
Archive for July, 2009

Please find below a collection of news articles I am finally getting around to posting. As they are posted, their URL shall be posted here. I hope you will enjoy some of them. Have a good day.

Radio Free Asia.
1. China: Protests? What Protests? 6/2/09.

1. Brigade leaving southern Iraq a ‘much better place’.
2. Airmen stress dignity, humane treatment for detainees. 5/28/09.
3. Petraeus: Video shows airstrikes aimed at Taliban targets. 5/29/09.
4, U.S. troops preparing to leave Iraqi cities. 6/1/09.

Michael Yon Reports From:
1. Philippines: This Mornings Photos. 6/5/09.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Talon, and Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

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(This post was started on the 22nd.) Hello all. I am back, but I am going to be posting several (over 200) posts that I’ve been putting off because I was so busy with the Tea Parties. BTW, I have a conference call tonight, and there is an excellent program tonight at PJTV which is going to have doctors, experts, lawmakers, etc., on the show to explain what is happening and cut through the crap they call politics. It will be interactive, so give it a watch at PJTV Healthcare Forum @ 6pm EST Wednesday evening and 7pm EST. Do not mistaken believe that 7pm is the same as 6pm! It is not. Just a heads up. 😉

As I post the articles, I shall post their links here. I know it’s a long time ago to some of you younguns. *heh*

1. Gates: Success in Afghanistan depends on Pakistan’s efforts against Taliban. 5/14/09.
2. Baghdad maternity hospital back to full capacity. 5/14/09.
3. Afghan army 2 to 4 years from leading operations. 5/17/09.
4. Afghan commandos meet top ANA leaders. 5/18/09.
5. Petraeus applies Iraq lessons to Afghanistan. 4/28/09.
6. President encouraged by Afghan, Pakistani cooperation. 5/7/09.
7. America needs service, Petraeus tells VMI grads. 5/19/09.
8. US sends aid to displaced Pakistanis. 5/20/09.
9. CENTCOM commanders discuss regional security issues in Bahrain. 5/20/09.
10. Emergency Aid Reaches Pakistan Refugees. 5/21/09.

This will conclude the updates for this post. I’m going to start another one so as to keep up with the times. Have a very blessed day, and thank you for stopping by. Remember to keep our brave men and women in your prayers and do what you can to support them. If you need some help as to what you can do, please contact me.

Today, July 23, I received an e-mail with this song included. I hope you enjoy it!

If you are unable to see the video for whatever reason, you may watch it here.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Today I am having an open trackback courtesy of Linkfest. This means you can (track)post your best post here. Remember to link me to your article before you trackback. You don’t have trackbacks available? Why not use Wizbang Stand Alone Trackback? Everyone have a nice day.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

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This is a wonderful group which I have been following, and they have finally come out with their newest song. (Um…I’m a little late on the reporting, so please forgive me.) I like them, I hope you will, too.

Have a wonderful day.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

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Internet Explorer 8

If you have been resisting Internet Explorer 8 as I have, maybe it is time that we have no choice. Do you ever use YouTube? How about Twitter? Facebook? The Internet? Well, they are going to stop allowing me to use my IE 6. Creeps.

I have no choice. They shouldn’t make products they are only going to get rid of down the line. What if people like them? Doesn’t matter. They don’t care. They’ve got their money, their fancy cars and the such. What about us poor people? What about rich people who don’t have the time or desire to relearn everything they learned in the first place using the damn product in the first place? They don’t care, and why should they? Makes me wonder about buying American from some companies…

Anyway, I’m going to do the switch, and I will keep you updated on the changes I find. If you are like me and blog, everytime you clean out your temporary files (in Internet Options), you will no longer have the choice of whether or not to keep them. You cannot. It will also clear your history whenever you clear your temp. files.

I’ve tried it before. That’s how I know. That is also the reason I made them give me back my IE 6! Have a nice day.

Update 1: I want to scream! Nothing is where THEY say it is, I hate this friggin crap. I’m thinking about going Apple. Seriously. The way Windows threatens people by having it on every site I go to that if I did not do this, that particular place was going to stop accepting IE 6. Those bastards.

Update 2: I was so lost that I figured I would check out their help. They have an e-mail button, so I clicked on it. You know who the email went to? ME!?! So I figured I would share it with you.

Problem: Technical

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! It is so frustrating when I have over 300 issues I have to report and you won’t allow me to keep IE 6. Why not? I have to learn a whole new application just so I can continue my job? WHY? I don’t have the time.

Oh, I’ve been to your help sites. I’ve looked for what they’ve said to look for to fix the situation. IT ISN’T THERE! Then what do I do? This is 1st grade stuff that you make grad school problems out of it. Please stop doing this to your customers, or I’m going APPLE!

My problem? How do I turn off these daggone accelerants that you seem to think are so cute? They block me everywhere I go, EVEN THOUGH I turned them off through the Wizard. Huh? They’re still working even though I told them not to? Okay, I have time to figure this out.

