
Archive for the ‘book’ Category

Michal is not able to use his computer at the moment, but he did relay this information over the phone to someone who e-mailed this tidbit to his subscribers of which I am one.

03 Sept 08

09:10 EST

Michael has no internet but called on the sat phone.

British 2 Para in Helmand provence have been repeatedly and successfully closing with and engaging the Taliban. In ongoing operations today a number of British paratroopers lured Taliban into an attack. British forces responded with machine guns, small arms, shoulder fired rockets, mortars, and a 500 lb bomb. Locals say “Many Taliban dead.”

More Later…

Michael goes overseas to get the real news that we are not getting at home, and he goes without any backing from any organization. He relies solely on the donations we send to him.

If you want to receive his updates, you may sign-up for an e-mail subscription here. If you would like to help Michael while he is in Afghanistan being a citizen journalist for us, you may do so here:

Reader support remains critical to Michael’s mission.

You may also support him through snail-mail:

Michael Yon
PO Box 5553
Winter Haven, FL 33880

Have you purchased his wonderful book, Moment Of Truth In Iraq, yet? If not, you may still get an autographed copy here. (Yes, it is at a Yahoo store.) It truly is a great book, and it will be more than worth your time to read it.

Thank you for your time! Keep those prayers coming, and have a wonderful day.

Cross-posted @ The Talon and Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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I have collected a variety of news articles for your reading pleasure. While they may be links to other sites or videos, I have been just a little too busy to get it right. I hope you enjoy it! Have a great weekend.

Here are some undercover videos from ACT! for America from mosques in the UK: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, , and Yasir Qadhi talks about ‘Dispatches – Undercover Mosques’. Bilal Philips responds to ‘Dispatches – Undercover Mosques’, Abu Usama responds to ‘Dispatches – Undercover Mosques’, Dispatches Under Cover Mosque Part 1, Dispatches Under Cover Mosque Part 2, and many more responses here. [Source: ACT! For America.]

For this week’s Flight 93 Blogburst, here is Alec’s post. Sorry, but I just got too busy. A call for America’s churches to step up as witnesses for the truth about the Flight 93 memorial. [Source: Error Theory.]

The Vets For Freedom made it into the Wall Street Journal! Here is the article: Why Obama Must Go to Iraq, By: Pete Hegseth. Their PAC promises to make sure that our troops are well served, no matter the admistration, and they will be steadfast as we come together and stand with them. God Bless Them!

As you may have figured out by now, I am sooo far behind! Here is the link to the Blogs4Borders Video Blogburst: 06/02/08.

I must share with you one of our best mibloggers who is actually on the ground in Iraq. He has been to Afghanistan as well. He knows of what he speaks, and he is pro-American–not pro-democrat nor pro-republican. Pro-American. It’s about time someone was! Here are some of the stories he has written recently: Townhall (DON’T FORGET, JOIN TOWNHALL AND GET HIS BOOK FREE!!!), An Open Offer to U.S. Senators, Great Americans: David Leimbach Comes Home. Investigation Launched, The Buck Stops, In Memory of SPC David Lee Leimbach, Memorial Day, Curiouser and curiouser and Distributor Refuses to Carry “Moment of Truth in Iraq” on Military Bases.

There is just one more video I would like to share with you. (Well, I’d like to share a lot of them, but I chose this one.) For those of us who are curious about whether or not we would have won WWII if we had the same press back then as we have today, watch this. IT IS NOT TRUE, it is a ‘what if’…You will find it at JammieWearingFool: June 6, 1944, the ‘Day of Days’. Great job guys.

Lastly, but certainly never leastly, take a moment out of your day today to remember all of those who went to war before you and for you. This is D-Day. God bless our military! Thank you, men and women of the Armed Forces. We are very grateful for your lives, no matter how long or short they have been. I also pray for our military of today. I thank God for you each day. I also pray for your protection. Keep your heads down and your powder dry. We love you. God bless you.

This is an open trackback post. Feel free to put your best, funniest, or misc. work here. Share it with others. Not familiar with trackbacks? First, choose the article you want to promote. Copy/paste my permalink (URL) to your post. Then send a trackback to me. Don’t have one? You can use Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. Otherwise, leave a comment for me with the permalink for your post, the name of your blog, and a small excerpt, and I will add it to the list. There are three trackbacks which I recommend: Open Trackback Alliance, (host an open trackpost) Linkfest Haven Deluxe, and Open TrackBack Provider Blogroll at The Blue State Conservatives for more information.

Bloggers who also participate in ‘The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns‘ OTA:

Su. The Amboy Times: Obama’s Pro-Israel Stance Abandoned. Su. walls of the city: ... Su. Grandinite: ... Su. OneManBandwidth: ... Su. Stageleft: ... Su. InMuscatine: ...
M. Perri Nelson (M, W, F): ...
T. Planck’s Constant: ...
W. Stop the ACLU: ... W. third world county (W, F): ... W. Maggie’s Notebook (W, Wknd): ... W. Gribbit (W, S) ...
Th. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: ...
F. Stix Blog: ... F. Pirate’s Cove (M, F): Pirate’s Weekend Linkfest Sticky 6/6-6/8. F. The World According To Carl: check. F. Woman Honor Thyself: ... F. 123beta (F, Wknd): ...
S. Church and State: ... S. LyfLines: ...
D. The Yankee Sailor (M, F): ... D. The Dumb Ox Daily News: ... D. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: ... D. Conservative Cat: ...
Wknd Oblogatory Anecdotes: ... Wknd Stuck on Stupid: ... Wknd. Blue Star Chronicles: ... Wknd. The Uncooperative Blogger: ...

Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites:

Big Dog’s Weblog: McCain Wants Man On Mars.
Democrat=Socialist: News Opinion RoundUp 6 June 2008.
Conservative Cat: Ferdy.
Thanks to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Del.icio.us. Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. M. Faultline USA: Heartless Hartford Connecticut.
Could this kind of callous disregard for our fellow man have happened in any town? Is it because it happened in a high-crime area with a culture of not getting involved? What does this say about America?…
2. W. Right Truth: British government discriminates against Christianity, favors Islam.
“The Church of England claims the British government lacks a strong moral direction, discriminates against Christians and favors Islam in its actions.” (UPI.com) I agree with this statement, but I’m not sure about the suggested solution. Th…

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Michael Yon’s book, Moment of Truth in Iraq, has provided the first chapter as a download. (This prior link is for Amazon.com.) Here is the link (.pdf) for the first chapter: Be Not Afraid. This is an excellent book that will give you a true grasp of what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan and how we got there. Awesome.
Please check out this article over at Michelle Malkin’s: Mark your calendars: June 26 From the Front Lines web-a-thon.
Kenneth Timmerman:

Iranian Activist Faces Imminent Execution.
May 30, 2008

Dr. Forood Fouladvand, a self-styled monarchist who disappeared along with two associates on the Turkish border with Iran on Jan. 17, 2007, faces imminent execution by the Iranian authorities, Iranian exiles in London and former colleagues tell Newsmax. Click here for the full story.

