
Archive for May 26th, 2008

I imagine many of you think this is a good question. In a different place, in a different time, it may be a good question to ask someone who has actually been looking. Why, pray tell, do you ask every servicemember who ever stepped foot in Afghanistan where Osama is? Do you not understand that many people have other major responsibilities to attend to instead?

There is a huge disconnect, even within ourselves and the other patriots who read what we write. The best way for me to explain this is point you to someone who was there, who lived through that hellish place, and survived it. Prayerfully. Please go over to Bill and Bob’s Excellent Afghan Adventure and read, “Where Is Osama?

He has written a very powerful and understandable post that will give you some insight as to what it is like to be over there, what it is like to lose someone, what it is like when you come home, and the disconnect which is truly felt. He knows, better than most, the price to be paid if we quit, just give up.

Please leave him a comment and let him know what you think of his post. Please give him some encouragement if it is in you. BE KIND. If not, I shall find out and you will not want to show your face again. Well, maybe not, but please remember that you have your freedom to do as you please because of men like him. This man is my hero, so please keep that in mind. If you are a nut, please don’t bother him. Bother me instead. Okay?

Thank you everyone for all you do for our troops and their families. God bless you all.

Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest among others:

Bill and Bob’s Excellent Afghan Adventure: Where is Osama?
The World According To Carl: Memorial Day 2008.
Beagle Scout: An Online Thesaurus that doesn’t suck.
Pet’s Garden Blog: A Day Of Remembering.
Wolf Pangloss: I Praise Thee, Fallen Hero: Repost.
Wolf Pangloss: For Memorial Day: John McCain III’s Address to the Naval Academy.
Woman Honor Thyself: On ShootinG Ko-rans or other “Holy” BookS.
Faultline USA: Daily Kos Loons Driven to Drink.
Right Voices: Sowell: “For people on the left, however, blacks are trophies or mascots, and must therefore b...
Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Gay Marriage: The Pigeon’s Response.

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How does one say, ‘Thank you’ when there are no words that convey the depths of gratitude they feel? Is it enough to live up to the responsibility that comes with freedom? Is it enough to ‘Remember’? Is it enough to say, ‘Thank you’? I truly don’t know, but let me try.

All of you who came before us and fought to keep our country free, including those who fought to give us a free country, Thank you for all you have sacrificed. I pray your families and you receive all the grace and mercy there is, and God sure does have a lot! I pray we live up to your example, and we make sure totalitarianism, communism and fascism never take hold in this country. Soldier or citizen, may we fight against it and beat it down for posterity.

For the men and women of the Revolutionary War, thank you so for a country that is blessed by God, protected by men and women who understand the concept that ‘Freedom is not Free’, and we must be diligent in every aspect of our lives to keep the freedoms you have so richly blessed upon us. Thank you for the beautiful songs, the honorable Flag, your sacrifices, and your bravery.

For the men who fought in the wars after that up until the first world war, thank you for the lands so sweet and the lands so hard. The good with the bad, that is how I see these conquests. I am Indian, so I don’t like to lose. We did, you won. It is done. Thank you for coming to your senses by recognizing that without us, you may not have won the Revolutionary War! Also, thank you for the recognition that we had a pretty good government system all set up for you. Yes, I thank you and your families for your sacrifices, especially those of you who cared for my people and kept your word.

There were many wars in between the time of the Revolutionary War and the first world war, that is why I lumped them all together. The conquest of New Orleans, the war with Mexico, Wounded Knee, the War of 1812, the Civil War, the war we had with the Muslims down Africa way (Jefferson), the Trail of Tears (I forgive you), when England burned down our White House, and many more. I’m not too up on our history. That is probably something I can do for you. After all you’ve done for us, it’s the least I can do.

The First World War was awful. The way it ended was an opening for the Second World War, but you cannot trust those French people! For all of you who fought in that war, thank you for keeping us free. Thank you to the families who sacrificed so much, and thank you to the families that never were because their Daddy’s died before they could have these families.

