
Archive for January 30th, 2008

Here is this week’s Wednesday’s Hero:

Name: Specialist Marion Pettus III.
Hometown: Cedar Hill, TN
Awarded: Bronze Star
External Links:
DoD story.

Download this hero’s story:
Right click and “Save Target As…” to download.

Please read the acts of this young Army Medic and the others who were awarded medals last September 2007. He is an amazing man. He was helping another unit with a casulty while another IED went off. After that, he continued to help his Sergeant and another medic. All this time, he never even knew he had received a whole in his helmet. Yes, his head was in it at the time. Please read the rest of the story. 😉

I thank God that we are so blessed with men such as these. We all should be grateful. It is because of them that we may walk around and argue politics or whatever we choose. Hey, don’t forget to shake the hand of a Serviceman/woman today, and let them know how grateful you are. It only takes a moment, but it means more than you will ever know to them. Thank you.

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:

Pet’s Garden Blog: Wednesday Heros: Sgt. Justin R. Whiting, The Virtuous Republic: Undocumented Immigrants, Real Crimes Afternoon Edition, The Random Yak: Seeing Stars, third world county: “I mock you with my monkey pants”, Leaning Straight Up: Bush Derangement in Brattleboro cause blowback as city officials face harassment and scorn, Wolf Pangloss: The Oil Parable Open Trackbacks, The Newt One: The Well Is Dry, and Right Voices: Hardy Har Har: Planned Parenthood Complains That $25/Mo Is Too High For The Pill..Obama Agrees, Thanks to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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1. Woman Honor Thyself: Skyscraper near Ground ZerO.
2. Diary of the Mad Pigeon: Leadership: “The Lost Bomb” Revisited.
3. Right Truth: Truly, America is my favorite slave.
4. Stageleft:. Life on the [lower] left side: I Agree With Huckabee.
5. third world county: T-13; 2.03: Thirteen Health Benefits of… Coffee.
6. Conservative Cat: The New McCain Isn’t Even Electable.
7. Stix Blog: Just to let you know.

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Today we are going to start the news with two posts from Iraq the Model (I recently found out there were two posts), Gregg Jackson’s articles about things we should know about Romney and some news from Stop the ACLU.

Omar is studying for his American degree (he is already well educated in Iraq), and he finally had a moment to write to us to let us know that both Mohammed and he are well. Oh my! I just went to get the permalink, and there is another post! (For those who are new to the term, ITM=Iraq the Model.)

Here is an excerpt from the second post:

One more important finding makes my suspicion stronger. Could it be a coincidence that the percentage that Libyan nationals make up of total foreign terrorists has spiked during 2007? According to recently captured documents that US military captured in Sinjar, a town west of Mosul, one fifth of foreign fighters who came to Iraq between in the year leading to August 2007 were Libyan nationals. Or could it be another coincidence that Libya covertly sponsored a satellite TV channel in Iraq that was going to launch in late 2006, the same time the Libyan “surge” started? This is a new and surprising figure that suggests that there’s an organized effort to recruit and send fighters from Libya to Iraq; an effort not easy to undertake in a repressive police state unless someone above the law is involved. [Continue reading.]

Gregg sends me e-mails often, and I lost one of those letters which I needed to make an arguement. So I asked him for a copy, and this is what he sent me: Family leaders call Romney ‘disaster’, and A Stern Warning to the “Conservative Elites” about Mitt Romney. These are powerful writings, and I would take heed to the advice.

Aha, but there is more. This one is from a different source. Massachusetts Healthcare Plan Costs Skyrocket, by Monisha Bansal. Ask yourself, “Do I want to become a slave?” That is just what happens when we give away our freedoms. The Trouble With Mitt Romney’s Pro-Life Conversion, by Deal W. Hudson. It is amazing how someone can support BOTH the adoption of frozen embryonic eggs AND the destruction of them for research. This one is surprising, “American Right To Life Rebukes Ann Coulter. Wow. They must be very strict, but who can blame them? The Truth must be made known to those who are too blind to see. Finally, Why I Don’t Trust Mitt Romney.

This last link answers many of the questions people may have about Mitt Romney. Full disclosure: that is, if you don’t trust him like I don’t.