Iranians Would Welcome Airstrikes, Sources Say.
May 20, 2008

As Barack Obama and John McCain thrash it out over how they would deal with Iran, voices from inside Iran are weighing in with an unusual message: If the United States strikes hard and fast, we will support you. Click here for the full story.

Iran Behind Beirut Takeover, Eyes Israel.
May 14, 2008

Senior Iranian officials were directly involved in planning and carrying out Hezbollah’s successful takeover of Beirut last week, and believe that their victory is the first step in a new war on Israel. Click here for the full story.

Kurdistan Minister – Rich Star, or Pawn?.
May 01, 2008

Like the larger-than-life hero of the classic F. Scott Fitzgerald novel of the roaring 20s, Iraqi Kurdistan’s mysterious Minister of Finance, Sarkis Aghajan, has star power.

He is reputed to be one of the richest men in Iraq. And yet, like the fictional Jay Gatsby, no one knows anything about the sources of his wealth, his early career, or his family origin. Click here for the full story.

Christians Want Police Protection in Iraq.
Apr 28, 2008

For Christians living in the ancient sprawling town of Tel Kaif, just 10 minutes north of Mosul, geography is a curse. “We are sandwiched between the Arabs in Mosul, and the Kurds in Erbil,” says William Warda, 47, who grew up in this city in the 1960s and ’70s. Click here for the full story.
Jerusalem Day June 2, 2008 – One Nation’s Capital throughout History.

One Nation’s Capital throughout History

Jerusalem and the Jewish people are so intertwined that telling the history of one is telling the history of the other. For more than 3,000 years, Jerusalem has played a central role in the history of the Jews, culturally, politically, and spiritually, a role first documented in the Scriptures. All through the 2,000 years of the diaspora, Jews have called Jerusalem their ancestral home. This sharply contrasts the relationship between Jerusalem and the new Islamists who artificially inflate Islam’s links to Jerusalem.

The Arab rulers who controlled Jerusalem through the 1950s and 1960s demonstrated no religious tolerance in a city that gave birth to two major Western religions. That changed after the Six-Day War in 1967, when Israel regained control of the whole city. Symbolically, one of Israel’s first steps was to officially recognize and respect all religious interests in Jerusalem. But the war for control of Jerusalem and its religious sites is not over.

Palestinian terrorism has targeted Jerusalem particularly in an attempt to regain control of the city from Israel. The result is that they have turned Jerusalem , literally the City of Peace , into a bloody battleground and have thus forfeited their claim to share in the city’s destiny.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”
Psalm 122:6

You may reproduce this article with attribution to “Myths and Facts.
Blogs4Borders Video Blogburst 05.26.08. The Future of Illegal Immigration News.
Freedom Folks. Fighting Illegal Immigration One Post at a Time.
Jobs Americans Won’t Do. 100% Preventable.

Help More People to “Find” the Show.
Click through to YouTube to rate the show, make it a favorite, leave a comment, or post a video response of your own Forward this e-mail to anyone you think might be interested in this issue – or might become interested if they knew more about it.

Embed or link to the show on any online forums where you participate. MJ & Jake are available for interviews – mention the show to any MSM contacts you may have or make.

Help Us Make the Show Better.
If you see a story or have an idea you think we should cover, send it our way – we always welcome viewer input. Grab a camera and do a piece of your own – we eagerly consider submissions from other citizen journalists.
ACT! for America.

Funding terrorism: Hezbollah uses its US websites to collect donations-shut them down! A MUST READ.
JammieWearingFool has blessed us with this most interesting post: Czech president: Environmentalism is the new communism.

Environmentalism, says Czech President Vaclav Klaus, is the new communism, a system of elite command-and-control that kills prosperity and should similarly be condemned to the ash heap of history.

I agree with him!
The Gathering of Eagles held an “Operation Recruiter Appreciation 2008”, and here is the after action report: ORA 2008 Reports Are Up!
I’m afraid Flight 93 blogburst got caught in the bulk section, and I want to give the news to you now. I won’t be able to give the whole blogburst (because this is long enough already!), so please go visit Plan your trip to the Flight 93 crash site for the weekend of August 2nd! to read this week’s article by Alec.
Next I have an article from John over at the Stop the ACLU. This is a great article, and you should really go over and voice your opinion. Boy Scouts Sue Philly to Stay in HQ.
John has just sent me another post, this one has to do with drilling for oil NOW. Sign Newt’s Petition to DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW!
Here’s one that I know most of you will agree with, and it will make your blood boil! Poll Shows Little Public Enthusiasm For Lieberman-Warner bill by Amy Ridenour at the National Center for Public Policy Research.
Do you want your mind blown? New Questions About Cost of Immigration, Legal and Illegal. Another article from Stephen is Statewide Judicial Recommendations From CRLA. This is for ALL Californians and if you have any relatives in California, PLEASE send them this link!
A very nice friend of mine was able to meet one of our favorite writers, Mark Steyn. He has some pictures and a very good post about Mark Steyn in Toronto.
Last but not least, I would like to add my last post. It is a collection of posts I was saving to work on like the others you see above. lol
Okay, that is quite enough! I am trying to clean out my inbox so I can have some room to think for myself, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You guys keep emailing your links and posts! (Don’t stop!) I just can’t win. lol.

This is an open trackback post. Feel free to put your best, funniest, or misc. work here. Share it with others. Not familiar with trackbacks? First, choose the article you want to promote. Copy/paste my permalink (URL) to your post. Then send a trackback to me. Don’t have one? You can use Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. Otherwise, leave a comment for me with the permalink for your post, the name of your blog, and a small excerpt, and I will add it to the list. There are three trackbacks which I recommend: Open Trackback Alliance, (host an open trackpost) Linkfest Haven Deluxe, and Open TrackBack Provider Blogroll at The Blue State Conservatives for more information.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at ‘The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns‘ OTA:

Su. The Amboy Times: Superior Carbon Neutral Humans Discovered.
W. Right Truth: You have one day to live … what do you do?

