks of politics. Why Hillary supporters are wrong to make a stink about the DNC decision to admit half of Florida and Michigan’s delegates. Is big ears the only thing keeping…
12. Cao’s Blog: Obama is a descendant of Arab Slave traders.
Mr. Obama is not legally African-American. It is impossible for him to be, in truth, America’s first African-American president. Federal law requires that to claim a minority status, you must be at least 1/8 of the descriptor, but for the sake o…
13. Conservative Cat: Shutting Out the Clarksville Foxes.
Yesterday the Clarksville Fox came to Holmgren Field to play the Chicago Force. As regular readers know, the Chicago Force is our local women’s tackle football team, and this year they are on track to make it into the playoffs…

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More on the FARC Documents.
More on the FARC Documents Come to Light. By Douglas Farah
Serial bomb blasts leave 60 dead in India.

Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed.

Published: May 22, 2008

IN his inaugural address, President John F. Kennedy expressed in two eloquent sentences, often invoked by Barack Obama, a policy that turned out to be one of his presidency’s — indeed one of the cold war’s — most consequential: “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Kennedy’s special assistant, called those sentences “the distinctive note” of the inaugural.

They have also been a distinctive note in Senator Obama’s campaign, and were made even more prominent last week when President Bush, in a speech to Israel’s Parliament, disparaged a willingness to negotiate with America’s adversaries as appeasement. Senator Obama defended his position by again enlisting Kennedy’s legacy: “If George Bush and John McCain have a problem with direct diplomacy led by the president of the United States, then they can explain why they have a problem with John F. Kennedy, because that’s what he did with Khrushchev.”

But Kennedy’s one presidential meeting with Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet premier, suggests that there are legitimate reasons to fear negotiating with one’s adversaries. Although Kennedy was keenly aware of some of the risks of such meetings — his Harvard thesis was titled “Appeasement at Munich” — he embarked on a summit meeting with Khrushchev in Vienna in June 1961, a move that would be recorded as one of the more self-destructive American actions of the cold war, and one that contributed to the most dangerous crisis of the nuclear age.

Senior American statesmen like George Kennan advised Kennedy not to rush into a high-level meeting, arguing that Khrushchev had engaged in anti-American propaganda and that the issues at hand could as well be addressed by lower-level diplomats. Kennedy’s own secretary of state, Dean Rusk, had argued much the same in a Foreign Affairs article the previous year: “Is it wise to gamble so heavily? Are not these two men who should be kept apart until others have found a sure meeting ground of accommodation between them?”

But Kennedy went ahead, and for two days he was pummeled by the Soviet leader. Despite his eloquence, Kennedy was no match as a sparring partner, and offered only token resistance as Khrushchev lectured him on the hypocrisy of American foreign policy, cautioned America against supporting “old, moribund, reactionary regimes” and asserted that the United States, which had valiantly risen against the British, now stood “against other peoples following its suit.” Khrushchev used the opportunity of a face-to-face meeting to warn Kennedy that his country could not be intimidated and that it was “very unwise” for the United States to surround the Soviet Union with military bases.

Kennedy’s aides convinced the press at the time that behind closed doors the president was performing well, but American diplomats in attendance, including the ambassador to the Soviet Union, later said they were shocked that Kennedy had taken so much abuse. Paul Nitze, the assistant secretary of defense, said the meeting was “just a disaster.” Khrushchev’s aide, after the first day, said the American president seemed “very inexperienced, even immature.” Khrushchev agreed, noting that the youthful Kennedy was “too intelligent and too weak.” The Soviet leader left Vienna elated — and with a very low opinion of the leader of the free world.

Kennedy’s assessment of his own performance was no less severe. Only a few minutes after parting with Khrushchev, Kennedy, a World War II veteran, told James Reston of The New York Times that the summit meeting had been the “roughest thing in my life.” Kennedy went on: “He just beat the hell out of me. I’ve got a terrible problem if he thinks I’m inexperienced and have no guts. Until we remove those ideas we won’t get anywhere with him.”

A little more than two months later, Khrushchev gave the go-ahead to begin erecting what would become the Berlin Wall. Kennedy had resigned himself to it, telling his aides in private that “a wall is a hell of a lot better than a war.” The following spring, Khrushchev made plans to “throw a hedgehog at Uncle Sam’s pants”: nuclear missiles in Cuba. And while there were many factors that led to the missile crisis, it is no exaggeration to say that the impression Khrushchev formed at Vienna — of Kennedy as ineffective — was among them.

If Barack Obama wants to follow in Kennedy’s footsteps, he should heed the lesson that Kennedy learned in his first year in office: sometimes there is good reason to fear to negotiate.

Nathan Thrall is a journalist. Jesse James Wilkins is a doctoral candidate in political science at Columbia.
Small Steps in Talks on Kashmir.