Does the Military have time to wait for me to do this or should I get back to work? Where is your location? I’m sure you appreciate if I protected it, wouldn’t you? Then please don’t make threats such as, “We are going to stop responding to browser that are using IE 6.” at YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, everywhere I go. (Not a physical threat, no, but a job killing one.)

Please forgive my frustration. I have been so busy and now this. You’ll never hear me say, “What could happen next?”!

Have a nice evening.



Okay, I know I’m not in the military, but I do a lot for them. No, I don’t get paid. So what’s the talk about losing my job? I was seriously ready to give up ever getting on this computer again. It was a build up of a whole bunch of things that I don’t feel like rehashing. The good news is, I’m over it. Have a nice day.

PS. IE 8 is SLOWER than IE 6.

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BREAKING NEWS: At 5:21 pm today I learned that Walter Konkrite at the age of 92 has gone to meet his maker. Rest in Peace.

Boston Common Tea Party 7/4/09. (3:26 minutes)

If this video cannot seen, you may wacth it at YouTube.

Hat tip: Robert and eyesopen02186.

San Diego Tea Party Protest Independence Day July 4, 2009 (Mission Bay Park) (7:29 minutes)

If you cannot view this video, you may view it at YouTube.

Hat tip: max1media.

I don’t want to load up my computer with too many more videos, so I will give their URL’s and their authors. (Right after this one.)

Protestors hold July 4th Tea Party in New Mexico. (1:39 minutes)

Again, if the video isn’t working proprly, you may it at YouTube.

Hat tip: KRQE.


Hat tip: chadpitt83.

New York City July 4th Independence Day Tea Party Protest [FOX News] .

Hat tip: ConservativeNewMedia.

There are many more videos of this topic on this page, Tea Party Independence Day OR Tea Party July 4. Enjoy! I know I did. 😉

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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Richard Oliveri was kind enough to be our impromptu photographer who was kind enough to send me a disc full of some great pics. I thank God he was there, because I do not have a camera and he’s such a nice, happy man. I’d like to share them with you. The title of this Tea Party is, “America’s Freedom-Long Beach (CA) Tea Party”. I hope you enjoy them. Have a nice day.

Cross-posted @ TownHall and Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

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This Independence Day we had another Tea Party, America’s Freedom-Long Beach Tea Party, and it was the tops. I learned many thing from the April 15th Tea Party, and I tried to fix those mistakes. Well, on paper I did, but in really things just flowed smoothly even though I was disorganized. I forgot to plan for people not showing up on time.

The Tea Party was scheduled for Independence Day, 12-3pm at 130 Cherry Ave, Bixby Park, Long Beach, California 90802, and it lasted about 2 hours at its peak, 3 hours altogether. Here is the schedule of events as they really happened, not the one I had planned. Although it was pretty close.

It was marvelous to see 110 people come to our Tea Party in liberal Long Beach, California. Everyone was so thoughtful and helpful. Roxanna bought a helium pump for the balloons which worked perfectly. If you could have been there to see the expressions on the children’s faces as we freely gave them balloons! No, they were not part of the Tea Party but being the Conservatives that we are, we love children. Of course we did ask their parents first if we could give them to their children. They were so happy.

Most of the people signed in this time, however many people came as the Tea Party was in progress. My brother counted 50, and 60 people signed in. They were energetic, patriotic, helpful in many ways, cheerful, and it was a very pleasant experience. They were also tired and fed-up with being overtaxed, paying for other people’s bailouts, this enormous health care boondoggle which threatens our very good system and will make the fraud in Medicare and Medicaid look like chump-change. Yes, there was much to discuss.

We began with Barbee singing “God Bless America” and everyone joined in. It was beautiful. She has a delightful voice. Then we said the Pledge of Allegiance, and we even dared to use the words IN GOD. Oh my. Then the Declaration of Independence was read by a very nice gentleman (whose name I forgot to get). Then I read a few verses of the NIV version of the Bible with the theme being, “Healing Our Land”: 2Co 4:8, 16, 17 and 2Ch 7:14. It was graciously accepted by all.

After that, we had quite a bit of time before our guest speaker was to arrive, so we kind of went off schedule. I’ll try my best to recall the events as they occurred. There was a daughter, Jamie, who wanted to read something for her mother who was to speak after Jamie. What she read was awesome. It was “I Am The Nation” (I think that’s the name of it). Excellent job, Jamie.

Then her mother, Jeanne, read “The Letter” written by a life-time Democrat turned Republican turned without a party. It is an open letter sent to our officials in all offices and the press. Glen Beck read it on the air (I do not get him on my radio), and Jeanne just had to read it. I don’t blame her. It is quite remarkable letter, and you did an excellent job Jeanne.