Posts that I’m waiting for them to post so I can trackback:

Sunday Su. walls of the city: ... Su. Grandinite: ... Su. OneManBandwidth: ... Su. Stageleft: ... Su. InMuscatine: ... Monday M. Perri Nelson (M, W, F): ... Tuesday T. Planck’s Constant: ... Wednesday W. Stop the ACLU: ... W. third world county (W, F): ... Thursday Th. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: ... Friday F. Stix Blog: ... F. Pirate’s Cove (M, F): ... F. The World According To Carl: ... F. Woman Honor Thyself: ... S. Church and State: ... S. LyfLines: ... Daily D. The Yankee Sailor (M, F): ... D. The Dumb Ox Daily News: ... D. Conservative Cat: ... Weekend Wknd Oblogatory Anecdotes: ... Wknd Stuck on Stupid: ... Wknd. Blue Star Chronicles: ... Wknd. The Uncooperative Blogger: ...

Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites:
Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Del.icio.us. Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. F. 123beta (F, Wknd): Video: Marcus Luttrell At the NRA Convention.
Marcus Luttrell, the former Navy SEAL and author of the best-selling book, “Lone Survivor” was in Louisville a few days ago to speak at the NRA convention. Here’s the video:Trackposted to Outside the…
2. Wolf Pangloss: Clay Aiken and Turkey Baster are gonna be a Dad Open Trackbacks.
Open Trackbacks! Suspicions confounded! The news about Clay Aiken impregnating the 50-year-old sister of music producer David Foster (with the sexually ambiguous name of Jaymes) is intriguing…
3. D. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: 2008 Atlantic Hurricane Season expected to be busy.
Once again, a stronger than normal tropical storm season is predicted for 2008. It would be very easy to dismiss these predictions due to the mild seasons we’ve seen in the past two years. This would be a very foolish thing to do…
4. Wolf Pangloss: Harvey Korman, R.I.P.
Godspeed to a very funny man, here in an old fashioned but still funny musical comedy sketch with Tim Conway from the Carol Burnett Show…
5. M. Faultline USA: Why Obama Can Never Leave His Church.
The question has been raised as to why TUCC invited Pfleger to incite more racism, which could only be an unwelcome development for Obama. Didn’t Obama’s “wonderful new” pastor have a clue as to what Pfleger might say? Of course he did! The answer to…
6. Wolf Pangloss: The Grasping Tentacles of Obama’s Church.
Faultline USA has an important article updating the story of what’s going on at Obama’s church, the Black Liberation Theology espousing Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. He found a video of a sermon that Otis P. Moss III, the new …
7. W. third world county (W, F): Skeptical Thought for the Weekend.
Who’d-a thunk it? Steeler Wheel as prophets of doom? …
8. D. Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Alma gives birth to Arthur.
Tropical storm Alma crossed over Central America into the warm waters of the Caribbean and strengthened into tropical storm Arthur, the first named storm of the Atlantic season. As the graphic clearly shows, there is no threat to the US gulf coast…
9. W. Right Truth: Three wives, 19 children, tortured by Muslim man.
The 22 family members of Mansa Musa Muhummed, age 55 and whose given name is Richard Boddie, described being beaten; strung up by their feet in a dark basement room; and forced to eat vomit and feces. Welfare workers supposedly…
10. W. Maggie’s Notebook (W, Wknd): What Does Obama Think Christian Churches Do?
I’m just a bit jazzed by his many references to the “good works” of Trinity United Christian Church. So there are 8,000 members? Surely, they do “good works” in their local area. What are their outreaches? Palestine, maybe? I don’t know, but I th…
11. Adam’s Blog: Obama’s Political Choices.
Podcast Show Notes. Why Obama’s decision to leave his church smacks of politics. Why Hillary supporters are wrong to make a stink about the DNC decision to admit half of Florida and Michigan’s delegates. Is big ears the only thing keeping…
12. Cao’s Blog: Obama is a descendant of Arab Slave traders.
Mr. Obama is not legally African-American. It is impossible for him to be, in truth, America’s first African-American president. Federal law requires that to claim a minority status, you must be at least 1/8 of the descriptor, but for the sake o…
13. Conservative Cat: Shutting Out the Clarksville Foxes.
Yesterday the Clarksville Fox came to Holmgren Field to play the Chicago Force. As regular readers know, the Chicago Force is our local women’s tackle football team, and this year they are on track to make it into the playoffs…

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Is this a correct statement? Let us consider the facts, the evidence as some may say.

I have read much this week (and in the past) about the Koran, terrorism, torture, rape, molestation, slavery, Muslims, moderation, and much more. Today I will focus on how the Muslims who are faithful to the Koran consider Kafirs (non-believers).

Let me define some words as we begin our study of the evidence.


The kafirs are condemned to Islamic Hell because we don’t accept Mohammed as any kind of prophet or leader. We are the dhimmis, the slaves, and the slain of every continent. Unfortunately, the kafirs are the ignorant, the unknowing and the frightened. We don’t know anything about the 270 million dead killed in the name of Allah. But consider the rest of our vast ignorance…1

Here is another defination of the same word according to Muslims:

The usual translation of this Arabic word is unbeliever, but unbeliever is only a very small part of its meaning. It is the Koran that defines the word “kafir” and it says the most terrible things can happen to them. The Koranic doctrine about kafirs says they are hated and are Satan’s friends. Kafirs can be robbed, killed, tortured, raped, mocked, cursed, condemned and plotted against. The Koran does not have one good thing to say about kafirs. 2

Now let us define ‘Moderate Muslim‘ as the Muslims define it:

Islamic doctrine defines what is moderate and not moderate. Since we are dealing with Islam, we need to know that the doctrine is dualistic. Islam can have two doctrines about any issue. This follows from the Koran. The early Koran, which was written in Mecca is generally religious. The Koran written in Medina is very political and includes jihad. The two Korans are not only very different, but they also contradict each other in major ways.

So we have the possibility of two kinds of moderate Muslims, since we have two doctrines. Osama bin Laden is a moderate Muslim, who follows the Koran of Medina, the Koran of jihad. Kafirs call him an extremist or radical Muslim. Actually, Osama obeys the Koran of Medina and the Sunna of Mohammed, so he is a moderate, pious Medinan Muslim.

The jihadists on September 11, 2001 were all moderate Medinan Muslims. They were not extremists or radicals. 2

Does this not bother a whole lot of people besides me that our government is so ignorant to these facts? Now that we have gained a very little deeper understanding as to how the Muslims truly think about us, let us see what these definitions have led to in the past and what we have done about it. This is the only way we will be able to learn how to deal with our enemy.