Published: May 22, 2008

India and Pakistan agreed to give consular access to each other’s prisoners and increase cross-border bus service in the disputed region of Kashmir during talks between the countries’ foreign ministers. The small concessions were considered a sign of progress between the nuclear powers. Shah Mehmood Qureshi, foreign minister of Pakistan, said talks were “very frank,” while India’s foreign minister, Pranab Mukherjee, said the two countries “have to cover a long distance.” The governments plan to meet again in July.
Bring On the Foreign Policy Debate.

May 19, 2008; Page A15.

President Bush’s speech to Israel’s Knesset, where he equated “negotiat[ing] with the terrorists and radicals” to “the false comfort of appeasement,” drew harsh criticism from Barack Obama and other Democratic leaders. They apparently thought the president was talking about them, and perhaps he was.

Wittingly or not, the president may well have created a defining moment in the 2008 campaign. And Mr. Obama stepped right into the vortex by saying he was willing to debate John McCain on national security “any time, any place.” Mr. McCain should accept that challenge today.

The Obama view of negotiations as the alpha and the omega of U.S. foreign policy highlights a fundamental conceptual divide between the major parties and their putative presidential nominees. This divide also opened in 2004, when John Kerry insisted that our foreign policy pass a “global test” to be considered legitimate.

At first glance, the idea of sitting down with adversaries seems hard to quarrel with. In our daily lives, we meet with competitors, opponents and unpleasant people all the time. Mr. Obama hopes to characterize the debate about international negotiations as one between his reasonableness and the hard-line attitude of a group of unilateralist GOP cowboys.

The real debate is radically different. On one side are those who believe that negotiations should be used to resolve international disputes 99% of the time. That is where I am, and where I think Mr. McCain is. On the other side are those like Mr. Obama, who apparently want to use negotiations 100% of the time. It is the 100%-ers who suffer from an obsession that is naïve and dangerous.

Negotiation is not a policy. It is a technique. Saying that one favors negotiation with, say, Iran, has no more intellectual content than saying one favors using a spoon. For what? Under what circumstances? With what objectives? On these specifics, Mr. Obama has been consistently sketchy.

Like all human activity, negotiation has costs and benefits. If only benefits were involved, then it would be hard to quarrel with the “what can we lose?” mantra one hears so often. In fact, the costs and potential downsides are real, and not to be ignored.

When the U.S. negotiates with “terrorists and radicals,” it gives them legitimacy, a precious and tangible political asset. Thus, even Mr. Obama criticized former President Jimmy Carter for his recent meetings with Hamas leaders. Meeting with leaders of state sponsors of terrorism such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Kim Jong Il is also a mistake. State sponsors use others as surrogates, but they are just as much terrorists as those who actually carry out the dastardly acts. Legitimacy and international acceptability are qualities terrorists crave, and should therefore not be conferred casually, if at all.

Moreover, negotiations – especially those “without precondition” as Mr. Obama has specifically advocated – consume time, another precious asset that terrorists and rogue leaders prize. Here, President Bush’s reference to Hitler was particularly apt: While the diplomats of European democracies played with their umbrellas, the Nazis were rearming and expanding their industrial power.

In today’s world of weapons of mass destruction, time is again a precious asset, one almost invariably on the side of the would-be proliferators. Time allows them to perfect the complex science and technology necessary to sustain nuclear weapons and missile programs, and provides far greater opportunity for concealing their activities from our ability to detect and, if necessary, destroy them.

Iran has conclusively proven how to use negotiations to this end. After five years of negotiations with the Europeans, with the Bush administration’s approbation throughout, the only result is that Iran is five years closer to having nuclear weapons. North Korea has also used the Six-Party Talks to gain time, testing its first nuclear weapon in 2006, all the while cloning its Yongbyon reactor in the Syrian desert.

Finally, negotiations entail opportunity costs, consuming scarce presidential time and attention. Those resources cannot be applied everywhere, and engaging in true discussions, as opposed to political charades, does divert time and attention from other priorities. No better example can be found than the Bush administration’s pursuit of the Annapolis Process between Arabs and Israelis, which has gone and will go nowhere. While Annapolis has been burning up U.S. time and effort, Lebanon has been burning, as Hezbollah strengthens its position there. This is an opportunity cost for the U.S., and a tragedy for the people of Lebanon.

President Bush is not running this November, no matter how hard Mr. Obama wishes it were so. Mr. McCain will have the chance to set out his own views on when and where diplomacy is appropriate, and where more fortitude is required. In any event, from the American voter’s perspective, this debate on the role of negotiations in foreign policy will be critically, perhaps mortally, important. Bring it on.

Mr. Bolton, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, is the author of “Surrender Is Not an Option: Defending America at the United Nations” (Simon & Schuster, 2007).

See all of today’s editorials and op-eds, plus video commentary, on Opinion Journal.

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Orwell Lives in Burma Today.

