
Archive for the ‘bloggers’ Category

Again we have the Army trying to protect their information (which is essential) running up against the silliness of blocking some websites here at home from our men and women serving in Afghanistan. The Rules of Editing have apparently blocked sites such as Blackfive and War Is Boring.

These are two excellent sites which provide much necessary information. God only knows we do not have a media covering the war. Oh, wait a minute. Yes they do…if they’re bleeding or someone screams ‘Torture!’, then they’re all over it. Back to reality…

Here is the article which has me conflicted:

Dispatches from FOBistan: The Army’s Woeful IT Policies Poison the War Effort.

BAGRAM AIR BASE, AFGHANISTAN — In January, when I first arrived here, I made an alarming discovery about the state of IT in the Army. Practically all of the blogs and other online tools I use to stay informed and connected to my colleagues (see here, for example) did not work. More accurately, they are deliberately blocked by a series of web filters, both automatically and manually constructed, in an effort to restrict inappropriate uses of the Internet from Army computers. This is a noble goal—I prefer that they block porn from office computers—but it is so unevenly implemented as to make me wonder what its real intent is.

…it also speaks to a deeper problem in how the military in general is approaching IT issues in the field: it makes absolutely no sense. Many of the blocked blogs are sources for deep, intelligent, and even essential analysis, news, and discussions. In fact, I only know they are blocked because I read them and see value in them. Moreover, when the Army’s own Command General Staff College is requiring its students to blog (how lucky they can actually read that news, as it is on SWJ), blocking other blogs, especially ones written by think tankers and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists of the very wars we are fighting, is nonsensical. The military wants to be relevant, it wants to be able to compete in the “information battlespace” (a wretched term I use only for simplicity’s sake), yet it cripples anyone’s ability to have situational awareness. It would be one thing if the Army were good at disseminating information internally, but they’re not. [Continue reading.]

I have offered my services to Joshua Foust, and you should think about offering yours as well. We must not forget about our men and women in uniform fighting for our very lives. You think you have it bad now? Wait until there is sharia law! Not on their watch. And I’m not about to let them think for one minute that we’ve forgotten them or that they are not loved and appreciated.

We are not the land of the free and the home of the brave because we sat on our butts…

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Talon, The Conservative Underground, Smart Girl Politics and Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

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Today a friend of mine has started an Roll Call for all Veterans and Active Duty Service members so that we can honor them on her site. I think this is a tremendous idea! The site is The US Honorable Troops and the link to the Roll Call is Roll Call for Veterans and/or Members of Our Armed Forces.

Please come over and give thanks to those who have sacrificed so much so that we may remain free. All service members, please add your name, rank, and anything else you want. We are very gratiful to you, and we are also very proud of you. You are the best of America! (That does not mean that others cannot be great, don’t get me started, okay?)

This group is one that I am a member of, and it is part of TCU Nation, otherwise known as The Conservative Underground. We are trying to build our numbers so as to overcome moveon.org and elect the people we feel would do a much better job than the squishy RINO’s that are in the senate and the house right now. These sites somehow are the same one, they just have different names. How did that happen? I cannot explain it, I just know it works. lol.

Another site which I am a member of which is more for activists is Top Conservatives On Twitter. This one is more for our activists. If you are on Twitter, please come over and register free. There are many things we can do to keep this country from going totally nuts, and this must be done. You can help, and now is the time.

You’ve asked if there were anything you could do to help our Vets? This. We owe it to them to keep our country free on the homefront while they are fighting for our freedom doing the heavy lifting. Don’t ya think doing whatever we can is worth it? Thought so. 😉

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Talon, TCU Nation, SmartGirlPolitics and Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

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I have some new videos to share with you, so let’s get started.

U.S. Marines Jump from Osprey. 2:15.
USAF JTACs teach Call for Fire to Embedded Training Teams in Afghanistan. 1:32.

Night Strike on Hamas Terrorists 14 Jan. 2009. 4:29.
IDF VLOG: Strikes Aborted to Protect Civilians – Lt. Barak Raz – 11 Jan. 2009. 1:48.
Weapons Horde in Gazan Mosque 13 Jan. 2009. 1:31.
Hamas Booby Trapped School and Zoo 11 Jan. 2009. 3:24.
IDF Captures Hamas Intelligence Map – Lt. Barak Raz – 10 Jan. 2009. 1:51.
Hamas Rockets During Cease-Fire and From Schoolyard 8 Jan. 09. 1:36.
رسالة لأهل غزة من جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي ٧,١,٢٠٠٩ . (There is English written so you can understand what he is saying.) 2:34.