For over the last 1400 years, 270 million kafirs have died as a result of the political doctrine of Islam. It is the biggest single source of suffering in the history of the world. 2

–Almost none of our diplomats and “experts” have never read any of the Trilogy, nor were they taught the doctrine of political Islam in college.
–Jews and Christians do not know about the Arabian Annihilation (the elimination of all Jews and Christians from Arabia).
–People don’t know that white women were the slaves of choice among Muslims for 1400 years.
–Our media and intellectuals do not acknowledge rape of the kafirs as a weapon of war.
–Christians don’t realize that they lost half their territory and 60 million people to Islam in Turkey, Syria, and North Africa.
–Political Islam destroyed half of Hindu culture.
–Political Islam annihilated most of Buddhist culture.
–Islam destroyed all of the native religious culture of Africa in Islamic areas. 1

Well, I suppose this may come as a shock to some people, it did to me and I know a tiny bit more about this topic than the average American. How can this be? Why do I know more about Communism than this war they have declared against us over 230 years ago?

This is probably why Bill Warren wrote this article, “An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam,” and sat down for an interview to discuss the “Kafir Dreams” with FrontPageMag.com. Mr. Warren is the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam. He is also the spokesman for Political Islam.com.

My question to you is this, does this change anything? Is this so out of the ‘norm’ that you will not even consider it? I remember a time, long ago now, when there were many who said it was crazy to throw off the yoke of England. We would be called traitors, we would be hanged. (Okay, maybe I wasn’t actually there, but it is part of our history!) Are we going to remain ignorant as to who the enemy truly is in this war?

Am I declaring that all of Islam is at war with us? Yes, I am. We need to read up on this, because our political people, the State Department, the CIA, the FBI, the police, and anyone else who works for the government has never tackled these issues. They refuse to look into this possibility out of fear (which is also covered in these articles). Until we open our eyes and face the truth, we are sitting targets. I have been called many things in my life, but never a coward. I am not about to be a target. Are you?

1An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam.
2Kafir Dreams.

This is an open trackback post. Feel free to put your best, funniest, or misc. work here. Share it with others. Not familiar with trackbacks? First, choose the article you want to promote. Copy/paste my permalink (URL) to your post. Then send a trackback to me. Don’t have one? You can use Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger. Otherwise, leave a comment for me with the permalink for your post, the name of your blog, and a small excerpt, and I will add it to the list.

Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites:

third world county: Monday, Monday… Every other day...
McCain Blogs: Beer Monday: Obama Doesn’t Attack, Does He?
Right Truth: It’s Their Own Damn Fault.
DragonLady’s World: OTA Monday 84.
Pirate’s Cove: Beer Monday: Obama Doesn’t Attack, Does He?
Dumb Ox Daily News: Hobama,** Heybama, Bama, Bama-Ho Superstar!.
Right Voices: A Simple Conservative Message.
The Yankee Sailor: Monday Open Post.
Woman Honor Thyself: FDNY: Brooklyn Wall of Remembrance.
Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Adam’s Blog: Obama Knows Best.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Del.icio.us. Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. A Few Shiny Pebbles: We Have Work To Do.
Naturally, the day I target as the day that I will be able to start posting on my blog again is a day that opens up with a whole list of things that I have to do before I can…
2. third world county: Whither Now, Conservative?
…the perfect definition of anarcho-tyranny: when government becomes THE Outlaw Gang…
3. Right Voices: Has Obama Been Paying Attention To Iran Or is He Divorced From Reality? (This reminds of the song, Day Dreamer.)
Seriously. Karl at Protein Wisdom: “Yesterday, Iran did not pose a serious threat to the US. Today, Obama declares Iran to be a ‘grave threat.’ Tomorrow, who knows? If it’s Tuesday, it must be Tehran!” Ace of Spades: By stating that Iran i…
4. Right Truth: PATIENT EVIL – An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive – Chapter Six.
PATIENT EVIL An R.J. Godlewski and Right Truth Blog Exclusive eBook Chapter Six Viper’s Lair — Kerch, Ukraine Muhammad sat facing the corner of his cell like some spoiled kindergartner serving ‘time out’ for bullying other students, but he had…
5. Conservative Cat: A Complicated Weekend With Women’s Tackle Football.
The school year is coming to an end, and this means there are a lot of band concerts involving The Girl, who is a serious french horn player. One of them started an hour before the kickoff of last Saturday’s…
6. Shadowscope: FLDS Member Speaks Out.
Elissa Wall is the former FLDS member that helped convict Warren Jeffs. She has also written a book about her life within the FLDS entitled ‘Stolen Innocence’. The Associate Press has an interview with Elissa Wall. Related articlesFew answers for…
7. Leaning Straight Up: Sexpresso continues to flourish, and draws a local protest.
The sexpresso craze I first blogged about here, and then again here, continues to grow and flourish here in the Pacific Northwest, the home of Starbucks, the unofficial caffeine capital of the US.
8. Beagle Scout: House passes bill to flush taxpayer money down a toilet.
The US House of Representatives has passed one of the most pointless exercises in idiocy to come down the pike in a long while. WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday allowing the Justice Dep…
9. Faultline USA: Contact Your Senators Today and Say “No Stealth Amnesty”.
The Democratic version of Amnesty equals perpetual financial slavery for illegal immigrants! STOP BACKDOOR AMNESTY. YOU MUST CALL YOUR SENATORS TODAY!
10. Woman Honor Thyself: SlanG huh?
Let’s start with: ‘Undocumented Workers’. Uh huh. Whoever came up with that beaut!
11. Cao’s Blog: Flight 93 Blogburst: Mancow: “I’m gonna take a sledge-hammer to it” “YouR.
Mancow: “I’m gonna take a sledge-hammer to it” “You’ll go to jail for it?” “Absolutely”

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Today felt good in one sense, not so good in another. We’re still having that global-warming heat wave (they used to call it Summer), but I still got a lot of reading under my belt. Here is list of really great reads:

Right Truth: PATIENT EVIL – An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive – Chapter Five. This is an excellent book! Wow. What a wonderful writer that Mr. Godlewski is. I recommend this book, chapter by chapter.

Then there was Jonn’s article, IVAW takes the Road Show to Congress. That’s right, the illiterate Iraqi Vets Against the War were in Congress in front of the socialist party to give their report. I read Jonn’s, but there is also Thus Spake Ortner who liveblogged from the comfort of his home and to cover the rest. You may be able find something over at Gathering of Eagles, Free Republic, or many of the milblogs.

Another very interesting post I’ve been reading, which I believe would open many eyes, is Political Islam. This is definitely an eye-opener. Were you aware that OBL is a moderate Muslim? Hmm. Read this article then!

I received an e-mail from American Free Congress with an article I could not find because I could not get into get into Front Page Magazine, but I was able to find someone who had the interview over at Doctor Bulldog and Robin. The title of the article is “Kafir Dream.” These two articles will open our eyes wider than they already are, if you can believe that. I can now!