May 19, 2008


The ruling military junta here is trying hard to pretend it has the country under control in the wake of Cyclone Nargis. On Saturday, the regime flew foreign diplomats to neatly-configured aid camps. State-run radio is optimistic. The regime’s state newspaper, the New Light of Myanmar, ran articles last week claiming the national relief operation is officially over. Photographs showed soldiers loading or unloading neatly-packed trucks filled with sacks of rice. Generals are seen handing blankets to grateful survivors who kneel at their feet.

Welcome to the Orwellian world of life in Burma today, where the media portrays a reality unknown to most residents. The real story is far more horrifying.

On the ground here in an Irrawaddy Delta village called Kungyangon, near Rangoon, aid workers report that the muddy, washed-out road is lined with thousands of desperate people who have no place to live and no food to feed themselves. A businessman who just returned from the worst-hit south-western reaches of the Delta showed me film footage recorded in one village over ten days after the cyclone hit. Blank-faced survivors said they had not yet received aid of any kind. The camera captured bloated bodies floating in ponds and flooded paddy fields.

Meanwhile, the few international aid agencies already on the ground here, such as Save the Children and the World Food Programme, have been prevented by the authorities from accessing affected areas. Most foreign aid workers are confined to their offices in Rangoon, supported by small teams of local Burmese staff who have been granted travel permission to affected areas. Unable to travel down to the Delta — the road is now blocked by military checkpoints and foreigners who are caught are turned back — international disaster relief experts are holding secret meetings to train local Burmese volunteers in the basic of emergency response management. It’s hardly enough when the junta itself admitted Friday that 78,000 have died from the Cyclone. This number is likely to increase as disease and hunger kicks in.

The disconnect between what’s happening here and what the state media reports is nothing new. After the nationwide uprising of 1988, when an estimated 3,000 people were killed by government soldiers, the regime began a massive cover-up campaign, arresting dissidents and relocating neighborhoods that had been considered hotbeds of political opposition. After the demonstrations led by Buddhist monks in September last year, when soldiers killed a still unconfirmed number of peaceful protestors, the Burmese regime shut down Internet connections and limited the amount of outside assistance allowed into the country.

The generals are well-practiced in hiding the truth of events, distorting the news, and rewriting history in their own favor. When the international community erupts in protest, they hunker down and wait for the international attention to fade away.

Most Burmese seem resigned to this fate. This is the way the generals have always acted and always will act, they say — no matter what happens. They are occupied with rebuilding damaged homes, coping with rising food and fuel prices, and mobilizing whatever aid they can acquire to help people in the Delta.

Barring a split in the regime, it is difficult to think that any kind of immediate change or opening up can come from this. The generals are, after all, using tried and tested methods of self-protection and displaying a determination to hold on to power against all odds, and at any cost. The epic proportion of this disaster only makes their actions more unbelievable, and reprehensible.

Ms. Larkin is the pen name of an American writer based in Bangkok, Thailand. She is the author of “Finding George Orwell in Burma” (Penguin, 2005).

See all of today’s editorials and op-eds, plus video commentary, on Opinion Journal.

And add your comments to the Opinion Journal forum.
Father of Potential Euthanasia Victim Lauren Richardson Asks Gov for Help
by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
May 7, 2008

Source: LifeNews.com.

Dover, DE (LifeNews.com) — The family of Lauren Richardson continues to press her case and is now calling on the governor of Delaware for help to save her life. Richardson has become the next Terri Schiavo as her parents engage in a massive legal and philosophical debate about whether she should live or die.

Richardson is a 23-year-old woman who overdosed on heroin in August 2006 while she was three months pregnant with a baby girl.

Doctors kept Lauren on life support until she delivered her baby in February 2007. Shortly thereafter, her parents began a fight that is reminiscent of the battle over Terri’s life and death.

Edith Towers, Lauren’s mother, wants to remove her feeding tube and starve and dehydrate her to death in the same manner that Michael Schiavo subjected Terri.

On the other side is Randy Richardson, Lauren’s father, who is fighting to save her life and wants to be appointed as her guardian to ensure she receives appropriate medical care and treatment.

Richardson recently said the fight to save Lauren continues and that he is “totally committed to a path that includes rehabilitative treatment and therapy with the hope that Lauren can recover significantly from her disability.”

He hope that, one day, Lauren may be able to “participate in the raising of her daughter that she gave birth to while in her current condition.”

Randy Richardson says, “Lauren’s mother, after convincing one Delaware judge to declare that she should be Lauren’s guardian, remains resolute in her assertion that Lauren is vegetative and cannot recover.”

“Her mother has withheld authorization for any rehabilitative medical treatment and therapy for Lauren, and intends to have Lauren’s feeding tube halted” if his efforts to save her fail.

“We cannot understand her reasoning in refusing a path of hope, healing, and restoration for Lauren, and insisting on causing her death by withholding food and water from her,” he added.

