
Archive for August, 2008

I have a story and a video preview of a true story about a woman who gave birth to her 22 week old son, and she received no help at all in this abortion clinic. He lived for 11 minutes, and he died in his mother’s arms as she locked herself in a bathroom to wait for the police and an ambulance.

No one would help her? Medical people take an oath to do no harm. What happened to this oath?

Angele told WND, she delivered the baby alive in a restroom at the clinic and said her cries for help went unheeded by the medical staff, even when an employee saw that the tiny boy was moving.

Angele said she ran to a phone outside the clinic to call a friend for help, then curled up with her son for the full 11 minutes of his short life after birth. She bathed the baby, whom she named Rowan, and cut his umbilical cord. After medical staff demanded she surrender her son’s body, she blocked the door to keep them away and stayed trapped in the bathroom, praying and weeping, until the police arrived, she said.

She changed her mind about having an abortion, movingand wanted to keep him after seeing how perfectly he was formed, but she was forced to let him die because the medical staff denied her care.

Here is the preview to a movie that is about to rock the world.

A film about decisions, their effects and the echos [sic] they leave behind. Based on the shocking WorldNetDaily article by Ron Strom, on victim’s testimonies, and real 911 calls about one of the most controversial subjects of our time, “22weeks” achieves to confront both sides of the spectrum and their perspective to the on going [sic] question: “what would you do?”

I pray that some day very soon the scientific community will stumble across a fact that is indisputable – life begins at conception whether you are religious or not, and we have been allowing the genocide of our most defenseless go on at all, let alone way too long. Please Lord, make them stop this practice. Make them stop murdering Your children and our blessings. They do it for profit, I want it stopped due to morality and common decency. We stopped slavery, and we shall overcome this, too. With Your help, of course.

The reason I put ‘these’ around planned parenthood is that this clinic is using a name that does not make it clear if it is planned parenthood or not. However, there is no clinic open today that does not have ties with planned parenthood. Odd, isn’t it? ‘Planned Parenthood.’ Shouldn’t they call themselves, ‘Planned Parentless’?

Hat tip: Social Conservatives United.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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I know I’m not supposed to be typing, but I must let you know about this exciting and intelligent radio host is opening his new program tonight at 8 pm (PCT) sharp! He used to be in Mass. with Kevin on the Pundit Review (who is still on the radio at 680 am every Sunday night from 7-10 pm EST), but Gregg is moving forward to share a different aspect of life as a Christian. He is a very good man, so please tune in tonight to boost his ratings. Even if you are not a Christian, you will find him interesting. He is like us, very opinionated! LOL.

Here is the information you will need. You can listen to him on livestream. The show starts at 8 sharp. (I know, but I had to repeat it, lol.) Jodi and Friends appear on the schedule, so I do not know if Gregg is going to appear with her or not, but that’s okay. The phone numbers to call in are 1-888-522-5664 or 1-800-736-4177. The URL is 98.3 FM – KDAR The Christian Station. Just click on “On Air Now”, and it will bring you to the stream. Hope to hear your calls! Have a great evening.

UPDATE: Good news. I got the days wrong. He will be on the radio TOMORROW, Sun. Aug. 31, 2008. This way, you still have time to hear his program! 😉

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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Left Wrist On Vacation

You may have noticed I haven’t been writing much since yesterday. That’s because when I tripped over my feet, I landed on my left wrist. Yes, the one that I had to go to the hospital for way back when. I put the brace back on it, but I am going to have to take it easy on the typing. Darn! I really want to cover this great pick for VP by Sen. McCain.

I had no hope for him, and I certainly had no desire to donate to his campaign. Today I did just that. Granted it isn’t much, but he is lucky I gave him anything at all! Actually, I didn’t give it for him. I contributed in the hopes that she will become our first woman president! WOW! 😉

Well, that’s why I didn’t get back to the prior post yesterday, “Sarah Palin to be John McCain’s VP!” Oops! Have a great weekend. Signing off for a little while.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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This is marvelous news! What a woman! I am going to give you some links about her so you can check her out. I’m too excited right now. hehehe.

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is Sen. John McCain’s running mate.

