
Archive for September 20th, 2008

Oh my goodness. Have I got a full plate or what? I have some articles from Stop The ACLU along with some videos. I also have several videos from Blackfive and PascoGOP. What to do? Should I take up the space on my site? Should I offer the link? Decisions, decisions. Let’s find out as I go along, eh?

The first article is from Stop the ACLU:

I don’t know who this guy is, but he hates Bush and the ACLU. That is rare, so I decided to link his article. Not only for the simple reason of its oddity, but he claims to have had his political speech censored by U.S. judges ordering google to block him. I don’t find that hard to believe. He claims to be a political refugee in Europe now. He’s got some wild claims, quite fantastical…but enjoyable and occasionally a few good points. Its mostly a good critique on how the ACLU is a fraud, but its sprinkled with some good ol’ Bush hate too. [Please read the whole article.]

This next one is a video about the ties and sweetheart deals between Obama and Fannie Mae. Here is the link: Dems make millions, we get stuck with billions in bills. [Here is the link to YouTube.]

Now I have some great videos from Blackfive. Five are interviews, one is an invitation to the great party in Vegas that we’re missing!

Blackfive Vegas Party Invite.

Interview With Tom Kratman, Part 4.

Interview With Tom Kratman, Part 5.

Interview with Michael Z. Williamson, Part 1.

Interview with Michael Z. Williamson, Part 2.

Interview with Michael Z. Williamson, Part 3.

I also subscribe to Stuck On Stupid, and here are some of his videos:

Another Obama Gaffe Obama Promotes Negative Ads.

Brokaw Uses Jesus Was A Community Organizer Talking Point.

Rudy Giuliani: Obama’s Sex Education For Kindergartners Ad.

The Complete Sarah Palin ABC Interview Part 3.

Complete Sarah Palin ABC Interview Part 2.

The Complete Sarah Palin ABC Interview Part 1.

ABC interview: Sarah Palin Talks About Hillary Clinton.

Sarah Palin ABC Interview On Bridge To Nowhere.

Fox & Friends Brad Garrett Most Offensive After The Show Show.

The ABC Sarah Palin Interview With Charlie Gibson.

Celebrity Moron Matt Damon’s Opinion Of Sarah Palin.

You can subscribe to these (or one or the other) at YouTube if you wish. I love getting them on the weekend. Try it. You might like it! 😉

Now I have a very special request. Even though I am a day late and a dollar short, please remember our POW/MIA’s. There is a special man I would like you to think about. His name is Eddie Jeffers, and he died on September 19, 2007 serving this country in Iraq. He was a fine son, and he has a very fine father who is immensely proud of him, but he misses his son. Please say some prayers of comfort for David and all the parents, siblings, spouses, children who are missing their loved one(s) today. Let us never forget them.

MIA/KIA Day is the third Friday of every September. Godspeed.

Hat tip: David @ Salt and Light.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s News and Ideas. Digg! Digg!

May you walk with the LORD always, and when you cannot take another step, may He carry you the rest of the way until you can walk along side Him again.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Today I am having a Linkfest party for all my friends – the ones I know and the ones I will come to know. If you have a post you would like to share, why not trackpost it here? All you have to do is add my Permalink somewhere in your article (usually at the bottom), then trackback to it. You don’t have trackbacks available? Why not use Wizbang Stand Alone Trackback? Everyone have a nice day.

Friends I have trackbacked to through Linkfest and others: Blog @ MoreWhat.comHeather Mills’ Million Dollar Vegan Fest, D=S VIDEO DUMPa day at the range with Rush Limbaugh, Mark My WordsObama continues his infanticide lies, Adam’s BlogThe $700 Billion Bailout.

Friends who have shared their posts for your reading pleasure:

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FDR=Franklin Delano Raines

A friend of mine e-mailed to me this information that was in Wikipedia before it mysteriously disappeared, as most negative things about Obama seem to do. I thought it would be cool to share it with you. NOTHING HAS BEEN CHANGED as to the contents that WAS on Wikipedia.