There were a few more articles I read such as how Sen. Kennedy is doing (put your politics aside, and send out your prayers), and a few more I don’t even remember. I read Blackfive’s feed, and I read Readjustment And Trivia by Bill and Bob’s Excellent Afghan Adventure. My friend has been back in the states for a little more than a month. If you wish to know how the media is effecting our Soldiers, read this. Grab a kleenex first, though. Maybe I’m just too close to this one, but I feel so helpless. God bless your family and you, M.

Well, that’s it for now. If I read your site and forgot to mention you, it wasn’t out of meanness. This is the first time in a LONG time that I took the time off to just read. I must say, I rather enjoyed it! 😉

Hat tip: Blackfive for the articles about IVAW (plus they have their own article).

Posts I’ve trackposted to at Linkfest and other sites:
Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Del.icio.us. Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. Right Voices: A Simple Conservative Message.
By Victor Davis Hanson: A Simple Conservative Message. There is a lot of anguish among Republicans as they look at the dismal polls and the even more depressing performance of their candidates in various preliminary House races. New books and prophets…
2. Right Truth: It’s their own damn fault.
Jimmy Buffet’s song Margaritaville ends with the realization “And I know it’s my own damn fault.” Unfortunately many Republicans can’t reach this same conclusion. Victor Davis Hanson here sees the situation as it truly is — not Bush’s fault —
3. Woman Honor Thyself: FDNY: Brooklyn Wall of Remembrance.
The pouring rain, which began promptly at 10 minutes to 2; exactly 10 minutes before the opening ceremonies were due to begin— did nothing to dampen the spirits of family, loved ones, NYPD, FDNY or me…

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Michael Yon has an article published in the WSJ’s Opinion Journal. If we had an American media interested in winning this global war, he would seem to be just another reporter. Not so. They are more interested in what the Leftists and the Communists think of THEM. They can’t hold a candle to his reporting. He has been out there with troops since January 2005. You will find his website with all of his reporting here.

As I read his article in the Journal, I could truly feel his words. He brings to life what no one else is discussing and the other side of the news. Here is just a tease:

The change goes far beyond the statistical decline in casualties or incidents of violence. A young Iraqi translator, wounded in battle and fearing death, asked an American commander to bury his heart in America. Iraqi special forces units took to the streets to track down terrorists who killed American soldiers. The U.S. military is the most respected institution in Iraq, and many Iraqi boys dream of becoming American soldiers. Yes, young Iraqi boys know about “GoArmy.com.” [Continue reading.]

That is just downright awesome. Why are we not hearing more of this? Because no one is taking the time or the effort to go over there and report the FACTS on the ground like Michael is doing.

I know Michael did not ask this of his readers, but the only way he is able to continue his work over there is through our donations to him. Believe me, it does cost him a lot of money. He is not over there through any of our big news media. Why should they pay him? They cannot manipulate him! HooaH!

If you would like to help Michael, you may do so by donating here or by buying his newly released book, ‘Moment Of Truth.’ I know he appreciates everything and anything we can do for him. He has personally told me so through e-mails. If you like his reporting, please help him to continue doing this work. Thank you so much! 😉

Today I am having an open post trackback, and you are welcome to trackback or ping an article you wish to share with others. I like to use Linkfest for this, because there are many people with good posts already up over there. It is also a good way to share your articles. Give it a go, eh? The only rule I have is that there shall be no porn. Thanks, and have a great day.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:

Woman Honor Thyself: NO Free SpeecH for Brigitte Bardot..well, not about Muzlims.
Adam’s Blog: Throwing Away the Keyes.
Maggie’s Notebook: Biofuels: A Threat and a Cause of World Hunger.
Wolf Pangloss: 4GW/xGW: Identifying Tibet Protest Narratives.
Pirate’s Cove: Huff Post On The Pope’s Visit: Bisexual God And Abortion.

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Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. A NEWT ONE: War News: Beating the Leftinistra Like A Rented Mule.
Let them whine. Let them wail and gnash teeth. Let them scream and holler all the way into the Abyss of Obscurity…
2. Grandinite: Grandinite’s “Top Ten Skin Disorders”.
TV reporter refuses to give in to disorder turning him white. I was reading about this guy, Lee Thomas, who has a disease similar to Michael Jackson. It’s called vitiligo. I searched it out, but it was not there. Did you know that …
3. Right Truth: Talk show host gets child rape wrong.
Thursday, April 17, 2008, hearings begin in the largest child-welfare case in U.S. history — referred to as the “West Texas polygamist colony.” What’s at issue here are the children who are being sexually abused (raped) by older men. While…

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Oh my, how the time does fly! I’m going to have to leave you with a list of articles that peaked my interest today. There are quite a few of them, so I hope you’ll understand why I could not take the time to write about each one individually. Time got away from me, and I have to write something today. You know, my promise to myself. 😉


MPs pass weapons knowledge to Afghan counterparts, by Matthew Clifton, 22nd MPAD.
Spc. Justin Goggans (left) and Sgt. William Gano teach a member of the Afghan National Police to fire a PKM machine gun Feb. 19 at FOB Shank, Afghanistan. (U.S. Army Photo by Sgt. Matthew Clifton)
**If you have trouble reaching 22nd MPAD, please let me know and I’ll go in to get the info for you.
Paratrooper repairs weapon, re-enters the fight, by Jim Wilt, CJTF 82 Public Affairs.
Army Sgt. Jonas Jerome Allen, a Paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division’s Long Range Surveillance Detachment, poses for a photo in front of a CH-47 Chinook helicopter. During a battle in Kapisa Province, Afghanistan, Allen repaired a fellow gunner’s MK-19 grenade launcher while under fire Sept. 9, 2007. (U.S. Army Photo)
Skilled labor workshops held in Paktika, CJTF-82 Operations.
Afghan students cut lumber needed for a tool shed. The construction workshop is funded by the Commander’s Emergency Response Program to develop construction skills among Afghan residents.
Bagram military police donate smiles, by James Bolinger, CJTF 82 Public Affairs.
Army Sgt. Heather Slater shows an Afghan boy at how use crayons and a coloring book Feb. 25 at the Egyptian Hospital near Bagram Airfield. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sr. Airman James Bolinger)


When Will North Korea Return Our Abductees?, By KYOKO NAKAYAMA, WSJ-Opinion, March 6, 2008.
U.N. Rejects Burma’s Slap at Special Envoy, Radio Free Asia.
China Detains 1,000 Petitioners Ahead of Parliament, Radio Free Asia.


Moment of Truth in Iraq, by Michael Yon. ($29.95)


McClintock Launches Campaign for Congress. You may donate at his site. 😉
Obama and FARC, by Jerry Gordon at ACT! For America.