Bill O’reilly’s Question. 6:38.

What a mix, eh? Zo (MachoSauceProductions) keeps me going through some of these days. Thanks, Zo! 😉

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

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I knew it would take some time, and that it did. It has now been three days (I think, I haven’t been sleeping that much). You must check EVERY site you haven’t been to for a while just to make sure someone is still there. That is one of the ways I’ve been able to get out of blogging for a while. Actually, my computer started locking up on me, and I don’t know why.

I thought it could have something to do with the number of gadgets I have on it, so I am moving my sidebar to Rosemary’s Blogrolls. Yeah, I had to create ANOTHER headache. lol. Since I have this site and Rosemary’s Thoughts, I have links that I have here but not there and vise-versa. Hopefully with these new links, that won’t happen again.

I put the links into categories so people could seek their interests. Just to give you an idea of how many links I have, I put all of those links alphabetically into one category, Rosemary’s Blogroll. And that’s not all of them! Ugh…

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.


Everyday I have an Open Trackback Linkfest party for all my friends – the ones I know and the ones I will come to know. If you have a post you would like to share, why not trackpost it here? All you have to do is add my Permalink somewhere in your article (usually at the bottom), then trackback to it. You don’t have trackbacks available? Why not use Wizbang Stand Alone Trackback? Everyone have a nice day. regularly

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts. Trackback URI. Digg! Digg!

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Video On Our Economy

I received an e-mail from a group that is starting up, and their name is NetRightNation.com. The e-mail appears very professional and promising. So does the website. I found this video on their blog. It is a little over 8 minutes, and it is done by Fred Thompson. I wish he would have been this way on his campaign trail. Grrr. That was then, let’s keep moving forward, starting with this video.

Did you like that sarcasm? So did I. Where was he hiding it? I’m sorry, I’m still pissed-off that we got stuck with John MexiCain…grumble, mumble, etc.

PS. I would like to encourage all my readers to check out this new site at NetRightNation.com and join up. Get in on the grassroots level, and let’s get this Conservative base up and powerful. Okay, you’ve got your marching orders. GO! 😉

Source: NetRightNation.com.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Source: NetRightNation.com.

Friends I’ve trackbacked to: The Pink Flamingo – WP: The Big Winner–Sarah Palin Of Course, Allie is Wired: Allie is Wired Hot Links 111, Faultline USA: Now Comes Door Buster Crowd Control, third world county: 41-39-51321, The World According To Carl: Uncle Jay Explains The News — December 1, 2008, DragonLady’s World: OTA Monday 112, Leaning Straight Up: Barack Obama a Ring, E-I-E-I-O, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist: I Hate To Say It, But I Don’t Blame Ahmadinejad One Bit, Right Voices: AP: Atheists continue to win friends, influence people, Woman Honor Thyself: Spoiled Kids= Violent Teens, Right Truth: “‘Fascist’ from the Left for me, ‘Infidel’ from the Shiites, here I am stuck in the middle with ewes.”, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts. Trackback URI for Rosemary’s Thoughts. Digg! Digg!

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Thursday I received these great videos, and I want to share them with you. These guys are something special. Blackfive’s site has several contributors, yet his videos are his own. You may know PascoGOP by his site, Stuck On Stupid! Take a moment from all the news and pay tribute to Blackfive, and get some opinion blasters from PascoGOP. Have fun!

An Interview with Travis S. Taylor, Part 1.
An Interview with Travis S. Taylor, Part 2.
An Interview with Travis S. Taylor, Part 3.
An Interview with Travis S. Taylor, Part 4.

You may also visit his website here if you wish.

Morning Joe Scarborough Drops The F-Bomb.
President-Elect Obama’s Gaffe About Living Ex-Presidents.
Gay couples Protest Calif. Gay Marriage Ban.
Obama Campaign Workers Enraged Over Unpaid Wages.
Obama Supporters Wave Communist Flag At White House Rally.

You may also visit his website here if you wish.

Yes, I realize today is Monday. Better late than never, eh? 😉

Update: I just simply had to add this video, contributed by MONACO of Read My Mind, to this collection. This is a video of Jeff Dunham and his puppet, Achmed-the dead terrorist. It is very funny. It is 10:47 minutes long.

There are 5 more videos just waiting to be watched. Have a great time!