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Franklin Delano Raines (born January 14, 1949 in Seattle, Washington) is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Fannie Mae who served as White House budget director under President Bill Clinton.

The son of a Seattle janitor [1], Raines graduated from Harvard University, Harvard Law School; and Magdalen College, Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. Raines was of age during the Vietnam War, but performed no military service. He served in the Carter Administration as associate director for economics and government in the Office of Management and Budget and assistant director of the White House Domestic Policy Staff from 1977 to 1979. Then he joined Lazard Freres and Co., where he worked for 11 years and became a general partner. In 1991 he became Fannie’s Mae’s Vice Chairman, a post he left in 1996 in order to join the Clinton Administration as the Director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, where he served until 1998. In 1999, he returned to Fannie Mae as CEO, “the first black man to head a Fortune 500 company.”[1]

On December 21, 2004 Raines accepted what he called “early retirement” [2] from his position as CEO while U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigators continued to investigate alleged accounting irregularities. He is accused by The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO), the regulating body of Fannie Mae, of abetting widespread accounting errors, which included the shifting of losses so senior executives, such as himself, could earn large bonuses [3].

In 2006, the OFHEO announced a suit against Raines in order to recover some or all of the $50 million in payments made to Raines based on the overstated earnings [4] initially estimated to be $9 billion but have been announced as 6.3 billion.[2].

Civil charges were filed against Raines and two other former executives by the OFHEO in which the OFHEO sought $110 million in penalties and $115 million in returned bonuses from the three accused.[5] On April 18, 2008, the government announced a settlement with Raines together with J. Timothy Howard, Fannie’s former chief financial officer, and Leanne G. Spencer, Fannie’s former controller. The three executives agreed to pay fines totaling about $3 million, which will be paid by Fannie’s insurance policies. Raines also agreed to donate the proceeds from the sale of $1.8 million of his Fannie stock and to give up stock options. The stock options however have no value. Raines also gave up an estimated $5.3 million of “other benefits” said to be related to his pension and forgone bonuses.[6]

An editorial in The Wall Street Journal called it a “paltry settlement” which allowed Raines and the other two executives to “keep the bulk of their riches.” [7] In 2003 alone, Raines’s compensation was over $20 million.[3]

A statement issued by Raines said of the consent order, “is consistent with my acceptance of accountability as the leader of Fannie Mae and with my strong denial of the allegations made against me by OFHEO.”[4]

In a settlement with OFHEO and the Securities and Exchange Commission, Fannie paid a record $400 million civil fine. Fannie, which is the largest American financier and guarantor of home mortgages, also agreed to make changes in its corporate culture and accounting procedures and ways of managing risk. [8]

In June 2008 The Wall Street Journal reported that Franklin Raines was one of several public officials who received below market rates loans at Countrywide Financial because the corporation considered the officeholders “FOA’s”–“Friends of Angelo” (Countrywide Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo). He received loans for over $3 million while CEO of Fannie Mae. [5]

On July 16, 2008, The Washington Post reported that Franklin Raines had “taken calls from Barack Obama‘s presidential campaign seeking his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters.” [9]. Also, in an editorial in August 27, 2008 titled “Tough Decision Coming”, the Washington Post editorial staff claimed that “Two members of Mr. Obama’s political circle, James A. Johnson and Franklin D. Raines, are former chief executives of Fannie Mae.” [10]

On September 18, 2008 John McCain‘s Campaign, in an ad critical of Obama, quoted the Washington Post to claim that Franklin Raines advises Barack Obama on economic matters. Both Raines and the Obama Campaign claim that Raines is not an Obama advisor and has never advised Senator Obama. [11]


[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Charles Whitaker, Franklin Raines: First Black Head of a Fortune 500 Corporation — Fannie Mae, Ebony (April 2001)
  2. ^ untitled
  3. ^ Fannie Mae Liberals
  4. ^ Top Financial News
  5. ^ Countrywide Friends Got Good Loans

[edit] External links

Hat tip: Rurik – Veteran-American Voices.

Cross-posted @ Rosemary’s Thoughts.

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