
Archive for May 12th, 2008

At this point I am too overwhelmed with news e-mails, so I am going to just put them all right here so you can choose which ones interest you. Sorry I didn’t have the time to write about each one, but I’m only human!

1. Kickin’ Ass. It’s the actual name of the article from JammieWearingFool and this MNF-Iraq video. Date: 3/31/08
2. OPERATION: LOVE FROM HOME. Get your UNSEALED cards to Kat no later than June 7, 2008 for the July 4th cards from home for our guys and gals in the Military. Date: 4/4/08
3. Obama: Socialist Agenda? This is a video from John over at the Stop the ACLU. It is a discussion between Mark Styen and Glenn Beck on Obama’s agenda. Date: 4/11/08
4. This is the actual e-mail: U.S. State Department Undermines Jewish Rights and Defies International Law – The Tale of a “U.S.-Palestinian Partnership” about this: U.S.-Palestinian Partnership. This was forwarded to me by Eli E. Hertz about what the State Dept. is up to now. I believe we REALLY need to get rid of ALL of them. You can watch the video here. Date: 4/14/08
5. Hezbollah Muslim Converts to Christianity — Amazing Testimony. You can watch a clip here and decide for yourself. Date: 4/14/08

6. Michael Yon says that his book, “Moment of Truth in Iraq” is selling very well, but the thing he likes best is stepping on American soil. What a guy! Date: 4/16/08
7. The Aztlan Civil Liberties Union. Leave it to the ACLU to approve of illegal activities such illegal aliens. Why don’t they ever side with America? Thanks John, Stop the ACLU! Date: 4/23/08
8. I have quite a few links from a black activist website for this one topic: Pardon Ramos and Compean. Black Leader Urges Pardon for Incarcerated Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean, Bush Criticized for Pardoning Drug Offenders, Embezzler While Leaving Border Patrol Agents Behind Bars, Black Activist Says Drug Smuggler’s Guilty Plea Reason to Revisit Presidential Pardon for Ramos and Compean, Black Churches to Participate in Day of Prayer for Jailed Border Patrol Agents and this one was written in December of last year Justice for two. This site is fabulous. There is another issue important to all of us, not just them: Black Activist Asks: If Courts Can Gut Second Amendment, How Can We Assume 13th Amendment Ban on Slavery is Safe?. The website is Project 21: The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives.
9. Ken Timmerman has two follow-up stories to his first one, Kurds Provide Safe Haven for Christians, which make me very sad. Here they are: Christians Face Extinction in Northern Iraq and Christians Want Police Protection in Iraq. Why is there no screaming from OUR pulpits? Why are we not chopping off heads? Why are we not burning down towns? Mosques? Oh, that’s right. WE DON’T THAT KIND OF CRAP. But we should at least acknowledge there is a problem and a hardship (to say the least) taking place with our brethren.
10. From Radio Free Asia, I have this article: Two Tibetan Buddhist Nuns Detained in Protest.

11. Did you miss the 60 Minutes with Justice Scalia? No fear. John from Stop the ACLU has the video! Scalia Explains Originalism.
12. Many people wanted to weigh in on the courts decision to allow voter ids. Isn’t it amazing that we have to go to court in the middle of a war, or for any time actually, to maintain our Sovereignty? Let’s start with John from Stop the ACLU: ACLU Extremely Upset with Supreme Court Decision on Indiana Voter ID Law. Then there is the Nat’l Center for Public Policy Research: Supreme Court Endorsement of Photo ID Election Rule Hailed by Black Activists. Stephen Franks also weighs in with this: Supreme Court Says YES to Voter ID. In case you don’t my opinion on this ruling, D’oh! What took ya so long?
13. ACT! For America has a couple articles. Here they are: Strategic Collapse in the War on Terror by Joseph Myers at American Thinker, and Outlawing the Pig.
14. Now for a couple articles from the ACLJ. The first one is to protect our military Chaplains’ right to pray. Can you believe it? Well, read this: Protecting Military Chaplains. Just in case you do not believe this is a problem, read this! Christian Bookstore Reinstated at VA Hospitals. Why was it excluded in the first place, and why did we have to go to court to get our right back? I’m sure muz-i-lums have no problem. This is becoming dangerous. The next article will show how far down that slope we have gone: Victory for Free Speech at Elementary School Student Talent Show. You really want to get under my skin? Go after the children. Go after my religion. You’ve basically just named my two reasons for living!

Alright, this is enough for now. I’ll do another one soon. Very soon! I still have too full of an inbox. Now, back to what I was doing…

Posts I’ve trackposted to:

Faultline USA: How Obama’s Supporters Will Sabotage Obama.
Big Dog’s Weblog: Michelle Obama has spoken; No VP Hillary.
Right Truth: Conservatives Happier Than Liberals.
A NEWT ONE: War News: National Security Is Our #1 Issue.
Right Truth: PATIENT EVIL – An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive – Chapter Two.
PATIENT EVIL An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive Chapter Two Viper’s Lair, Kerch, Ukraine Muhammad gazed upon his surroundings with his intense, orange-brown eyes scrutinizing the cell that had been his home for the past two months…
Woman Honor Thyself: Doozie of the DaY: AbaYA Fashion ShoW.
Izlam is a fundamentalistic, fascistic, totalitarian, and expansionistic ideology.
There’s nothing warm and fuzzy about it …

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