
Archive for August 15th, 2004


Since I have not yet revealed my “self” to you, I thought today may be a fine day to start. Sundays are very special to me, since they are the day I set aside for the Lord. Actually, every day is the Lord’s day, but we Christians in particular set aside this day.

I have been very happy, very angry, and very confused these past weeks. I am full of joy for the Iraqi football team. Look how wonderfully they play! I am very proud of them. I am very angry at Sadr and Allawi. Sadr-because he causes so much pain to the Iraqis, and Allawi for not realizing that if you let him get away with it, Iran will just arm him again. What kind of a man hides in a holy place? Does he desire the shrine to be destroyed? Do people worship the building, or do people worship what the building represents? If it is the first, then they have no god. If it is the second, then buildings can be repaired or rebuilt. Once someone fires a weapon of war at a soldier of war, they have just declared that building a target. Does he not realize he is not safe? If the new government prevents the coalition from finishing the job and someone wants to find fault with someone, find it with Sadr and Allawi. Sadr is the murderous punk. Allawi for appearing weak. I am confused, however, as to why we don’t take appropriate action. Why not? Does our government want to look weak? Who is tying my President’s hands? The State Department? They need to go, all of them (state dept!) Do not the Iraqi people deserve to live in peace? Yes, they do.

I could pour out my heart for the peoples all over the world that are living in fear and under a corrupt government or communism, but I am afraid no one would care. How selfish have we become? Did we forget how we became great? It was not by our own strength, no! It was the loving hand of God that led the way. Now, some want to forget He even exsists! How dare they! I am outraged! Don’t tell me not to believe what I know to be true. I tolerate the ignorant, because it doesn’t make sense to argue. They won’t change their minds, and by all means they shouldn’t. At the same time, would they please, PLEASE, be at least half as gracious to me??? They preach tolerance, but what they mean is “do as I say. My way or no way.” That, my dear Marxist friends, is not tolerance. It is totalitarianism. This, I will not tolerate! Just as before, I will fight them with prayer, calling my Congresswoman, my Senators, the President, and continue in my efforts with organizations which I belong. We are so blessed that we can still fight without any bloodshed! Thank God.

I still haven’t said much about myself, huh? Oh well! I find it diffifcult to speak about myself, because I don’t really know what to say. I love to write, I enjoy writing poetry, I love the Charlie Daniels Band (country music,) Toby Keith, my cats, all animals, people-most of the time(!), etc. Boring, huh? Ha ha! 😉

I was born in a small town outside of Philadelphia. I lived there until I was nine, then my family moved to upstate New York. I have lived a rather fancy free, yet challenging life. I am an ex-alcoholic since August 19, 1987. I can sometimes go on and on if given the opportunity. I have had 3 brain strokes, but I am fine. I have a port wine birthmark on my face. When I was born, it covered the whole left half of my face! I have learned a lot by looking like this.

I have discovered that some people are shallow, while others are not. I can very easily get rid of the ones who are by not wearing make-up. I hate make-up. It makes me feel phony. I used to wear it all the time, though! Funny, isn’t it, the changes we go through as we grow.

I love this journey called life. I have been to 47 states, and I even lived in 9 states, stayed in a few for more than a week! The one thing that impressed me the most was how much we have in common and how much stays the same, just change the names and places. Of course I wasn’t politically active at the time I was trampsing around the USA, so I can’t speak on that behalf, but I sure enjoyed myself. I would get this itch that said go here or there, and off I would go! I don’t do that anymore, and that makes me sad, but it is okay.

Well, that is about as much as I am willing to share at this moment. I don’t even know if this is politically intelligent. Ah, who am I kidding? I don’t care what people find out about me. I am not ashamed for being alive. I thank God (not as often as I should) that I am alive. Thanks for reading all of this, if you’ve gotten this far.

Let me know what you think, and I could sure use some helpful hints on creative writing, topics, what not to say, etc. God bless the USA, Afghanistan, Iraq, the UK, Poland, Italy, and all the coalition countries, all people that are being oppressed by their government-may they have freedom soon, the children, our families, friends, and neighbors. Have mercy on us, dear Lord, and show us the way. Keep our feet straight away on the path You have set for us, and grant us the strength to weather the storms of life. I pray for Your Peace, Your Love, Your Wisdom, Your Grace, Your Justice, Victory and Your Mercy. I love You, God. Thank You.

That’s all folks! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (Looney Tunes cartoons!)

Originally posted at My Newz ‘n Ideas.

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