Columbia vs. Venezuela.

Chavez FARCs Colombia, By Alan W. Dowd. FrontPageMagazine.com | Friday, March 07, 2008


The Contrarian of Prague, By BRIAN M. CARNEY, March 8, 2008; Page A9
Remembering The Past; Honoring Its Victims, by Radical Ron.

Free Speech.

Free Expression Quashed: YouTube Removes ‘Blasphemies’ Against Islam, by Warner Todd Huston from Stop the ACLU.

Horn of Africa.

Marines get to know Djiboutians through soccer, by U.S. Navy David-Michael Ross, CJTF-HOA.
Marine Gunnery Sgt. Jeffery Smith (center) of Austin, Texas, drives the soccer ball down the field against members of Grand Douda Sports Club members. (U.S. Marine Corps photo)
CJTF-HOA, Kenyans dedicate safe school, by Staff Sgt Jennifer Redente, CJTF-HOA.
Navy Capt. John R. Andresen, shows Manda Bay primary school students a photo of them on his camera. Andresen and members from Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa were visiting with students and faculty members prior to the dedication ceremony held by the Manda Bay community and CJTF-HOA, Feb. 18. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Redente)


From Dr. Moayad, an Iraqi cardiologist in South Baghdad, by Michael Yon.
A Prince and a Soldier, by Michael Yon.
Troops give micro-grants to struggling store owners, by Pfc. April Campbell, 4th Infantry Division.
First Lt. Otis Ingram watches as a customer buys eggs at a shop in Husseiniya. Ingram talked to the store owner about a micro-grant program designed to help business owners improve their shops. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. April Campbell)
Detainees rehabilitated to re-enter Iraqi society, by MNFI,
Staff Sgt. Gregory Smith, 535th Military Police Battalion, watches detainees below play a game of volleyball in the recreation yard from a catwalk at Camp Cropper, a Coalition Theater Internment Facility in western Baghdad, Feb. 19. Coalition forces are dedicated to providing the highest care and custody while supporting the efforts of the United Nations Security Council and the government of Iraq to maintain stability and security in the region. Department of Defense photo by Spc. Michael V. May.
IP find more than 500 munitions in cache, by 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs Office
Iraqi police manning a checkpoint near Jurf as Sakhr, Iraq, discovered a large munitions cache Feb. 22. (U.S. Army photo)
PRT inspects Iraqi dairy farm, by Natalie Rostek, 3rd HBCT, 3rd Inf. Div. PAO.
Spc. Stephen Stricklin feeds a cow at the Nasser Dairy Farm, near Wehida, Iraq. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Natalie Rostek)
Petraeus describes factors affecting Iraq assessment, by Jim Garamone, Armed Forces Press Service.
Marines, Iraqi troops renovate school, by USMC Billy Hall, 3rd Bn., 2nd Marines.
Iraqi Army soldiers climb a roof to fix windows and clear debris from a school in Al Tuzliyah, Iraq. (Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Billy Hall)
PRT helps farmers union grow, by Kevin Stabinsky, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs.
Child athletes have new place to compete, by Pfc. April Campbell, 3rd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs.
A member of a local martial arts group shows off his skill by jumping over fellow martial artists to kick a piece of wood in the gym during the Suleikh Club Grand Opening March 1. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. April Campbell)
Arab Jabour citizens turn in weapons, MNC-I.
Citizens celebrate reopening of al Lej Road, by Sean Riley, 3rd HBCT, 3rd Infantry Division PAO.


Israel’s No-Win Strategy, By DANIEL DORON, WSJ-Opinion.

Middle East.

Gaza: Hamas’s Suicide Bomb, By Jamie Glazov. FrontPageMagazine.com | Friday, March 07, 2008.


Slouching Toward Sharia, by M. Zuhdi Jasser.
Lessons for American Muslims from the Conviction of Abujihaad, by M. Zuhdi Jasser.
Phoenix man guilty of aiding terrorists, by Sean Holstege, The Arizona Republic, Mar. 6, 2008 12:00 AM
E-mailed to me by Mr. Jasser.


Admiral arrives in Pakistan for military talks, by Jim Garamone, DefenseLink.


Goldwater, the John Birch Society and Me, By William F. Buckley Jr., From Commentary: How we marginalized Robert Welch. (WSJ-Federation Feature)

Vets for Freedom.

National Heroes Tour Itinerary Update, San Diego, CA. and Los Angeles, CA.


Tampa Mayor addresses Coalition partners, by Steve Reeves, CENTCOM Public Affairs.
Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio poses with Senior National Representatives on Feb. 26 in front of U.S. Central Command Headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla. (CENTCOM photo)
CENTCOM commander: Violence in Iraq decreased, but gains not irreversible, by Anne Flaherty, Oskaloosa Herald.

Okay, that’s a partial list of my reading material. Now you might understand why I made a list. LOL. I hope you some of the links informative and new to you. Grab a cup of Joe (or whatever your flavor is), sit back, and enjoy. See ya on the other side of Sunday. 😉

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:
Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis Add this post to Technorati Add this post to Del.icio.us. Digg! Digg!
Posts that have trackbacked to this post:

1. Right Truth: A Victory Dance for Colombia.
2. Beagle Scout: Evil Clowns on TV.
3. Planck’s Constant: Serenity Now.
4. Blue Star Chronicles: McCarnival for McCain is Coming!
5. Blue Star Chronicles: Texas Woman Earns Silver Star in Global War on Terror.

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Good evening. I will be hosting an open trackback weekend, so feel free to share with others your fabulous works. I have quite a bit to do, so I shall be using this trackback post to add news and other information as the weekend progresses. Check back later, because I am going to adding some really great news from our military.

Now hold it! I said I was busy. This shall happen later or tomorrow. lol. Have a great weekend everyone, and say a prayer and/or hold good thoughts for our courageous men and women who are working to keep us free. We owe them more than we could ever repay. God bless them.

Update: As I had promised, I have three articles for you so far. One is about an amazing task that our Airmen were faced with when they reached Afghanistan, another is about the handing over of control of one of the bases in Iraq, and the best – a book that is written by the guys who actually went there and did that.

The team’s original mission was to mentor their Afghan counterparts and teach them medical skills to treat Afghan military and police members, said Air Force Col. Mike Skidmore, the team’s senior mentor officer and administrator.

All that changed when the team arrived several months ago, he said. The hospital was 500 days behind schedule, and instead of finding equipment and eager ANA medical personnel, the team found an empty, incomplete facility. “We had to move from a mentoring mission to a new mindset of equipping the hospital, opening it and then mentoring,” said Air Force Col. (Dr.) Thomas Seay, the senior medical mentor and chief radiologist. [Continue reading.]