I am having an Open Trackback Linkfest party for all my friends – the ones I know and the ones I will come to know. If you have a post you would like to share, why not trackpost it here? All you have to do is add my Permalink somewhere in your article (usually at the bottom), then trackback to it. You don’t have trackbacks available? Why not use Wizbang Stand Alone Trackback? Everyone have a nice day.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

Trackback URI for Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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From Wilderness To Womanhood

This post is written by Karl’s 18 year old daughter, and it is beautifully written. She is intelligent, articulate, and witty. Weren’t we all at 18? *heh* Karl is very proud of his daughter, and I can see why. I have decided to use the end of her of post to share with you, but I recommend you go to Leaning Staight Up and read it from the beginning.


I have paid close attention to the reactions of Liberal Obama supporters when bloggers and such responded to the election with their own opinions. What I saw was a disgusting combination of oppression and childish insults hurled daringly at the poor person who didn’t support Obama. What I have seen is finger pointing, accusations of being nutty right-wings.

“You nutty right wingers can go gibber in the corner about stupid rumors like this; just get out of our way.” – Jftp (LSU Commentor)

What kind of American attitude is that? What happened to our country’s firm beliefs in escaping persecution, in allowing ourselves to believe in something different? What will these next four years do to us? Will we be further banned from expression our religion, our politics, our views, everything, for fear of ‘insulting’ someone or ‘offending’ someone? Will we be so forced to be open-minded that we are forced to quell any form of personality we had left?

I am a young woman, with a higher then normal intellect. I participate in musical activities, and am proficient in the viola and violin, as well as the piano when I put my mind to it. I play video games, and I openly admit to my World of Warcraft love. I am of a minority religion that I fear to speak of on a daily basis because of the way people have reacted in the past. I do not judge others by their skin or the way they speak. I love theatre and worked on the stage as an actress and as a technical worker. I sketch and draw, and I am currently working on a book series that I hope to someday have published. I have been working at my job for over a year, and already, I am being nominated for one of the national workers who have done beyond-outstanding in their and other work centers. I have two piercings in my ears, and love dressing up punkish and gothic for a good concert. I go to the mall and laugh and shop with my friends. I kiss my boyfriend and hold hands with him. I’m not shy of swearing. I accept other people’s religions, and at least one-third of my friends are gay, lesbian, or at least bisexual. I hold myself to a moral code that would make my grandparents proud. I’m patient with those I have to teach, and willingly offer to help those around me, whether at work, at home, or at play. I wear glasses, and I read paperbacks and hardbacks that are thicker then my forearm, especially David Eddings and Robert Jordan.

I am no different then any other person out there. In fact, I’m probably quite better then many people out there.

So then, readers of LSU…

Why do I feel so oppressed by whats to come?

Once more… I am an eighteen year old young woman who looks upon those around her, her peers and those who are older, and shakes her head in disgust… and sorrow at what consumes these people’s minds.


Well done, young lady. Welcome to adulthood. I know it doesn’t appear to be all you may have expected right now, but it can be anything you make it. There is nothing that can stand in your way unless you allow it to do so. God bless your journey.

Ah, I almost forgot to explain the title. From Wilderness…We all remember High School, yes? Those awkward years, the hormone changes, the uncertainty, the new challenges, and everything that got us into trouble or at least tried? Ah, yes. The good old days! NOT! lol. Then at that magic age of 18 we are all of a sudden adults. Why was I not an adult yesterday again, the day before my birthday? I will never get an answer that is acceptable to me to that question, so I will just carry on from here. One more of those adult answers that a 17 year old will never understand…lol.

Everyone, have a nice day.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

Trackback URI for Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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Due to the overload of news that I have, I am going to share all of them with you in one post. This will also help me empty my inbox from when my computer was down for 5 days. I hope you don’t mind. 😉

Obama Speechwriter Switches to McCain; Ignored by MSM. This nice tidbit was sent to me by Rurik. I hope it is self-explanatory, and it is posted at NewsBusters. Thanks hon!

Grassroots Pressure Moves CNN to Apologize. Do you remember when Byron York said all those nasty about Sarah Palin? Well, Media Research Center put out an action alert, and it appears to have worked. CNN finally apologized for something right away! I guess they’ve learned their lesson about not responding to bloggers. Remember Eason? lol.

Real Hope. This is wonderful article written by Jack Lewis in which he encapsulates the true meaning of “HOPE”.

