
I am NOT running for Congress, however Star Parker is. I stepped aside so she could run unopposed. Why? I cannot say a negative word against this wonderful lady, and I truly believe she can and will do as good (if not better) a job in Congress as I would have. Besides, do know how much work this takes? It’s ridiculous! I spent more time at the registrar’s office than in my district! That has to change. No wonder we have so many incumbents…

Editor’s Note: I have moved back to Rosemary’s Thoughts if you would like to follow to me there. I am also on Twitter (http://twitter.com/RosemarysNews) and Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000758244750). See ya around. 😉

Since I last posted here, a lot has happened. I have a blog and and a website now concerning my jump into politics. I do use the blog more often, though. It is easier.

I have been so busy! Oh my. It is good work though. I enjoy it. Well, most of the time. I don’t enjoy getting lost on the bus. I’ll be on the radio today with Twana at Support Our Troops in Word and Deed. (On Blog Talk Radio.) The time depends on which time zone you are in, and I do not know their starting point.

For California, it will either be 4:30, 5:30, or 6:30 pm. On her site it says 7:30, but I have no idea as to which time zone, as I stated. Just go to her site and keep checking.

So how have you all been? You may not believe this, but I have more blogs now than when I started to transfer over to Rosemary’s Thoughts! I wanted to do that, if I remember correctly, so I could put all my writings in one site. Then came The Conservative Underground along with the Smart Girl Politics which is fabulous. Yes, we welcome men to join as well! 😉

Well, I must be running. It’s already after 5am! Have a very nice day.

I have been organizing Tea Parties, petitioning my Congresswoman and Senators, Assemblywoman and State Senator, and I have come to the conclusion that the only way to solve California’s problems is to get rid of everyone in office and replace them with grassroot people like us. In order to do this, we need many volunteers to step up to the plate. This is a grassroots movement politicians. How does the unemployment line look now?

I have met so many talented people while in Long Beach, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and through the internet and on conference calls. I believe there are enough of us to do what needs to be done.

Many may ask (or say) that we have no experience in politics. For some of us this is true, others of us have helped at campaigns. Those of us who have helped at campaigns I believe are sick and tired of elected liars and have been very disappointed at all the broken promises.

So what and who am I? I am a Conservative who loves animals, sports, family, the Military, the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. I am a pro-life, Evangalical Christian who believes the government has crossed the line. Which one, you ask? Good question, since they’ve crossed so many.

No government has the right to deprive a city, town, or individual of their livlihood without fair compensation [See 5th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States]. This has been so distorted that there are citizens within our Central Valley that have ZERO water because of a stupid ALIEN fish. That is correct. It’s origins are NOT the Delta. So why don’t they catch them all and let them go somewhere else? Because that makes sense!

That is just one example of government intrusion. How do you like these new showerheads that moniter how fast the water is coming out? I’ll tell you what, I’m tired of running around in the shower trying to get wet!

There are 5000 committees which pay very nicely (we have 5000+ cases of ‘taxation without represention’), some or most receive over $100,000 per year for meeting once a month. Yes, these are termed-out politicians. They all need to be shut down. That includes you too, CARB [California Air Resources Bureau(?)]. TURN THE WATER ON!

I question whether or not I am a free marketer, or if the people who use that term realize what an oxymoron it is. Let’s take a quick look at China. That country that sold and/or watch as almost all of nuclear arms flowed into N. Korea’s warchest. We don’t charge China for the junk they bring into our country to undercut our own manufacturers, yet we have to pay tarriffs and wonder still if they will come and take our companies. Hmm. Is that free-marketing? Not in my eyes. If I’m wrong, please explain to me why trading with an enemy of America is ‘free’?

I am interested in foreign policy issues, but I believe our state is in much more need of fixing. Although someone should still run against Congresswoman Richardson. She has stayed in office only because no one opposes her.

In the State of California, we should have a Right to Work Law. As most of us have seen, ACORN is a corrupt organization, and they have their tenacles everywhere, such as the SEIU and other unions. I do not believe Californians should be penalized or forced to have their money stolen from them when they choose not to belong to a union. However if they choose to belong to a union, that’s a different story. But it should not be any of our business! Don’t we have enough to fix?

Well, I’ve addressed only a few of my concerns. I’d really like to talk about the schools and my easy solution to some of the problems. Make the principle the boss. Let the teachers teach reading, writing, math, history, American History, languages if they choose, art, sports, Excercise, etc. Teachers are closest to their students so they know what is needed. You will never be able to convince me that someone in DC knows what is better for our students than do our parents and teachers. Never.