“The issue in Lauren’s case is the eternal truth that all people, no matter what their medical condition, bear the image of God and deserve basic care and an opportunity to be restored to health,” he said.

Richardson’s family is calling on Delaware Gov. Ruth Ann Minner to intervene and save Lauren from an expected court order dictating her euthanasia death.

As in the Terri Schiavo case, physicians have been quick to label Lauren as having a persistent vegetative state — something Terri’s family called dehumanizing and medically inaccurate as patients have recovered from it.

Noted attorney and author Wesley Smith has written about Lauren’s case and he says he viewed a video Richardson’s father released and he says she seems reactive particularly when her father attempts to interact with her.

“Whether she is conscious or not is irrelevant to her equal moral worth as a human being,” Smith adds.

“The fight in this case is over whether she lives as a profoundly disabled woman or is made to die slowly over two weeks by dehydration–as Terri Schiavo did,” Smith explained. “If we did that to a dog, we would go to jail. Do it to a disabled woman who needs a feeding tube and it is called medical ethics.”

ACTION: Contact Delaware Gov. Ruth Ann Minner at governor.minner@state.de.us and ask her to help Randy Richardson save his daughter’s life.

Related web sites: Life for Lauren.
Iraqi troops seize IEDs in east Mansour

BAGHDAD (May 8, 2008) – Alert Iraqi army soldiers and Iraqi policemen prevented potential improvised explosive device attacks in the East Mansour District of Baghdad when they stopped a vehicle that was being used by criminal forces to transport IEDs in the area at about 1 p.m. May 7.

Soldiers from 3rd Battalion, 54th Brigade, 6th Iraqi army division, along with Jamia Iraqi policemen, conducted a traffic stop after noticing a suspicious individual driving down a road.

After stopping the vehicle, the alert soldiers and policemen discovered the deadly weapons in the vehicle. The forces fired at the man and wounded him.

Inside the vehicle, the forces seized three tanks of oxygen that were set up as IEDs.

An explosive ordnance detachment arrived on the scene and detonated the device.

“The Iraqi security forces continue to demonstrate their professionalism every day as the combat the terrorist forces,” said Col. Allen Batschelet, chief of staff, Multi-National Division – Baghdad and the 4th Infantry Division. “Their attention to detail prevented what could have been a deadly attack on the innocent people of Iraq.”

Source: CENTCOM.
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I do not know these people, so please move forward with caution. They appear to want to help people who have served our country to get readjusted back into the work force. They want to help match your skills with the jobs that are available. Here is the link: 100 Job Solutions and Resources for Former Military Personnel. They have several links that you can choose from for your specific skills. You should check it out, just be careful.

How did I find out about this? They must have either seen my support for the troops on my site, or maybe they got my name from DoD? Either way, I received an email with my name on it. Please, be careful! Have a nice day.

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Dear Kat is having time of it trying to collect 5000 cards to send to our troops. Okay, I may not be able to type, but I have her permission to use her email. You’ve helped us before to help the troops. Please help us to send a note of appreciation this 4th of July. They’ve earned it.

Good morning, everyone! Just wanted to drop you a note to update you on the status of our Operation Love From Home 2008 4th of July card drive for the troops. Sadly, we are still far, far short of our 5,000-card goal…we have in our possession slightly less than 1,500 cards. We’ve extended the deadline until JUNE 14, 2008. Please do all you can to help get the word out, and send in a card or two! Every single card/letter helps tremendously, and truly makes a very real difference! An empty P.O. Box means less 4th of July Thank You cards & letters going to our troops.

In other news, please check our our website (www.OperationLoveFromHome.org)! We’ve made some new additions as we fine-tune our site:

Send an “e-card” to the troops…fill out our online form with your message to the troops; we will insert your messages into a “Thank you!” card and ship them over!

Check our our “Quotes” and “More Quotes” links, to see what the soldiers – and others – have to say about the importance of receiving mail from home!

New blog entries on the front page.

New Pictures in Photo Album from last week’s card-signing memorial day service at my church, where we collected an additional 226 cards in one day! 😉

On Saturday, we are having our First Annual Bake Sale & Card Signing Extravaganza at American Legion Post 233 on Highway 78 in Loganville, Georgia. Feel free to come by if you are in the area! We’ll have a TON of super-delicious baked goods, cake walks every hour, face painting & a bounce house for the kids, hotdogs & chips, popcorn, cotton candy, “Support Our Troops” bracelets & car magnets for sale, bunches of military-related freebies (first come, first served!) and, of course, lots cards to sign for the troops!

Next week, I am excited to announce that I will be taping a brief interview with the morning show of a major Atlanta Christian radio station, 104.7 The Fish (www.TheFishAtlanta.com)! I am not sure yet when it will air, but will let you as soon as I know… you can listen online via their website. Keep your fingers crossed — this could be a HUGE help in terms of getting folks actively involved in supporting our troops!!! There will be a lot of activity in the coming months as we grow and expand our mission of sending our heroes “Love from home!”