Obama and the Law, written by Tom Sowell. Do you want more Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s on the Supreme Court? Do you want judges that will start deciding for (against, actually) you what ONLY the LEGISLATURE has the power to instill because they are answerable to us? Read this great article.

Obama: Fundamental Change? Count on It, written by David Limbaugh. He shares the same concerns I have about our Liberties if Obama were to win.

Hat tip: National Black Republican Association.

Faustas blog – PUMA Betty Jean Kling. You can listen to this over at BlogTalkRadio if you have iTunes. If you do not, you can get it free. I did.

PUMA is a group of Democrats that are standing up for McCain/Palin. It is a good show.

Video game dispute underscores Muslim divide, written by David Rusin at Islamist Watch. Another post about the same topic can be found here by the IPT Blog. Another article by Patrick Poole titled, ‘The Third Jihad will make Cultural Islamists Squirm, is well worth reading. As a matter of fact, it is mandatory! (Almost. I won’t make you. Only because I can’t. lol)

Hat tip: American Islamic Foundation for Democracy (M. Zuhdi Jasser).

A Little Ragin’ Cajun To Dance To. Hat tip: Rurik and Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.

Joe The Plumber’s Family Decry Attacks! You can listen using that link. You may read about the abuse at The Sacramento Union, and Mark William’s site is MarkTalk.com. Hat tip: Our Country Deserves Better PAC.

Obama Is A Rat Bastard Commie, by Grouchy Old Cripple. He’s a hoot…except when you get under his skin! lol.

Would you like to help our Troops? Let me tell you about a site where I purchase some T-shirts and other things, but first let me introduce you to them. Here is a little bit about who they are and what they do:

Ranger Up launched on 8 September 2006. We make shirts for the military and the patriotic Americans who love the men and women of the Armed Forces. The guys that own this company either were or are still in the military.

What Ranger Up Stands For:

1. AMERICA. Nothing like her anywhere, anytime, in the history of the world.

2. Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, Coastguardsmen, Firemen, and Police Officers. Basically, the crazy SOBs that put their lives on the line every day for less pay than they deserve so that we Americans can sit in front of our plasma televisions and watch crappy reality TV shows, drive nice cars, eat great food, and generally not have to worry about anything of substance.

3. Veterans. From George Washington to the newest recruit and everyone in between – Thank You.

4. Patriots. We’re talking about the people that believe the Fourth of July is more than just an excuse to set off fireworks, that flying the American Flag all year long is a civic duty, that taking the time to send letters to our troops is an honor, and who realize that America wasn’t forged on the backs of journalists, politicians, or campus rallies, but rather through the suffering and discipline of steely-eyed men who refused to accept defeat.

5. Dogs. Never trust anyone that doesn’t like dogs. They’re loyal. They’d die for you, and all they want in return is some dried food, some petting, and the occasional piece of bacon.

6. Reversing the growing oppression of the proletariat in today’s society. We…uhhh…think this is a good idea.

7. Hot chicks. Honestly, aren’t they the reason we do anything?

That last one makes me chuckle, because they do not consider the country of France when they refer to French women. lol. They have a really cool shop which I buy many things from. I’ll let you in on it.

Unapologetically American: Hoodie. $45 unless you use this coupon code: HOODIE for 20% off until November 1, 2008. The Unapologetically American Long Sleeve T is only $25! Really, go check out their store and give our guys a big thumbs up.

Now it’s time to appeal to your good nature. I have loved working with the Vets For Freedom, and I hope you will too.

Dear Vets for Freedom PAC members:

Today, we launched seven radio ad buys in key congressional districts throughout the United States aimed at supporting pro-victory veterans—six Republicans and one Democrat—who are running for Congress.

These radio ads will be running through Election Day in half a dozen states, supporting some of the finest candidates, and fellow veterans, running for Congress.

CLICK HERE to listen to the radio ads.

And CLICK HERE TO DONATE to keep them on the air.