So, should I run for California State Assembly District 54? I would like your feedback. If I receive a good amount of comments, I will start an exploratory committee. Until then, I have to wait. Why? I don’t know too many people. Yes, I know this is a drawback, but that’s what hitting the pavement is for! On the brighter side, I have fresher ideas and the passion to go along with them. Being a Citizen Representative may be just the shot in the arm this state needs. What say you?

I’d like to thank all of you in advance for your comments, suggestions, critiques, etc. I cannot eccept any money yet, so don’t ask why I don’t have it set up yet. Without officially opening the exploratory committee, I cannot receive monies for this purpose. I’ll let you know where to find the site I set up so you contribute once everything is in motion. God bless you, and be safe.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

Let’s say a white man were president and he had the same ideology as Obama, would the response by those Tea Party Patriots have been the same? You bet your sweet buns. Why? Because we love our country and don’t need anyone apologizing for her, we love our Constitution and are tired of both parties disregarding it after they swore on oath to protect it, and we also treasure our liberty which entails us, as individuals, to be responsible for ourselves, and not being slaves to any government.

Now that I have made my case as to why we oppose this president and it has nothing to do with race, we are called ‘racists’ because we disagree with the status quo (that being to agree with everything they believe in even though we do not).

When you call someone a ‘racist’, please make sure they are indeed a ‘racist’. It is the same as when a woman cries ‘rape’ after the fact because she is mad and it turns out not to be true. What happens to her when she is actually raped? That’s correct. People do not believe her. Worse than that, if there could be a worse, is the fact that it sets all women in a bad light. We have to fight very hard to get back to where we started from because of this.

When there is true racism, I want to know about it. I want it eradicated from our country. How can this happen when people like Maureen Dowd use this term so irresponsibly and often? She is not the only one by far, just the most recent.

Racism is a very hateful, ignorant, violent indecency that has plagued this nation long ago and sadly, still exists in some hearts. It is real, it is violent, it is ugly, and it should never be used as a means of shutting up the opposition when you have no other argument. Disagreeing with someone is not racist. You cannot judge another person’s words on your own perception of them. Maybe you are harboring something we should know about?

Well Maureen, you are very unintelligent and harmful to the actual meaning of the word ‘racism’. Because you give it so little thought or credence, you diminish the word. Is it because you live in a glass house? Is it because you have never slept with a black man? Yes, I said that. If you had, you might understand that racism is real and you don’t go throwing words like that around on a whim.

Racism is so serious that it scars people for life. As I was growing up, I was called a n******-lover. That is only half true. I loved a black man (he was a REAL man), and I wasn’t going to allow people like you to interfere with my life no matter how uncomfortable it made you feel. Did you ever stop to give a damn how you made me feel? No, you never did.

And now you’re trying to make up for it? You’re barking up the wrong tree, witch. If you only know how much I would rather use the other word! It is fitting, but I would like to think I’m above that. I know I’m not always, but at least I can admit it. Can you?

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

I have been busy trying to get information to the people who’ve come out for the prior Tea Parties. Maybe I should have started here? Well, here is what has been happening.

March On Sacramento Tea Party.

Promo Video!

What? You thought I would tell you here? Well, I could have, but then who would look at my new site, Long Beach Patriots? 😉

Have a great evening.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

While we are fighting the good fight against Congress and the president, we must never forget those who are far away from home fighting the good fight for our very lives. It is to them this tribute is sent.

Just in case the link goes wacky, you can watch it on YouTube.

Yes, they are my heroes. I pray they are yours as well. Have a blessed day.

Hat tip: Pastor Ed.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

I’ve just learned that a Conservative blogger and talk radio show host, Pundit Review, and a leading Liberal blogger site, Blue Mass Group have decided to join forces (as it were) to raise money for the Jared C. Monti Scholarship Fund.

So who was SFC Jared Monti, and what did he do to deserve the highest achievement of all, the Medal of Honor?

When SFC Monti realized that a member of the patrol, Private First Class (PFC) Brian J. Bradbury, was critically wounded and exposed 10 meters from cover, without regard for his personal safety, he advanced through enemy fire to within three feet of PFC Bradbury’s position. But he was forced back by intense RPG fire. He tried again to secure PFC Bradbury, but he was forced to stay in place again as the enemy intensified its fires.