Great speech! Wait for me to gather some more links from the bloggers and milbloggers, please. Be back soon.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

–Benjamin Franklin (Advice to Young Tradesman, 1748); Reference: Franklin: Writings, Lemay, Library of America (320)

At least now we know who said this. lol.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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By Tim Kilbride
Special to American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Aug. 29, 2008 – Improvements in the security situation south of Baghdad have enabled economic and political progress, and the continued development of the Iraqi security forces will advance those gains, a U.S. commander said yesterday.

Progress across those multiple fronts is interconnected, Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, deputy commanding general for operations for Multinational Division Center, explained during a call with military bloggers.

“If this were an organism, it would be a symbiotic effect that we have through these different factors operating in concert with each other to achieve an overall more positive effect,” Buchanan said.

The general said that in his area of operations, south of Baghdad, his troops are charged with six primary objectives: securing the Iraqi population, defeating violent extremist networks, disrupting lethal aid from Iran, professionalizing the Iraqi security forces, transferring security responsibilities to the Iraqis, and enabling governance and economic development.

Of those missions, Buchanan pointed to the “professionalization and development of the various Iraqi security forces” as the decisive effort in turning the conflict in Iraq’s favor. Those forces include the army, the National Police, the Department of Border Enforcement and the Iraqi Police Service.

“We operate by, with and through the Iraqi forces throughout our [operating environment],” Buchanan said. “And so it is not us — the coalition forces — securing the Iraqi population; it’s the coalition forces, in partnership with the Iraqis, securing the Iraqi population.”

A dramatic improvement in leadership and willingness to serve throughout the Iraqi security forces, owing in part to the success of the U.S. troop surge, has given the Iraqis the opportunity to make substantial gains in providing for their own security, Buchanan said.

“In the last year, we’ve had more than 130,000 Iraqis join the various forms of security forces,” he said. “At the individual level, the individual soldier or policeman understands what risks he’s facing. And he continues to serve, and despite the risk continues to serve, in support of his country, and really in support and in defense of his family.”

That determination extends to Iraq’s leadership, the general explained.

“At the national level, … there has been a significant demonstration of courage by the government of Iraq — willing to take on all of its enemies, regardless of ethnicity or religious sect. And that, in itself, has generated more confidence in the security forces and the government,” Buchanan said.

Crucial support also has come from paid security volunteers organized into what’s known as the “Sons of Iraq” program, Buchanan said. The program consists of local Iraqis being paid to man checkpoints in their towns and villages, with their knowledge of the local area and populace sufficient to let them identify outsiders or illicit activity.

While thousands of Sons of Iraq volunteers have been transitioned into the official Iraqi security forces, the Iraqi government is debating the future of the substantial number of remaining volunteers.

“It’s really a movement that does not have a national-level consensus, but it’s a local movement to provide local security for these communities,” Buchanan said. “In doing so, they took control of their communities back. And of course, they’ve done so in partnership with us, and more importantly, within the past six months, increasingly in a partnership with the [Iraqi security forces].”

Transitioning oversight of the Sons of Iraq to the Iraqi security forces is advancing the cause of Iraqi self-security, Buchanan said. “In this society, being able to defend your village and your home is a point of pride,” he said.

An often-overlooked benefit of the Sons of Iraq program is the economic impact it has had on communities, Buchanan said. “Because all of these [previously] unemployed military-aged males are out there throughout the community earning a pretty good salary, … they now have disposable income,” he explained.

“Because they have disposable income, everywhere you go throughout our [operating environment] you’ll see little businesses springing up,” Buchanan said. “The security situation has enabled economic development where it could never take hold before. And the same thing goes for development of governance from the local to the national level.

“We and our Iraqi partners want to take full advantage of it, and we are,” the general said.

(Tim Kilbride works for the New Media directorate of the Defense Media Activity.)

Related Sites: Multinational Corps Iraq.

Source: GlobalSecurity.org.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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The Vets For Freedom have created a fabulous video to be displayed at both conventions, the Democrats and the Republicans, plus several other states in days to come. Take a listen.
David Bellavia and Pete Hegseth are at the DNC Convention right now, and next week they will be at the RNC Convention. There message is a simple one. Support their success, and the success of all the troops, by supporting the bi-partisan resolution introduced by Senators Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham recognizing the success of the Surge and expressing gratitude to the men and women who made it possible as soon as the Senate returns from its five week vacation. (Senate Resolution 636, introduced July 31, 2008).