Our guys are AWESOME! You really should continue reading this one. You will be amazed at what our men can accomplish but the government cannot. (lol)

Control of Multinational Division Baghdad changed hands during a ceremony here yesterday [December 19, 2007]. The 1st Cavalry Division will redeploy to Fort Hood, Texas, while 4th Infantry Division takes over operations in the Iraqi capital. Army Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, commander of Multinational Corps Iraq, presided over the ceremony. He said the battle in Iraq has changed significantly during the last year, and that the success could be directly linked to the 1st Cavalry Division’s efforts in and around Baghdad.

“Significant events are often a result of the right people being in the right place at the right time,” Odierno said. “In the case of Baghdad in 2006 and 2007, the right people were the magnificent men and women of Multinational Division Baghdad and their dedicated Iraqi security force partners.” [Continue reading.]

Ah, the sweet sounds of progress…

Like many Soldiers deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, Soldiers from the Oregon National Guard’s 2nd Battalion, 162nd Infantry brought their personal cameras to Iraq during their deployment in 2004. They snapped photos of each other firing weapons, shot video of explosives they detonated and logged plenty of footage of their own commentaries intermixed with Soldier humor.

But they never expected that their day-to-day antics would one day represent deployed National Guard Soldiers everywhere, preserved in a feature-length documentary film called “This is War: Memories of Iraq.” [Continue reading, really.]

This is one heck of a documentary. Here is a list of sellers from Amazon.com that ranges in price for the DVD. (I think it’s a DVD.)

The next set of military news shall be on the next open trackback. I do have to catch up with my writing. Everyone have a nice weekend, and I’ll see ya on the other side…God willing. 😉

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Samantha Burns’ OTA:

The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns: Samantha Burns.
Stix Blog: Leave Ron Paul alone.
Pirate’s Cove: TB Friday Featuring The Surrender Monkey: Paul Surrenders To Iran.
The World According to Carl: Open Trackback Friday — January 11, 2008.
The World According to Carl: PhotoHunt 92: Skinny.
Woman Honor Thyself: Sports Injuries..ouch.
CommonSenseAmerica: Spare time is not always my friend…OTB.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Linkfest:

Outside the Beltway: Blacks Turning on Clintons.
Blog @ MoreWhat.com: Open Trackback Linkfest 01/12/2008.
A Blog For All: Photo of the Day.
123beta: Open Trackback Weekend.
Shadowscope: Pregnant Marine is Dead.
Big Dog’s Weblog: Blumenthal Pickeled Tink to Win.
Leaning Straight Up: Global Warming Shocker: Hell Freezes Over.
Global American Discourse: New Year Question: Antipathy to Western Civilization and Pax Americana.
Dumb Ox Daily News: Thompson Flattens Huckabee.
Right Voices: Hillary’s Econ Plan/Emergency Housing and Heating Assistance for Struggling Democrats.
Thanks to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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Trackbacks to this post (most recent tb listed first):

3. Conservative Cat: Say It Ain’t So: New Poll Shows Republican Voters Favor McCain.
2. The Virtuous Republic: They are Just Hard Working People Like You and Me.
1. Stix Blog: Leave Ron Paul alone.

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Source: CentCom.

30 November 2007
Staff Sgt. Mary Flynn
Army News Service

WASHINGTON – Like many Soldiers deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, Soldiers from the Oregon National Guard’s 2nd Battalion, 162nd Infantry brought their personal cameras to Iraq during their deployment in 2004. They snapped photos of each other firing weapons, shot video of explosives they detonated and logged plenty of footage of their own commentaries intermixed with Soldier humor.

But they never expected that their day-to-day antics would one day represent deployed National Guard Soldiers everywhere, preserved in a feature-length documentary film called “This is War: Memories of Iraq.”

The National Combat History Archive and Lucky Forward Films used the unscripted testimonies of nine Soldiers of varying ranks and experiences to narrate the events. Photos and video they shot with their own personal cameras illustrate their experiences.

“We wanted to make a very non-political film that took someone who’s never been to Iraq … to show what it means to go into combat,” said the film’s director, Gary Mortensen. “We told it in a non-specific way so that it could represent Soldiers everywhere – we wanted to tell a tale that anyone who has been over there can identify with.”

Mr. Mortensen added that the unique thing about the film is that these Soldiers had their own personal recording devices on hand, giving an intimate view of what they saw on a daily basis. The Soldiers had no idea any of it would be turned into a film, so the result is a very honest and raw portrait of their experiences.

“It’s very powerful,” said Sgt. 1st Class Phillip “Vince” Jacques, one of the Soldiers featured in the film. “It really represents the professionalism of these guys and shows exactly what troops are going through over there. They’re the ones fighting the war. You might as well hear their story.”

Present at various screenings of the film, Sgt. 1st Class Jacques noticed that the audience’s reaction was often one of awe. “Whether they support the war or not, they come away with a whole different view of what Soldiers are doing over there,” he said.

National audiences are also beginning to take notice. “This is War” won the Audience Choice Award and Best Documentary at the Idaho International Film Festival, and received the Jury Award: Best Documentary at the Florida International Media Market. It also took home awards for best documentary and best director at the Sweet Onion Film Festival in Walla Walla, Wash.

Unfortunately, the film isn’t available in local video stores yet; Mr. Mortensen explained that they are working on the film’s distribution and broadcast rights. It can be purchased by calling (503) 597-7030 or by checking out the Web site at http://www.luckyforwardfilms.com.

According to the site, all sales of the film help support the Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund, the National Combat History Archive, the Iraq/Afghanistan Oregon Memorial Fund and the Wounded Warriors Project, a non-profit organization that helps injured servicemembers by providing programs and services to meet their unique needs.

Photo – The National Combat History Archive and Lucky Forward Films used the unscripted testimonies of nine Oregon National Guard Soldiers of varying ranks and experiences to narrate the events of the film “This is War: Memories of Iraq.” Photos and video the Soldiers shot with their own personal cameras illustrate their experiences. (Contributed Photo).

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I am going to share several articles I have accumulated while my computer was down. Some are from some Milbloggers, some are videos, some are news articles and some are just because. I hope you enjoy at least one of them. Have a very Merry Christmas.

Sen. Bond: NIE Emphasis is Wrong.
By: Ronald Kessler.

The controversial National Intelligence Estimate on Iran should have emphasized that Iran continues to engage in centrifuge uranium enrichment activities that lead to developing nuclear weapons, Sen. Kit Bond, the vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, tells Newsmax.