The remaining patrol members coordinated covering fires for SFC Monti, and he advanced a third time toward the wounded Soldier. But he only took a few steps this time before he was mortally wounded by an RPG. About the same time, the indirect fires and CAS he called for began raining down on the enemy’s position. The firepower broke the enemy attack, killing 22 enemy fighters. SFC Monti’s actions prevented the patrol’s position from being overrun, saved his team’s lives and in spired his men to fight on against overwhelming odds.

A remarkable man he was, and his legacy should continue. That is why I, even being on the other side of our beautiful country, am joining forces with them in contributing to the scholarship and asking others to do the same. Please blog about this if you have a blog, write about this is you have a website. Below you will find information so that you also may contribute.



Jared C. Monti Scholarship Fund
c/o Bristol County Savings Bank
108 N. Main Street
Raynham, MA 02767

Entering its fourth year of operation, the Jared C. Monti Scholarship Fund helps deserving young people with funds for college. You can learn about previous scholarship winners here.

If you noticed on Kevin’s site, there was also a box that included his radio show link. I could not for the life of me get that link for you. If you did not go to Kevin’s site (Pundit Review), please do. Leave him a nice comment as well. Thank you and have a blessed day.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

I have pretty busy between trying to get all these posts posted and taking care of our new site, Long Beach Patriots. It may be hectic, but it sure is fun. The newest post over at LB Patriots is about the event I am having on the 14th of August. If our coungresswoman won’t make herself available to us in a TownHall, we’ll just go to her. RESPECTFULLY.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Private Property. GOD given rights, not the government.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Private Property. GOD given rights, not the government.

Here is the link for LB Patriots Go To Congress. Everyone in Long Beach, if you are tired of being lied to by politicians, please join us Friday between 12-2 pm. Remember the golden rule though, be respectful. NO violence, not even if provoked. There is a police station very nearby and there is a security guard inside the building. As long as we are on the right side of the law, we will be fine.

Bring decent, nonpartisan posters and your lunch if this is your lunch hour. I’ve been to her office before, and there are many very nice people working there. Please don’t embarrass yourselves or me. Yes, we are upset, but let us ask reasonable questions. She may even be there and be able to respond! Imagine that. Someone we’re paying to be at work actually being at work. What a concept.

PS. It makes me very angry that I even have to say anything about being respectful, because you guys are some of the most respectful I’ve ever met. It is the LEFTARDS that act like animals, then they think the whole world thinks as they do. Here’s a clue for you on the LEFT. If we thought like you did, why do we oppose these MARXIST bills so much? Hmm?

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

A Twitter friend of mine is outraged at what has happened, and so am I. I just heard Rush speak to some of the people who there, and this is worse than we thought. We knew there were going to be union bosses there with their minnions, but they were there only to do violence with anyone who disagreed with the democrat politician. This is NOT a republican form of government anymore. PS. Read the Constitution. We were promised a republican form of government, NOT a democracy. Please read his press release.

For Immediate Release

August 7th, 2009

Phone: (***) ***-****

ALG Condemns SEIU Beating of Kenneth Gladney at St. Louis Town Hall, Calls for Special Prosecutor to “Investigate White House Complicity”

August 6th, 2009, Fairfax, VA—Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today condemned the brutal beating of activist Kenneth Gladney in South St. Louis County, MO, at a town hall event sponsored by Congressman Russ Caranhan (D-MO) by SEIU members who Wilson said “appears to have been sent out purposely to intimidate the crowd and instigate violence.”

Wilson said that a Special Prosecutor would need to be called “to investigate the possibility of White House complicity in this union thuggery.” The White House told representatives and senators ‘punch back twice as hard’ against opposition to Barack Obama’s government-run health care initiative, and “clearly some of their followers took the message to heart,” Wilson said.

According to Kenneth Gladney’s attorney, David B. Brown, “Kenneth was attacked on the evening of August 6, 2009 at Rep. Russ Carnahan’s town hall meeting in South St. Louis County. I was at the town hall meeting as well and witnessed the events leading up to the attack of Kenneth. Kenneth was approached by an SEIU representative as Kenneth was handing out ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ flags to other conservatives.”

The statement continued, “The SEIU representative demanded to know why a black man was handing out these flags. The SEIU member used a racial slur against Kenneth, then punched him in the face. Kenneth fell to the ground. Another SEIU member yelled racial epithets at Kenneth as he kicked him in the head and back. Kenneth was also brutally attacked by one other male SEIU member and an unidentified woman.”

According to the statement, “The three men were clearly SEIU members, as they were wearing T-shirts with the SEIU logo.”