Ads will be running for the following endorsed candidates:

  • Jim Marshall (GA-8) — Democratic Congressman Jim Marshall is a highly decorated Army veteran of Vietnam who is inducted in US Army Ranger Hall of Fame. Congressman Marshall is one of the few Democrats who stood behind General David Petraeus’ strategy in Iraq in 2007 and 2008, even when it was politically unpopular.
  • Allen West (FL-22) — Colonel Allen West served with distinction in Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom, earning a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals (one with Valor), and a Valorous Unit Award. Colonel West symbolizes today’s warrior class.
  • Tom Manion (PA-8) — Tom Manion is a former Colonel who served with distinction for 30 years in the United States Marine Corps, was successful business executive, and is now Gold Star Parent whose son Travis was killed in Iraq. Tom and his family represent all that is great about America — he is a true American patriot.
  • Charlie Summers (ME-1) — Charlie served with distinction in the Pentagon as a member of the U.S. Navy Reserve in the uncertain days following 9/11. Duty called once again in May 2007 when he left Maine for Baghdad, serving nine months on Active Duty as a Lieutenant Commander.
  • Tom Rooney (FL-16) — Tom served as an Army JAG for four years before teaching Constitutional and Criminal Law at the United States Military Academy at West Point.
  • Steve Stivers (OH-15) — Steve is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard who was awarded the Bronze Star for actions in Iraq.
  • Chris Myers (NJ-3) — Chris is a highly decorated Navy veteran of the first Gulf War, proudly serving as a communications officer, anti-air warfare officer, and operations officer on the USS Bunker Hill.
CLICK HERE TO DONATE and help us run even more ads for these candidtes.

VFFPAC will continue to champion the cause of victory in the Global War on Terror, a cause that too many of our elected leaders have abandoned. Over the coming 2 weeks, we will mobilize our volunteer force of VFFPAC members to support those who support victory on the battlefield.

As part of this effort, VFFPAC has hired field staffers in Nevada, Missouri, Ohio, Virginia and Florida. Their sole mission — help turn out the veteran vote to ensure support for pro–victory candidates.

With your continued support we will continue to fight the good fight here on the home front, while our fellow troops continue to achieve success overseas. As long as American’s warriors are deployed in harm’s way, you can be sure that VFFPAC will fight for them here.

Move Out and Draw Fire,

Pete Hegseth
Chairman, Vets for Freedom PAC.

Paid for and authorized by Vets for Freedom PAC
1200 Eton Court, NW, Suite 300 | Washington, DC 20007

I have another post from Vets For Freedom, and you will really like it. It has two new ads in it, and they are powerful. The first one is named Stop the Smears and the second one is I Was There, and the surge worked.

Click here to sign our petition – Stop the Smears and Support our Troops. Yes indeed. If you can, please donate to LTC William Russell also. He is running against Murtha, and he was in Iraq.

Next I have a very sad announcement. I received this news from JP of www.Milblogging.com. I would like to ask all of you for your prayers for the family and friends of blogger Army Specialist Stephen Fortunato. He was killed in action mid-October. He was a member of the 26th Infintry Regiment, and he had been on leave for 19 days before he killed by an IED upon his first back in Afghanistan. There is an article in the Boston Herald, and the Boston Globe printed one of his blog entries. His Mother offered it to them. God bless you all, and thank you for giving your all so I may remain free. Boy, I’ll tell ya, I don’t know if it makes me feel like the rest that I’ve written is useless or that I should do more in his honor. Wow. I really don’t know.

I believe this more than enough for now. After that last one, I think I should end with that. Please remember to pray.

The more I write, the more news I have coming in. Will I ever get caught up? I guess that will be second post. Have a good night.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

Trackback URI for Rosemary’s Thoughts OTB.

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Today I am going to give you the links to these videos, because I have too many to post here. I can tell you that my subscriptions to Blackfive, PascoGOP, and machosauceproduction. MachoSauceProduction is my newest subscription, and I’m very excited about him. I love Blackfive, and I have for a long time. He provides us laypeople with an understanding of all things military related in a way we can appreciate and understand. So let’s check them out!

Blackfive. His website is Blackfive.

An Interview with David Weber, Part 1.
An Interview with David Weber, Part 2.
An Interview with David Weber, Part 3.
An Interview with David Weber, Part 4.
An Interview with David Weber, Part 5.
An Interview with David Weber, Part 6.
An Interview with David Weber, Part 7.
An Interview with David Weber, Part 8.

An Interview with Mark L. Van Name, Part 1.
An Interview with Mark L. Van Name, Part 2.
An Interview with Mark L. Van Name, Part 3.
An Interview with Mark L. Van Name, Part 4.

An Interview with David Drake, Part 6.

PascoGOP. His website is Stuck On Stupid.

Louis Farrakhan Declares Barack Obama The Messiah.
Joe Biden Speaks Of Obama’s Inexperience In Certain Crisis.
Barack Obama Cancels National Anthem At Campaign Rally.
WFTV’s Barbara West Interviews Joe Biden Oct. 23, 2008.