Thanks everyone, for all you do for our soldiers. YOU ARE THE BEST!

Yes, you are the best helpers I’ve known. I do appreciate so very much everything you do for our troops. Have a nice day, and God bless you.

Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites:

Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: And we’re off to the races with ALMA.
Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Supporting the Susan G. Komen National Race for the Cure!
Leaning Straight Up: The blogosphere is “Dunkin'” common sense over a scarf.
Big Dog’s Weblog: Pelosi the Mediator is Loose with Facts.
The Amboy Times: Bible Verse Coin Offends Muslims.
A NEWT ONE: War News: The Troop Surge…News Hated By Liars and Anti-Americanists Alike.
Woman Honor Thyself: Robert De Niro and Nobu in Israel..uh Huh.
Right Voices: On Obama’s Circle Of Hate: “Funny how these longtime acquaintances of his keep “surprising” him with incendiary racial rhetoric”.
Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
F. 123beta (F, Wknd): Video: Marcus Luttrell At the NRA Convention.
Wolf Pangloss: Clay Aiken and Turkey Baster are gonna be a Dad Open Trackbacks.
D. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: 2008 Atlantic Hurricane Season expected to be busy.
Wolf Pangloss: Harvey Korman, R.I.P.
M. Faultline USA: Why Obama Can Never Leave His Church.
Wolf Pangloss: The Grasping Tentacles of Obama’s Church.
W. third world county (W, F): Skeptical Thought for the Weekend.
D. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Alma gives birth to Arthur.
W. Right Truth: Three wives, 19 children, tortured by Muslim man.
W. Maggie’s Notebook (W, Wknd): What Does Obama Think Christian Churches Do?
Adam’s Blog: Obama’s Political Choices.
Cao’s Blog: Obama is a descendant of Arab Slave traders.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Del.icio.us. Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. Right Truth: You have one day to live … what do you do?
This is a question asked often in Christian churches and Sunday School classes, “You find out you only have one day to live, how do you spend that day?” The obvious religiously-correct answer is, “I go visit all my friends…
2. The Amboy Times: Superior Carbon Neutral Humans Discovered.
Deep in the thickest forest of the Amazon region of Brazil, scientists have discovered a small commune that is completely carbon neutral.”It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen” said noted greenologist Dr Kermit Goretree. “They produce no ca…

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time out

i cannot type very well, because i now have something wrong with my right hand. if you could, would you please give my readers something really good to read? Debbie, how about that 8th chapter (unless you’ve already written the 9th chapter, of course). Angel, whatever you write is awesome. Carl, you too! 😉

i really appreciate it. i am fine. i just cannot use my right hand. this sucks! lol don’t worry. it will take more than a little paralysis to shut me up! 😉 thanks

ps. i appreciate all of you. if you do not find your name mentioned, it is only ’cause i am not writing anymore than i have to.

Update: I have some news for you. Some of it is good, some of it is a little bad. The good news first. I am NOT having another stroke! The bad news. I do have wrist-drop in my right hand. This means I am going to have to rest my hand which is hard for me to do since I LOVE blogging!!! lol. I know what I have to do, though, and I will attempt to do it. Thank you all for your concerns and prayers. You will never know how much they are appreciated. Hugs and kisses! Have a great day.

Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites:

Wolf Pangloss: It is not enough these days to “Question Authority,” you gotta speak with it too.
Wolf Pangloss: Fitna Remade and Others.
The Yankee Sailor: Thursday Open Post.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Del.icio.us. Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. Beagle Scout: Home-Schooler Action Alert: Stop DC Restrictive Legislation Against Home Education.
Calls are needed immediately to stop what would be one of the most restrictive changes to homeschool regulations anywhere. Home education is a necessary piece of the educational puzzle, providing education for those (such as boys who would otherwise be…
2. A NEWT ONE: War News: The Troop Surge…News Hated By Liars and Anti-Americanists Alike.
Seeing that a Democrat has recently revealed and let the proverbial cat out of the bag, admitting that the democrats lied their way into Congress in 2006, I wonder how many other lies a Democrat will “accidentally” own up to. I say accidentally because…
3. Big Dogs Weblog: Pelosi the Mediator is Loose with Facts.
Nancy Pelosi has indicated that if the Democratic nomination process is not settled prior to the convention she will step in to get it settled. She said that Democrats cannot afford to go to the convention without a chosen nominee. Seems to me that N…
4. The Amboy Times: Bible Verse Coin Offends Muslims.
He flipped it over, and on the other side it read, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16.”
5. Right Voices: On Obama’s Circle Of Hate: “Funny how these longtime acquaintances of his keep “surprising” him with incendiary racial rhetoric”.
Another sprinkle of racism from Camp Obama. Michelle Malkin adds: Pfleger, who until recently was featured on the Obama campaign website as a spiritual endorser, was back at Obama’s Trinity United Church this weekend…
6. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: And we’re off to the races with ALMA.
Tropical Storm Alma formed today right off the Nicaraguan coast as the first tropical system of 2008 in the eastern Pacific. The storm has already knocked out power and caused flooding in low lying areas…
7. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Supporting the Susan G. Komen National Race for the Cure!
19th annual 5-K Susan G. Komen National Race for the CureYes, sometimes the Mad Pigeon uses his powers to do good! As in 2006 and 2007, I’m wholeheartedly posting a public support message for my friend Chris Barron and the…
8. Leaning Straight Up: The blogosphere is “Dunkin'” common sense over a scarf.
Again, I apologize, I seem to have been missing for another week or so. Life is like that, sometimes. Chalk it up to some needed down time and a family reunion. So one of the ‘big’ stories on my return to the blog world was the w…