“This sort of thuggish political violence is what one would expect in Mussolini’s Italy by the Black Shirts,” said Wilson, adding that, “This is pure fascist aggression. The SEIU is sending out goon squads to beat people up who disagree with ObamaCare.  Only a Special Prosecutor can determine if it was done with the knowledge of the White House and Congressman Carnahan.”

After watching the video, Wilson said, “The part where the attackers claimed they were attacked, when Mr. Gladney is clearly on his back, is straight out of the SEIU-ACORN playbook. They train their thugs well. Only, this time, they were caught.”

According to Brown’s statement, Gladney was being civil when he was attacked: “Kenneth was beaten badly. One assailant fled on foot; three others were arrested. Kenneth was admitted to St. John’s Mercy Medical Center emergency room, where he was treated for his numerous injuries. Kenneth was merely expressing his freedom of speech by handing out the flags. In fact, he merely asked people as they exited the town hall meeting whether they would like a flag.”

Brown insisted that Gladney “in no way provoked any argument or altercation, as evidenced by the fact that three assailants were arrested.”

“This is a sad chapter in American history,” Wilson declared, “when a man is cruelly assaulted by political hooligans merely for expressing his beliefs and exercising his First Amendment rights to speak freely and peaceably assemble.”

Wilson said there was a causal relationship between the White House’s call to “punch back” against opposition to Barack Obama’s government-run health care initiative and the incident. “The White House sent out millions of emails, as did the DNC, and the SEIU, all calling on supporters to attend these meetings. And now we know why.”

The SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, was formed by Wade Rathke, also founder of the  group, ACORN, which Barack Obama served as an attorney for. “These are the same people that helped get Barack Obama elected,” Wilson explained.

“Barack Obama has long-time financial and material relationship with ACORN and SEIU. SEIU donated $30.8 million to Obama’s campaign, organized volunteers, and campaigned on his behalf.  ACORN is under investigation for crimes in 15 states, and Barack Obama served as their attorney at one point.  He even gave them $800,000 in 2008 for ‘get-out-the-vote’ efforts.  And now they’re carrying out his dirty work,” Wilson added.

According to the Brown’s statement, “This was a truly senseless hate crime carried out by racist union thugs. Regretfully, Representative Carnahan’s statements blaming Kenneth for being a disruptive force are wholly untrue and slanderous.”

Carnahan today stated that “Sadly, we’ve seen stories about disrupters around the country, and we have a handful of them here in Missouri.”

“The only disruption that occurred was of Mr. Gladney’s rights to life-and-limb as an American citizen,” Wilson said in response, charging that, “Carnahan appears to have been complicit in the incident.”

Wilson also condemned press outlets for failing to report on Mr. Gladney’s story. “Where is the controlled media?” Wilson asked. “Where is CNN? Where is Olbermann and Matthews? They rave about ‘mobs’ but turn a blind eye to a man who was beaten by union thugs. They should hang their heads in shame, or else apply for network anchor positions in Venezuela.”

Wilson said a Special Prosecutor to investigate the White House, SEIU, and Carnahan was necessary because “The American people have no faith in Eric Holder’s Justice Department, which just let two goons off-the-hook who were intimidating voters in 2008 at a Philadelphia polling station with Billy clubs.”

“If anyone thinks there was no relationship between Obama’s call to “punch back” and this brutality in the streets of St. Louis, we have some nice real estate that runs over the East River in New York we’d think they’d be interested in purchasing,” Wilson concluded.

Interview Availability: Please contact Robert Romano at (703)383-0880 or at Robert@getliberty.org to arrange an interview with ALG President Bill Wilson.

# # #

Americans for Limited Government is a non- partisan, nationwide network committed to advancing free market reforms,private property rights and core American liberties. For more information on ALG please call us at 703-383-0880 or visit our website at www.GetLiberty.org

Cross-posted @ Long Beach Patriots and Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

It is time for more news. These links go to posts I have already posted for the sources identified at the bottom of each topic. Enjoy.

Military News.
1, McChrystal assumes command in Afghaistan, 6/15/09.
2. Taliban increasingly targets civilians in eastern Afghanistan, 6/2/09.

1. Iranians Betrayed by Obama Administration, 6/16/09.

There’s only three posts for this one. That’s because my computer keeps crashing on me. Truth is I probably need a hew one. Well, I hope you read these and enjoy them or are as disgusted as I am. Either way, I must start a new post. Have a blessed day.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.