As the ad mentions, please call Senator Obama’s office today (202-224-2854) and ask him to support our troops by supporting Senate Resolution 636.

PS. Don’t forget to sign-up to join the today. Just leave your e-mail address with them. Also, there were eight Vets who back to Iraq a while ago. They are now back, and you can read about what they saw, what changes have occurred, etc, by going to Back To Iraq. It is a great site, and I highly recommend it. Have a great day!

PS. Please pass this on. I don’t care if you copy the whole thing, just get it out there. Thanks. 😉

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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We are to make informed decisions when we vote and to do this, we must judge the candidates. But how? One of the best ways I’ve is to look at the company they keep.
I have to say, I do not think as highly as I once did of Sen. Obama. It started with Reverend Wright, and now this. There is more, but why bother? This is enough for me to decide that he does not have the judgement neccessary to lead the United States in these dangerous times.

The Soviets are on the march, China feels empowered to lock-up journalists and peaceful protesters, Iran continues to build nuclear weapons while we can’t even build a nuclear power plant! No, he is NOT ‘the one’.

I sure do hope that one of our great conservative men or women who happened to be black would run for president. I long so much for a black person to fill that office. Why? Then maybe the healing can begin. They will have reached the highest height, fought the ugliest campaign (aren’t they all?), they will have achieved the Dream.

But not this time. Oh, I almost forgot the main topic. This post is about the quelching the free-speech of those with whom one disagrees. Namely, Obama wants the US Justice dept. to investigate conservative donors who have contributed money to American Issues Project, Inc., (“AIP”). They are responsible for the creation of this video, and he wants them to go to jail for voicing their concerns.

Go figure. Also, he has threatened the stations not to play it, even if they have paid for the air time. How endearing…NOT. They even have their ‘associates’ looking into the public records of all conservative donors so they can intimidate them! Michelle has all the info. at her site, Document drop: Turning the tables again on Obama’s speech-squelching thugs.

…Obama’s attempt to bully TV stations airing the ad and stop scrutiny of his radical ties is part and parcel of a larger campaign to chill the free speech of conservative political activists and donors.

As Michelle Malkin says, please pass this on.

Just one more questions. If you are not going to answer our concerns, if you refuse to be questioned about anything, if you have reporters jailed, could you please just how in the world you propose to bring this country together? Yeah, that’s what I want…

Hat tip: Mark My Words.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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Shall This Stand?

I do believe I witnessed a true crime here, but I am also interested in your interpretation. Was this a crime? [It is 11:18 minutes long, and it the really bad part starts at 2:38.]
You decide.

I wish I knew Michelle Malkin’s number so I could just share some words of comfort. Oh? You say she’s tough and can handle it? DUH! It’s just nice to know that others care about whether or not YOUR very own RIGHT TO SPEAK without BODILY HARM is protected by the Constitution of the US of A and the Police who have sworn to uphold it. In Denver, I would sadly have to answer that with a simple NO.

Hat tip: Mark My Words.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

Friends who’ve shared their posts with us for our reading pleasure:
1. The World According To Carl: Michelle Malkin: Physically Assaulted By Liberal Extremists In Denver (So Much For Liberal “Tolerance” & “Compassion”).

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Lt. Colonel Bill Russell is running for the 12th US Congressional district seat (PA) which is currently occupied by Jack Murtha. You remember him, don’t you? He is the Democrat who condemned 8 Marines for alleged actions taken in Haditha. He did not wait for an investigation into this case (for which the Military is working double time on every case to make sure that no one ties their shoelaces wrongly), nor did he care what damage he would be doing to their careers or to justice. Nope. The jihadis said they did it, so it must be so, right? WRONG!
You have an awesome opportunity at this moment in time to send a message to Jack Murtha, “GO HOME!” He has been to war on our behalf, now it’s time for us to stand beside him. Please visit WilliamRussellForCongress.com site, and donate whatever you can. I have. Let’s send Jack. Back. Home. Thank you.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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