MachoSauceProduction. His website is Zo – Black and Right.

a Random Rant.
1 More B4 11 04.

Have fun and a great night!

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

Trackback URI for Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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Note: I sent out an email to many news organizations when I received this article by Atlas Shrugs. It has now shown up at NewsBlaze.com, and the credit should go to her. This is an article about the loss of our free speech due to the jihadis running around loose (my words) that have infilitrated all aspacts of life. I shall give you her URL, so you may comment on her site as well. If you have a nasty comment to offer, I would not recommend you be so foolish. ‘Nuf said.

Here is what I wrote in the e-mail and a portion of the article written by Atlas Shrugs.
Good day, everyone. I am writing you in case you are unaware of happenings in the USA to American citizens and our Liberty. I know you are our protectors, so that is why I selected you to share this information with.

There has been a possible death threat against a US citizen who is speaking at a university tonight. I shall let you read this article for yourself. If you would like to speak to the person who wrote this, please e-mail and I will have this person return your reply. Thank you.

Free Speech: Robert Spencer Life Threatened on College Campus.

…Nobody has a clue. Nobody.This is stealth jihad overthrow of our very way of life. No media is covering this and it is the most important story in this nation. Look what has happened to our country, our freedom. Please take this post and send it to everyone you know, any contacts you may have in the media. Please. We need America to see this. Robert doesn’t say, but it is obvious death threats have been made.

I got off the phone a little while ago with one of the student organizers of my address tonight at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He told me that I would be led to and from the stage via secret passageway; that thirty security personnel would be on hand (in addition to my own); that attendees would have to pass through metal detectors; and that a bomb-sniffing dog would also be on hand.

It is rather amazing to me that all this would be necessary anywhere in America today – and all because I am saying things they don’t like. MSA students have been accusing me this week of fostering an atmosphere of hate that leads to innocent Muslims being victimized. This is a preposterous charge to make to anyone who is trying to defend human rights, but it is also a noteworthy case of projection: it is they who are fostering an atmosphere of hate and thuggery, with all their lies, smears, and hysterical rhetoric, which combined with the way they and their allies have behaved at talks by previous speakers they disliked has made all this security necessary. [Continue reading at Atlas Shrugs.]

Please read the rest of this article. It is very disturbing, no matter which side of the fence you stand. When it comes to free speech, there should be NO sides except right and wrong. This is WRONG! Very wrong, and we need your help.

It may be Conservatives today, but what about when it turns and targets Liberals? Think about it. Don’t you want us there to support your God-given rights? Or do you take for granted we will forget this and show up anyway? I have a little story for you then.

There was a flood one day. Everyone was leaving town, but this one man insisted on staying. He was a devout Christian, and he believed God would save him. As the waters rose to his second story home, a man with a boat came by to help him. He said no thank you. I am waiting on the Lord. The waters continued to rise, and he moved to the roof. A helicopter came to rescue the man, and again he refused. When he got to Heaven, he asked God why He had let him down. God responded, “I sent you a boat and a helicopter. It was YOUR choice not to avail yourself of them.”

There is also that other one that I love. When they came for the Jews, I was not Jewish so it didn’t bother me. I did not lift a finger to help. Then they came for neighbor who was black. I am not black, so I didn’t care. No skin off my nose. Then they came for the Chinese in my neighborhood. I don’t eat Chinese food, so I didn’t care. Then they came for the Italians. I would miss the spaghetti, but I couldn’t be bothered at the time. Finally, they came for me. I looked around to my neighbors when I suddenly realized there was no one left! There was no one left to help me, and it was all because I didn’t care enough to help the first time it started.

Yeah. That’s all of you who do NOTHING about this. You may be asking yourself, “What do you expect me to do?” I expect you to read the rest of this article. I expect you to write about this if you have a site or a blog. I expect you to talk about this with your family and/or neighbors. I expect you to find out if this is happening in YOUR school district! You may be shocked. That will only show that you have been asleep at the swicth, but it is not too late. All of us have been asleep. I am just asking, begging you to wake up. That’s all. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

I would like to thank NewsBlaze.com. If you would like, please visit this article on NewsBlaze.com as well. The more people who go to read it gives it more relevence. Let them know that we do indeed care about free speech and freedom. Thanks.

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

Trackback URL for Rosemary’s Thoughts OTB.

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