
Archive for January 28th, 2008

Today you will be reading about someone you may never have heard of before, but that does not make him any less significant. This man was…WAS…an ambassador to North Korea. Why do I emphasize ‘was’? Condi made sure she tore him a new one, instead of admitting that she was WRONG about Kim Jong Il (as I could have told her before she even tried to buy off the North Koreans. When will these idiots learn that you can’t pay off a commie terrorist?).

I would like to start from the beginning, but I’m afraid my knowledge is not that extensive. I will start from when I became aware and started paying attention. This was in the 1990’s. I do know that we fought a war between the north and south over there, that we did not declare victory or defeat but instead we called a ceasefire (which means, in essense, we are still at war with them), that there is a demilitarized zone which is heavily armed by both sides, it is constantly compromised by the north, the northerners are constantly trying to escape even though the punishment is death or the gulag, and the south does not want to allow them into their country even though some of them are direct relatives.

There, are we caught up? Good. Now for the problems. Mr. Jay Lefkowitz. He was working for the State Dept. for many years, but he was made to resign. Why? Well, how dare he undermine Condi! He was speaking at the American Enterprise Institute a couple of weeks ago when he stated, ‘Noting that it has been more than two years since Pyongyang pledged to abandon its nuclear weapons program, and more than two weeks since it violated the latest deadline to disclose the full extent of that program, Mr. Lefkowitz observed that “it is increasingly clear that North Korea will remain in its present nuclear status when the Administration leaves office in one year.”‘

Wow. Pretty rough stuff, eh? Too bad the state dept doesn’t have to search for bark of a tree to eat for food on a daily basis so they don’t starve! This was the purpose of that statement: “Jay Lefkowitz, President Bush’s special envoy for human rights in North Korea, has recently pointed out that our current approach to Pyongyang is failing. Lord help a diplomat who tells the truth.”

Does anyone, besides me, remember why Bush hated Kim Jong Il so much? Yes, it was on the basis of humanitarian reasons. Of course there is the issue of nuclear weapons that have a role in this, but I would have thought he would take a hard stand on the humanitarian side. Over two million people have already starved to death, numerous have been murdered by the state, and no one says a damn thing. Thanks a heap, Bush. What happened to you? Who took your cajones?

To read the article over at the Wall Street Journal Opinion section, click here. Now if you will pardon me, I feel the need to beat up a pillow…

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Mark My Words: OTA Open Trackback 01/28/08, Leaning Straight Up: The Obama/Israel Factor: Is There a Problem Waiting to Happen?, and A Newt One: The Similarities Are Frightening, Thanks much to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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