The Second World War was one I wished we’d never see again, but we are seeing it today. As brutal as before, our enemies have no conscience, and they want to take over the world to have their caliphate. I thank you for conquering Hitler. I thank you that we are not speaking German. I thank you that you stopped the genocide of the Jewish people, the Christians, the homosexuals, the mentally ill, and all the people they were experimenting on while they were alive.

America seems to have lost her way. Now we kill babies, experiment on them, watch filth on TV, and there are so many murders everyday that it doesn’t even phase most people. They have become paralyzed by the news. I pray that we could gather our strength and knowledge from God and you so we can have a chance at winning our current war. Were your ROE so strict? Did you have to wait until they shot at you before you could shoot the enemy? No, I didn’t think so. Thank you for not waiting!

With all that is wrong in the world, there is just as much if not more that is right in this world. For this, I am so very grateful to you. Our men and women of today are outstanding, but you already know that. These are the best of the best, the bravest of the brave, and they are humble. God, I love them all so dearly. I pray for their safety and their lives. I pray for their families, too. I just wish the media would appreciate that without them, they would NOT have a job. This is the miracle country, and it is all thanks to God and you. For this I remain in debt to you forever, a debt I cannot pay but I can be a better person because you have showed me how.

Thank you, be at peace this Memorial Day (Weekend, yeah, they made it a weekend so they could go shopping instead of studying history), and know that most Americans love you and thank you. You are the doorstop between freedom and tyranny. What an awesome person to be! For those of you who have gone to Heaven, may you rest in peace. May your loved ones be cared for by this country and her people for which you gave your life (or age caught up with you, I hope).

See, it is so hard to say, “Thank you”, because one could go on and on and on and never have come up with the correct words, if there are any ‘correct’ words. I will end by saying this. Thank you for the freedom you have given us which was not free. We shall remain ever alibavigilant in order to endow upon our heirs that which you have bestowed upon us which was so costly. God bless you. God bless you.

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Cross-posted @ Talon.

Update: This is NOT a partisian article. When I wrote it, I was thinking only of our men and women who have served our country with honor and those who still are. There apparently have been some people who believe that McCain is not fit for the office of president because he comes from a long line of Naval Officers. So, let me see if I have this correct. People that go to Washington are claiming to do their duty by serving their district, but someone who has risked his life, spent 5 1/2 years as a POW did NOT serve our entire country? You people on the Left make me sick. Really.

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Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites:

The Yankee Sailor: Monday Open Post.
Alabama Improper: Memorial Day.
Big Dog’s Weblog: This Memorial Day, Take Time To Honor Them.
third world county: Memorial Day Curmudgeonry.
Woman Honor Thyself: Memorial DaY HonorinG & Yes..CelebrationS of FreedoM.
The World According To Carl: Memorial Day 2008. (Very, very touching.)

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Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. Beagle Scout: An Online Thesaurus that doesn’t suck.
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2. Pet’s Garden Blog: A Day Of Remembering.
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3. Wolf Pangloss: I Praise Thee, Fallen Hero: Repost.
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4. Wolf Pangloss: For Memorial Day: John McCain III’s Address to the Naval Academy.
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5. Woman Honor Thyself: On ShootinG Ko-rans or other “Holy” BookS.
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6. Faultline USA: Daily Kos Loons Driven to Drink.
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8. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Gay Marriage: The Pigeon’s Response.
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9. Woman Honor Thyself: Somali Muzlims Whinefest Time.
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10. Pirate’s Cove: Prozac Diaries: John Bolton To Be Placed Under Citizen’s Arrest.
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Below you will find a list with an introduction to the article by ACT! for America. These are interesting, disgusting, scary, offensive, and uplifting articles. Uplifting how? When we crush the enemy, of course!

“A Medal for Brass:” Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal’s Chilling Fraudulent Ad in US Media In the end, it was consultations with an independent expert on the Vatican and interviews with several recipients that solved the mystery: The medal shown in the ad is a common souvenir. It is minted each year by the thousand and handed out as a memento to those granted an audience with the pope. All the staffers at the American embassy to the Holy See, for instance, have received it. It was given to White House officials when Pope Benedict met with Bush. It is for sale at the Vatican bookstore. It confers no honor at all.