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There are many unsung heroes these days, and that is the shame this press will have to bear. As for us, we shall continue to bring you true Heroes each Wednesday. Trust me, there are way more than I bring to your attention. They are the heroes that everyday go above and beyond the call of duty. It makes one wonder, is the call of duty just to stay alive (to kill the enemy) or be willing to risk or even lay down one’s life for the cause of freedom and the life of one’s team? I believe most servicepeople would say it is the second.

This week’s Hero is Master Sergeant Brendan O’Connor. He is an extraordinary 47 year old man (in 2006) who saved the life of one man while in the attempt to save both men under enemy fire in the hellish lands of Afghanistan. Below is an account of some of that day. I’m quite sure there is much more to it than is being released, but I’ll be happy with whatever news I can get about our Heroes.

Here is some background about MSgt Brendan O’Connor:

Hometown: Moorestown, N.J.
Awarded: Distinguished Service Cross.
Download this hero’s story: Right click and “Save Target As…” to download.

There he saw two wounded men – and save wounded comrades in a hellish two-day firefight in a lawless part of Afghanistan. Master Sergeant Brendan O’Connor earned the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions.

Surrounded on all sides by hardened Taliban fighters, a vastly outnumbered force of Americans and Afghans fought nearly to the last bullet. In June 2006, 47-year-old Master Sergeant Brendan O’Connor of the 7th Special Forces Group – the Army’s elite Green Berets – was the team’s medic during Operation Kaika. The Taliban believed this isolated group of Americans and Afghans, numbering less than 70, would be an easy target. They were gravely mistaken.

When the terrorists sprang their trap, the sky exploded with the thunder of rifle, machine-gun, and grenade fire from both sides. The main group was separated by more than 100 yards, and the situation at both positions was dire.

O’Connor heard over the radio that several wounded men ahead of a forward position could be overrun at any moment. Leading a team of eight, he quickly traversed the distance between the two positions and took stock of the situation.

Staff Sergeant Matthew Binney and Staff Sergeant Joseph Fuerst – farther ahead and knew he had to reach them. Disregarding three enemy machine-guns, O’Connor dropped to his stomach and began an arduous crawl to the wounded troops. Restricted in his movements by his protective armor, O’Connor paused and removed the only shield he had from the hostile onslaught, his Interceptor bullet proof vest. He traded his armor for a cloth sign that he pinned to his back to alert the close-air support attack helicopters that he was friendly.

The 200 foot crawl was nearly an hour and a half of constant enemy fire directed at the brave American. Reaching a compound to which he could pull the wounded, he singlehandedly moved the two soldiers there and performed emergency first-aid. As night fell, O’Connor made several trips to move the Binney and Fuerst back to the advanced position. From there, they were able to medevac the injured, and begin their own exfiltration to the security of the patrol base.

While Fuerst did not survive his severe injuries, Binney lived because of the bold decision made by a 47-year-old-medic more concerned with the lives of his friends than his own. For his actions, O’Connor was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the first time a member of the 7th Special Forces Group was awarded this honor since July of 1964.

These men and women impress me so much, and I am so very grateful to them. I pray for their families and them to have success and know His Peace.

There is just one last thing I must say. I am very upset with the press. We are winning this war, and there are so many more heroes than I could possibly know about to write their stories. The press, on the other hand, has total access to this information. I can only find the reports that are listed at www.DefenseLink.mil. This leaves me to believe there is only one reason for this. This does not reflect well upon their true agenda. What is their agenda? Surrender at all costs. Shame on you!

I would like to end this post with edification. Many of men have gone before us, many will go after us. What we do with our lives, as it concerns our gratitude them, matters. It matters that we pray for their families and them. It matters that we focus on them, and not on what is wrong with the rest of the world. My God, I’d be writing forever! lol. Please remember them in your thoughts, when you awake, when you lay down your head to sleep, and all the time in between. They ask so little. They just want us to care, to be behind them, to remember them. We do. We love each and every one of you, and we pray for your success and victory so that you may come home when the time is right. Stay safe, sweet friends. God bless you and walk with you.