This next article is about an amazing young man who started sending care packages to our Troops since the beginning of this war. His heart must be filled with gold, because his offerings to the Troops has blossumed! Please read the following:

Troops in the Spotlight – May 25th and 26th 2008
K-Mart Plaza Hyannis, MA

It is hard to believe that Troops in the Spotlight is just 4 months away!!! Plans are now under way but we can use your help. We are hoping that you can help get the word out – we are looking for businesses, schools, churches, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, community organization, and families to plan to do donation drives and/or fundraisers during the months of April and May; and then present their donations during Troops in the Spotlight. If you can help with this please let us know.

We are also looking for Airman, Army, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard personnel who would be willing to participate during Troops in the Spotlight. Last year we raised almost $20,000. in cash donations and over 80,000. worth of supplies were donated. This year the goal is to double those amounts!!!

We will have flyers, posters available within the next week or so and would be happy to send you some. We are also updating our drop off sites, and of course we are always looking for new drop off locations.

We are looking for representatives for each town that would help to get their towns involved. We will also be offering a raffle during this years event and are in need of raffle items.

We would love to hear any suggestions that you may have. We want to make this year’s event a huge sucess!!! So far, we have sent out over 2500 care packages to our troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and continue to support several orphanages, schools and medical clinics in both countries. I made several visits to Bethesda Naval Hospital, and Brooks Army Medical Center. This year I hope to become more involved with our injured troops here at home, supporting not only our injured troops but also their families. Of course, I would like to send out another 1000 care packages by the end of the year!!! The goal for next year’s Christmas Care Packages is 200!!! This year we sent out 120.

Please mark your calendars now and plan to join us during Troops in the Spotlight. We really need a show of support during the event.

More information will be available next week on the web site www.capecod4thetroops.com.

Thank you again for all your support, Cape Cod Cares for the Troops has been so sucessful because of the support I have received from everyone.


Dylan DeSilva
Cape Cod Cares for the Troops

PS Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who may be interested in helping to support our troops

Now for some news from Stop the ACLU. This first article is about who would be the best candidate on judges and standing up to the ACLU? Please feel free to pass these articles on to your friends.

Which Candidate Can We Trust on Appointing Constitutionalist Judges?

…For most people that think fighting the ACLU and judicial tyranny are high priorities, an important question is: who can we trust to appoint constitutionalist judges that don’t write laws from the bench?

Lets not forget that McCain led the gang of 14. Mark Levin reminds everyone:

McCain also led the Gang of 14, which prevented the Republican leadership in the Senate from mounting a rule change that would have ended the systematic use (actual and threatened) of the filibuster to prevent majority approval of judicial nominees.

This next one needs no explaination: “Gitmo Terrorist Lawyers Endorse Obama.” Imagine that.

Well, it’s already tomorrow, so I’m going to stop right here. See the next post for ACT! for America, American Congress for Truth, and many more. I’m almost caught up. Gosh, ya take one day to go to the doctor, and the e-mail overfloweth! lol. Have a great day everyone.

Today (since it is morning already) is going to be an open trackback day so I can continue catching up with everything. Have fun!

These are the posts I’ve linked to because, well, they’re just that good! lol Oh, I will be using Linkfest to find these posts.

Pet’s Garden Blog: Wednesday Hero~SSgt. Justin R. Whiting, The Virtuous Republic: Undocumented Immigrants, Real Crimes Afternoon Edition, Wolf Pangloss: The Oil Parable Open Trackbacks, Right Voices Hardy Har Har: Planned Parenthood Complains That $25/Mo Is Too High For The Pill..Obama Agrees, Leaning Straight Up Bush Derangement in Brattleboro cause blowback as city officials face harassment and scorn.

These are some posts that I found otherwise:

http://www.darrellepp.com: AMERICA ALONE, by Mark Steyn Public Enemy #1, More on the Styen thing, and Canadian Government Says Goodbye To Free Speech, Forces Private Citizen To Obey Sharia.

We really need to be careful about how these politicians mess with our free speech. I agree with Darrell. I should kiss the ground I walk on each day as I arise from the slumber Thou hast provided. Now. These are from Iraq the Model:

Iraq the Model: Hello my friends and Al-Qaeda’s in Iraq New Sponsor: Libya.

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