“Muslim immigrants sue CIS and FBI for delays in citizenship process:” Ingrates? ”They don’t want to bring a suit against the government,” said Khan. ”They fear they might be red-flagged.” When Hussain, 34, approached the Orlando office of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), which is helping the plaintiffs, he was unsure if he wanted to add his name. ”He said, ‘Am I going to go against the government?”’ recalled Danette Zaghari-Mask, Orlando executive director. But he had tried every avenue to speed up his citizenship application, including calling and visiting immigration offices in Orlando. The holdup, he was eventually told, was his name.

Perfection Demand only of Little Israel That Connecticut newspaper columnist approvingly quoted a letter written by a hundred anti-Israel British Jews denouncing the country’s anniversary: “We will celebrate when Arabs and Jews live as equals in a peaceful Middle East.” Of course such equality is to be attempted first not by democratizing Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, or Iran but by erasing the border that protects the smallest tribe so that it falls under the sovereignty of the very nations that drove it out and then three times waged war against it. Any such peace will be only the peace of the grave — which has been the idea all along.

“The Fall of Lebanon:” Appeasement by the West that Churchil saw in 1938 at Munich Yes, that’s it exactly. On every point, Hizballah, Iran, and Syria, got all they wanted from Lebanon’s government: its surrender of sovereignty. They have veto power over the government; one-third of the cabinet; election changes to ensure victory in the next balloting; and they will have their candidate installed as president.

America in Ashes? Former Clinton Secretary of Defense William Perry and former Assistant Secretary of Defense Graham Allison are among those who have estimated that chance at more than 50 percent over the next decade. That is, two respected experts in the field believe that the nuclear destruction of one or more American urban centers is more probable than not in the very near future. Al-Qaeda keeps increasing the number of Americans it publicly dreams of killing in its nuclear hellstorm. In 2002, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, Osama bin Laden’s former official press spokesman, claimed the right for jihadis “to kill four million Americans.” Just one year later, in his fatwa declaring the use of WMD obligatory, Nasir al-Fahd put the number of Americans that it is permissible to kill without further ado at 10 million souls, roughly 3 million of them children.

“Swearing on the Koran:” Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison interviewed by Al Ahram Although Ellison is taking part in efforts made by the US State Department to improve America’s image worldwide, especially in Muslim and Arab countries, he took the liberty of criticising American policies on the Middle East. “Because of our lack of even-handedness in the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, many people in the Muslim world have doubted our commitment to democracy, doubted our commitment in promoting civil and human rights. The invasion of Iraq has done real damage to the reputation of the US,” he said.

“Counterterror staff falls to 62%:” says Muslim American FBI agent ‘whistleblower’ The FBI’s highest-ranking Arab-American agent and an FBI whistleblower who is suing the bureau for discrimination, Mr. Youssef cited a March 5 FBI e-mail sent to all counterterrorism employees at FBI headquarters in Washington that said: “Executive management is canvassing the division for volunteers to be permanently assigned to ITOS 1. This is due to the fact that ITOS 1 is currently at 62% of its funded staffing level.”

Exeter Nail bomber in U.K. is Moslem convert A Muslim convert was being held tonight after two bombs were found in a family restaurant toilet following an explosion at lunchtime. Police and bomb disposal teams were called in after a young white man apparently attempted to detonate a nail bomb. Diners heard three blasts which sounded like gunshots go off in a toilet at the Giraffe cafe in Exeter city centre as they were having lunch today.

Military Outsiders Who Succeeded In Iraq Would Be Useful On Inside The annual spring list of Army colonels promoted to brigadier generals will be shortly released. Already, rumors suggest that this year, unlike in the recent past, a number of maverick officers who have distinguished themselves fighting — and usually defeating — insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq will be chosen.

Boy, 12, Beheads Man In Al Qaeda Video In the village of Spinkai-Roghzai where a group of journalists including CBS News were taken by Pakistan’s military on Sunday in the Waziristan tribal region, officials showed debris of what is described as a suicide training ‘nursery’. Under a pile of bricks lay the remains of an oil extracting factory which was a cover for training young boys to become ideologically charged up.

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