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives
so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday.
For that, I am proud to call them Hero

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.

Source(s): DefenseLink and Profiles of a Hero.

This is an open trackback post. Feel free to put your best, funniest, or misc. work here. Share it with others. Not familiar with trackbacks? First, choose the article you want to promote. Copy/paste my permalink (URL) to your post. Then send a trackback to me. Don’t have one? You can use Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. Otherwise, leave a comment for me with the permalink for your post, the name of your blog, and a small excerpt, and I will add it to the list.

There are three trackbacks which I recommend: Open Trackback Alliance, (host an open trackpost) Linkfest Haven Deluxe, and Open TrackBack Provider Blogroll at The Blue State Conservatives for more information.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at ‘The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns‘ OTA:

Su. The Amboy Times: Bible Verse Coin Offends Muslims.

T. Planck’s Constant: Writing is also a bomb: The Moderate Muslim Threat.

W. Stop the ACLU: Obama Too Scared to Visit Troops in Baghdad.
W. Right Truth: PATIENT EVIL – An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive – Chapter Eight. [Thank you!]
W. third world county (W, F): Of “Snips and Snails and…” Locusts. [Love it!]
W. Maggie’s Notebook (W, Wknd): Wizbang’s Jay Tea on Why the U.S. Should Scrap the U.N..
Right Truth: ISRAEL AT 60 – Parade and Concert Highlight Birthday Bash.

F. Woman Honor Thyself: Salute to IsraeL 60th Anniversary Parade in NYC!
F. 123beta (F, Wknd): Gourmet Grilled Cheese Sandwich.
F. 123beta (F, Wknd): Speed Up IE7 tip #2.

Posts that I’m waiting for them to post so I can trackback:

Sunday: Sunday: Su. walls of the city: ... Su. Grandinite: ... Su. OneManBandwidth: ... Su. Stageleft: ... Su. InMuscatine: ... Monday: M. Perri Nelson (M, W, F): ... M. Faultline USA: ... Thursday: Th. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: ... Friday: F. Stix Blog: ... F. Pirate’s Cove (M, F): ... F. The World According To Carl: ... Saturday: S. Church and State: ... S. LyfLines: ... Daily: D. The Yankee Sailor (M, F): ... D. The Dumb Ox Daily News: ... D. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: ... D. Conservative Cat: ... Weekend: Wknd Oblogatory Anecdotes: ... Wknd Stuck on Stupid: ... Wknd. Blue Star Chronicles: ... Wknd. The Uncooperative Blogger: ...

Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites:

Beagle Scout: Home-Schooler Action Alert: Stop DC Restrictive Legislation Against Home Education.
A NEWT ONE: War News: The Troop Surge…News Hated By Liars and Anti-Americanists Alike.
Big Dogs Weblog: Pelosi the Mediator is Loose with Facts.
Right Voices: On Obama’s Circle Of Hate: “Funny how these longtime acquaintances of his keep “surprising” him with incendiary racial rhetoric”.
Leaning Straight Up: WA GOP takes a controversial stance on Anchor Babies.
Right Voices: UPDATES ADDED: Jackass of the Week: Scott McClellan UPDATE: McAuliffe doesn’t like McClellan book, either UPDATE II: Trent Duffy: Scott McClellan lied UPDATE III: Scott McClellan Originally Planned to Attack Media, Defend Bush.
The So-Called Me: Hello Kitty Shoes For Me!

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Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. Wolf Pangloss: It is not enough these days to “Question Authority,” you gotta speak with it too.
Taylor Mali at a Def Poetry Jam talking about talking, about talking like you mean it, like you know what you’re talking about, like you are not making a joke or asking a question…
2. Wolf Pangloss: Fitna Remade and Others.
With Fitna Remade, Reza Moradi recuts Geert Wilder’s movie Fitna to speak for the Muslims who are victimized by the Takfirism, Sharia and Jihad of political Islam…

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I had written a whole post about the disconnect between London’s Mayor Livingston and Mayor Boris Johnson. The bottom line? Newly elected CONSERVATIVE Mayor Johnson told chavez to take a hike, after defeating LIBERAL Livingstone was accepting kickbacks to keep a PR office open in London and an office in Venezuela. The article can be found at the Opinion Journal section of the Wall Street Journal titled, “No Mas.” He also has a few words, as do I, for some of our representatives in Massachusetts.

Side note: If we are so hated the world over, why do Conservatives seem to keep winning? Hmm??? 😉

Why the summary? Because the article I wrote was a little lengthy, and someone come and moved my CPU in the middle of my work. My CPU is rather sensitive, and it became ‘unplugged’. Did I lose everything I was on at that time? YES!!! Ugh! (I forgive that person. It’s only a story.)