“The NIE was based on very in-depth, very good intel work on what happened in 2003 [when Iran is said by the CIA to have halted its nuclear weapons program],” says the Missouri Republican, who has read the classified portion of the NIE. But, Bond notes, the NIE’s first point was: “We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons…” [Continue reading.]

This next post is from Mark Alexander. He writes with the Federalist Papers, a part of the Patriot Post. I really enjoyed his Christmas message, and I hope you will, too.

The Shepherd’s Christmas.
by Mark Alexander of the Patriot Post.
Scroll down from “Happy Christmahanakwamadan!”

If you were to wish us “Happy Holidays,” we would puzzle over which one you meant. Independence Day? Constitution Day? Thanksgiving? Easter? Christmas? Our Patriot mission is to keep kindled the flame of liberty our Founders sparked on this continent, and we believe that all these national celebrations should unite us in gratitude to God for all the blessings He has showered upon our free land.

John Quincy Adams asserted, “In the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Saviour.”

Indeed, most of the Founders held these commemorations to be all of a piece, and that the events told and foretold in Scripture are true, fit as cornerstones for faith and governing principles.

Luke, in his Gospel, attests to the historical evidence for the Nativity, taken from “eyewitnesses” who could verify “the certainty” (Luke 1:1-4). Among the first eyewitnesses Luke cites were “shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night,” to whom an angel suddenly appeared, announcing the birth of Christ the Lord and providing directions to His location. After visiting the Holy Child, the shepherds related their experiences to those living in the surrounding countryside (Luke 2:8-20). [Continue reading. It is a magnificant article.]

This is copyrighted material, so please ask permission to copy any of their articles. They are very nice about it and if you are a member, it is okay as long as you follow the rules set in the copyright clause. They want to spread liberty, and they believe it is not theirs to hold from others. These people are a class above. Yes, indeed.

Here is a book I have not read, but I do agree that we have lost many of the State’s rights which were the strength of our individualism before this war. Here is a little bit about this book:

Finally, the true story of the War Between the States, in one captivating volume. With more than 530 illustrations, nearly 100 biographical sketches, and his attention-grabbing style, John J. Dwyer has radically transformed the tedious, uninspiring textbook rendering of the Civil War into what it should be America’s greatest epic.

Respected historians George Grant, J. Steven Wilkins, Douglas Wilson, and Tom Spencer are contributing editors to the The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War, and over two dozen of renowned historical artist John Paul Strain’s greatest works appear. The book offers 700 action-packed pages of war-time drama that will forever change the way Americans view the Civil War.

This book is not available at Amazon.com right now because they are sold out, but you may purchase one here or call 1-800-628-9460 to place your order. Hat tip: Human Events.

Please Mitt, at least a mea culpa.
An open letter to our former Massachusetts governor.

Dear Mitt:

Many of us from Massachusetts will be headed down to Washington, D.C. this January to join over 100,000 others in the 35th Annual March For Life, memorializing some 48 million pre-born children whose beating hearts were legally stopped by the sanction of the Roe v. Wade decision. Mitt, will you be with us? They’re betting that you won’t.

You made one of the smoothest transitions from being pro-Roe to anti-Roe of anyone I’ve ever witnessed, far less involved even than Norma McCorvey, the Roe plaintiff. Miss Norma told me that she had, in a worldly sense, everything to lose and nothing to gain by changing her position. Can you say the same?

We’re told that it was the studying of scientific data regarding embryonic stem cell research which led to your conversion to the Pro-Life position. This, after multiple years of publicity about the now-outlawed partial birth abortion procedure? Surely you knew about the courageous action of former Senator Bob Smith from our neighboring state of New Hampshire, who graphically depicted the gruesome procedure on the floor of the U. S. Senate. Where were you then? [Continue reading.]

I hope you find Gregg’s arguements as persuasive as they ought to be. He was a captive of that government. Can you imagine words like that being used with the full meaning–captive? Well, you should be afraid. It is our Life, Liberty and Property Rights we are fighting for in this campaign for president! READ IT! Now on to the next news article.

The Vets for Freedom recently went to London grand Westminster Hall, to join in a debate sponsored by Intelligence Squared. The attendance was over 2,200, and the topic of the topic was the defense of the idea that the surge in Iraq is working.

Of the 455 undecided voters who arrived in the hall, over half (234) later voted to support victory rather than defeat. By contrast, only 131 voted in favor of the motions “leave Iraq now” or “negotiated settlement.” Overwhelmingly, previously undecided voters left the hall convinced that we must win in Iraq. I was expecting a hostile audience, but these results prove that, with the credibility that we as veterans bring to the debate, it is not too late to shape the public’s perception of the war in Iraq.

The debate will be shown in its entirety on BBC World during the weekend of January 5th, and Vets for Freedom will send out a notice when it appears. In the meantime, visit this website for a podcast of the debate.

The title of the debate is The Future of Iraq. They also have another ad coming out to thank Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for his steadfast support of the men and women fighting in uniform and those vets who are home fighting for their brothers and sisters right to win the victory. You can visit their website to view these ads.

What I can do is to get 5 people to sign up to support Vets for Freedom. Here is an opportunity for you to support those troops you say you support. 😉

This is an excellent video from Blackfive. It was taped on the 90th birthday of the Army, and it has a lot of history in the short time allowed.

This is very sweet and moving video, again from Blackfive, that says to the troops, “Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!” It also says that we miss you, you are not forgotten, and we care. Greatly. We thank your families and you for your service, and we won’t give up the fight on our end either. (I just added that, but I know it to be true.) A shout out to Morgan, ‘B-Mo’ O’, Maniac, Major Stone Cold, Cookie Monster, Surferdude, T-Dog, Burt Schtickem, Coopage, Gonzo, Pineapple, Tater, Headspace, Sparky, Crash and Sack, and the Hometown Hero. God bless you all, and may your Christmas be safe, rememberable, and may you have the Joy that this world does not understand. Also, may God’s protection keep you from all harm and all evil. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, Amen.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Linkfest: Faultline USA: Spirit of Christmas and Religious Bigotry, third world county: Who is He in Yonder Stall?, Right Truth: The Saudis are Coming … A MUST READ for free speech, The World According To Carl: Clever Video: President George Bush “Covering” R.E.M.’s “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)”, Stuck on Stupid: Fred Thompson’s Christmas Message, Big Dog’s Website: Vote for Hillary, Get Lower Oil Prices, Chuck Adkins: Weekend Open Trackback and Open Thread, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker: Oh! Tannenbaum, Right Voices: It’s Christmas Eve, and I Have Much To Be Thankful For, and The Yankee Sailor: Weekend Open Post, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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  • 1. Right Truth: Merry Christmas – God’s still in control even if it doesn’t look that way.
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