At 1pm, we had our special guest speak. She is running for Superintendent of Schools and her name is Diane Lenning. She was remarkable. Her ancestry includes General and President of the United States George Washington. She is interested in changing the curriculum to include the true history of this great country. There were many things said, but I was impressed the most when so many answered her call to give homage to those who fought before and/or are still fighting so we could have this day. There were too many for me to keep track of while counting. I was so very proud of everyone there.

There was one young man who absolutely amazed me. He brought hope to everyone there. How did he do that? He is young, in college, well spoken, an American who happens to be black, yet people have called him a racist. Huh? Yes. This is because he believes the rule of law should apply to everyone equally or no one equally. So do I. He also believes in a free market system and wonders where are the supposed free market politicians? Twenty years old and smarter than some of the people I know. He just blew me away. So much, in fact, that I forgot to get his name of all things. I surely hope he signed in. At least I can find him through email.

On the subject of Americans who happen to be black being called racist. It occurs most of the time when it comes to illegal aliens. How is it fair that if you’re here in our country illegally that the rule of law bends over backwards for you, yet does not give two hoots about her own citizens? Everyone at the Tea Party agreed. By the way, there were Democrats and Republicans there. This was truly a nonpartisan event.

Then the man who read the Declaration spoke about the Fair Tax. After him, many people spoke their minds. There were some very good ideas bantered about. It was a breath of fresh air to hear citizens and not politicians speak. They came up with simple ways to solve our economic, social, and spiritual problems.

Some of the policies promoted were as follows:

  • 1. July 17th: Flood the 89 offices of the elected officials to let them know we do not want their health care insurance boondoggle.
  • 2. Make our elected officials aware of the consequences of their cap-and-tax…er…trade will have on every community. This was brought home by our guest, Ken, from Detroit, who has had to move here while his wife stays in Detroit for 9 years because Chryler closed. He made us aware that only Germans were allowed to work in the jobs that were lost to union workers, and they were not permitted to join a union. This is information we are not hearing from the press. Gee, I don’t wonder why.
  • 3. There was one person there, I’m sorry I did not get his name, who brought up the idea of the Fair Tax. I do not agree with this, but I allowed him to speak. After all, what if he’s right? I certainly wouldn’t disagree with shutting down the IRS!
  • 4. Our very handsome College student wants more freedom of thought in the schools. He also wants fairness. It is not okay that Liberals can rewrite history and do whatever they want, but Conservatives are held back from telling the truth and doing as they please. He just wants EQUAL freedom.
  • 5. This one is closest to my heart. This is the one which we all agreed. This day was available due to those who are in harms way to this day. We honored the Revolutionary War with their daughters and sons in attendance, we honored the War of 1812 with one of their descendants, we honored WWI with their descendants, we also honored WWII, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq with their descendants and loved ones.

We were actually not just protesting these policies, we were there to bring alternative policies which seem to be lacking in Congress and our state of California. Some were very good, some I disagree with, but I allowed them to be discussed. Who am I to censor free speech? (I did censor any cussing and way off common sense such as name calling which gets us nowhere. Fortunately, I did not have to use it.)

If you are interested in helping us stop the movement in California by going to these 89 officials offices in person, please contact me. I am going to need much help, and this is to happen on July 17. So I do not have that much time to get ready! Especially since my next Tea Party is going to be September 12, 2009. All are welcome.

PS. IF YOU WERE THERE AND SPOKE, please e-mail me and let me know your name, what you spoke about and when you spoke. Please, for the people who’s names I forgot, let me know who you are. Also, please forgive me for this. I am truly sorry I forgot your name. How embarrassing. Mr. Video man, please let me know your name also. Sounds like I was really in charge of everything doesn’t it? NOT! D’oh!

Update: Please be advised there is more to come. A kind man who took pictures and possibly some video shots, and he is sending them to me through snail-mail as soon as they are ready. Thank you.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

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Hi everyone. Would you like a great opportunity to show off your writing skills? This online newspaper published my work back in April, so they’ll publish just about anyone’s. lol. Here are some details:

Hello fellow Patriot,

It’s Independence Day and The Voice magazine is seeking citizen journalists to help us report on the TEA Parties across the U.S.

You know the media is not going to cover these events like they should, or they’ll spin the reports to suit their agenda. We pledge to get the truth out and to help inform, inspire and empower Americans from coast to coast to stand up, speak out, and take our country back!

You can read about it here: The Voice magazine is Seeking Citizen Journalists for TEA Party Coverage.

Please let us know if you’re willing to report on the event in your city, and spread the word to others you know who are attending TEA Parties.

For the future of our country,

Melanie Madon
Managing Editor | THE VOICE
The Voice Magazine (e-mail).

Please think about it. It is a great thing to do for our cause.

A side note. PJTV is also looking for Citizen Journalists. They would like pictures, videos, reports, whatever details we can offer them. The link to sign-up to be Citizen Reporter at PJTV (new media TV) is right here to register. This is very fne organization. I do watch it often. Have a great Independence Day!

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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