This is an open trackback post. Feel free to put your best, funniest, or misc. work here. Share it with others. Not familiar with trackbacks? First, choose the article you want to promote. Copy/paste my permalink (URL) to your post. Then send a trackback to me. Don’t have one? You can use Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. Otherwise, leave a comment for me with the permalink for your post, the name of your blog, and a small excerpt, and I will add it to the list. There are three trackbacks which I recommend: Open Trackback Alliance, (host an open trackpost) Linkfest Haven Deluxe, and Open TrackBack Provider Blogroll at The Blue State Conservatives for more information.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at ‘The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns‘ OTA:

T. Planck’s Constant: It`s Great to Be Appreciated.

W. Right Truth: Sex for Food, Compliments of the United Nations.
W. third world county (W, F): Memorial Day Curmudgeonry.
W. Maggie’s Notebook (W, Wknd): A Soldier Questions Barack Obama.

F. Pirate’s Cove (M, F): Dole Opponent Kay Hagan Prefers Federal Solution For Illegals.
F. Pirate’s Cove (M, F): Prozac Diaries: John Bolton To Be Placed Under Citizen’s Arrest.
F. The World According To Carl: The Obama Gaffes: Gifts That Keep On Giving.
F. Woman Honor Thyself: Somali Muzlims Whinefest Time.

Posts I’ve trackposted to:
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A friend of mine received an email from ATT warning him of this new area code scam. It appears that the area codes 809, 284, and 876 are located in the Virgin Islands.


They get you to call by telling you that it is information about a family member who has been ill or to tell you someone has-been arrested, died, or to let you know you have won a wonderful prize, etc.

In each case, you are told to call the 809 number right away. Since there are so many new area codes these days, people unknowingly return these calls.

If you call from the US, you will apparently be charged $2425 per-minute.

Or, you’ll get a long recorded message. The point is, they will try to keep you on the phone as long as possible to increase the charges. Unfortunately, when you get your phone bill, you’ll often be charged more than $24,100.00.


The 809 area code is located in the British Virgin Islands (The Bahamas). the dominican actually.

The charges afterwards can become a real nightmare. That’s because you did actually make the call. If you complain, both your local phone company and your long distance carrier will not want to get involved and will most likely tell you that they are simply providing the billing for the foreign company. You’ll end up dealing with a foreign company that argues they have done nothing wrong.

Please forward this entire message to your friends, family and colleagues to help them become aware of this scam.

Hmm. Something smells fishy to me, so I won’t give the contact number for customer service. I’ve never received a letter or an e-mail from AT&T with so many misspelled words! It may be a scam, it may not. I just thought that, in the matter of public awareness, I should share this information with you. Have a good day.

Update: I was correct. Snopes.com has the down-low on this. It is true that this is a scam, but it had the people all around me afraid. Why? I don’t know. I never answer those! lol. Have a nice day.

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I imagine many of you think this is a good question. In a different place, in a different time, it may be a good question to ask someone who has actually been looking. Why, pray tell, do you ask every servicemember who ever stepped foot in Afghanistan where Osama is? Do you not understand that many people have other major responsibilities to attend to instead?

There is a huge disconnect, even within ourselves and the other patriots who read what we write. The best way for me to explain this is point you to someone who was there, who lived through that hellish place, and survived it. Prayerfully. Please go over to Bill and Bob’s Excellent Afghan Adventure and read, “Where Is Osama?

He has written a very powerful and understandable post that will give you some insight as to what it is like to be over there, what it is like to lose someone, what it is like when you come home, and the disconnect which is truly felt. He knows, better than most, the price to be paid if we quit, just give up.

Please leave him a comment and let him know what you think of his post. Please give him some encouragement if it is in you. BE KIND. If not, I shall find out and you will not want to show your face again. Well, maybe not, but please remember that you have your freedom to do as you please because of men like him. This man is my hero, so please keep that in mind. If you are a nut, please don’t bother him. Bother me instead. Okay?

Thank you everyone for all you do for our troops and their families. God bless you all.

Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest among others:

Bill and Bob’s Excellent Afghan Adventure: Where is Osama?
The World According To Carl: Memorial Day 2008.
Beagle Scout: An Online Thesaurus that doesn’t suck.
Pet’s Garden Blog: A Day Of Remembering.
Wolf Pangloss: I Praise Thee, Fallen Hero: Repost.
Wolf Pangloss: For Memorial Day: John McCain III’s Address to the Naval Academy.
Woman Honor Thyself: On ShootinG Ko-rans or other “Holy” BookS.
Faultline USA: Daily Kos Loons Driven to Drink.
Right Voices: Sowell: “For people on the left, however, blacks are trophies or mascots, and must therefore b...
Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Gay Marriage: The Pigeon’s Response.

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